On the steps of the City Hall plaza, Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo said that the Occupy Austin event has reached 1,200 people. The demonstration has remained peaceful, and no arrests have been made.
Many stepped up to air grievances about the income gap in America, the influence of corporate money in politics, the lack of jobs, and a wide variety of other issues.
Im mad as hell about corporate control of our lives, said David Van Os, a lawyer and perennial political candidate. The people have had enough. The people are rising.
The crowds included people of all ages and backgrounds. Some wore suits and ties, and others wore the Guy Fawkes masks popularized by the comic book and film V for Vendetta.
The richest two percent in America have stolen from all of us, said Austin dance instructor Daniel Llanes.
Others had grievances with specific companies. Bill Edwards, an 80-year-old retired military veteran, carried a sign denouncing Bank of America, which he called a parasitic organization. He said he was also angry with the influence of large banks and corporations in politics.
I believe 99 percent of us are being stolen from by the one percent, Edwards said. If you have the people ground down, you could have a revolution.