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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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Timedog said:
An acceptable level of wealth is one that doesn't erode the voting power of the non-wealthy or influence politics.

so the wealthy are responsible for that or the corrupt politicians?

sounds like to me they need to be protesting on capitol hill and/or changing their representatives.
Timedog said:
An acceptable level of wealth is one that doesn't erode the voting power of the non-wealthy or influence politics.

Which is what exactly? Is there a chart?

aronnov reborn said:
so the wealthy are responsible for that or the corrupt politicians?

sounds like to me they need to be protesting on capitol hill and/or changing their representatives.



I don't think it's right to define a level of wealth as acceptable.

I do think it's right to limit the influence extreme amounts of wealth can give a person politically, and I do feel wealth does give you a higher responsibility to society (I blatantly reject objectivism as a philosophy, it's as bad as any fundamentalism)

Dude Abides said:
I wouldn't really call Texas A&M a "university," but here we are.

Cheap shot, and A&M is actually a good school.
JoshDigi said:
Where is the equivalent idiocy in this current movement?

I have a BA in theater.

x Power Pad Death Stomp x said:
I have a BA in theater.


a BA in theater? what was the job goal?

and could not the company be sued if you got sick from that food and they let you eat it?

Your situation sucks but how is the wealthy corporations responsible for that?


good credit (by proxy)
aronnov reborn said:
so the wealthy are responsible for that or the corrupt politicians?

sounds like to me they need to be protesting on capitol hill and/or changing their representatives.

You're saying they need to protest on capitol hill because of a loaded question asked on Neogaf.com about wealth limits. Herrrpp.


Kills Photobucket
aronnov reborn said:
a BA in theater? what was the job goal?

Yeah it's annoying when people take out loans for a degree with no jobs prospects then are shocked they can't get a job with it.

I'm all for student loans (Will have $50000 myself when I'm done in a few years), but I'm getting a degree in aviation, and know I'll be able to get a job that can pay those loans back.

Also, $30,000 in credit card bills? How the heck is that anyones fault but their own?
Timedog said:
You're saying they need to protest on capitol hill because of a loaded question asked on Neogaf.com about wealth limits. Herrrpp.

they need to protest on capitol hill because their entire problem is based on economic policy. If they want true change that's where it's going to happen.. and if even more of my fellow conservatives get in next year they're even waiting longer for any real change that they're fighting for... so they need to start thinking about politics and the election.


Neo Member
x Power Pad Death Stomp x said:
I have a BA in theater.


So pursuing higher education in a field that you are passionate about is as dumb as saying "keep government out of my medicare" or "Obama is a muslin"[sic] or supporting tax cuts for millionaires along with two unnecessary wars and then complaining about the deficit when the two aforementioned things are what created it?


good credit (by proxy)
aronnov reborn said:
they need to protest on capitol hill because their entire problem is based on economic policy. If they want true change that's where it's going to happen.. and if even more of my fellow conservatives get in next year they're even waiting longer for any real change that they're fighting for.

So because they're not on capitol hill(oh wait, Occupy DC! Deerrrp), their words are falling short of reaching politicians. Which is why its all over the news, and there's a 56 page thread on a video game forum about it.

Uh huh. Keep going.
Depends where they get that B.A. in theatre from and what they are doing during their time in school.

I have a friend in Theatre studies at Columbia, and she's working her ass off. She could probably quit right now and secure a steady flow of jobs if she wanted.


aronnov reborn said:
they need to protest on capitol hill because their entire problem is based on economic policy. If they want true change that's where it's going to happen.. and if even more of my fellow conservatives get in next year they're even waiting longer for any real change that they're fighting for... so they need to start thinking about politics and the election.

You do realize that of all that extra income the rich gets to keep, a large part of it ends up in politicians' election campaign bank accounts, right? That's how those tax rates were cut so low in the first place. Politicians got money and were asked to cut rates, so that's why they are protesting Washington AND Wall Street, because the person who hired the hitman is still responsible for the murder.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
DrForester said:
Yeah it's annoying when people take out loans for a degree with no jobs prospects then are shocked they can't get a job with it.

I'm all for student loans (Will have $50000 myself when I'm done in a few years), but I'm getting a degree in aviation, and know I'll be able to get a job that can pay those loans back.
You're looking at, like, $400-$500 a month in payments, and with all the FAA cuts and all the commercial pressures on aviation right now... umm. I mean, you'll get a job, I'm just saying that your prospects aren't exactly the rosiest from my understanding. You probably know better than I do, but that's my impression right now.

Your prospects would look better if the government wasn't slashing aviation-related budgets like they were going out of fashion. I'd recommend aiming for military contractors for work after you graduate. All that this movement is against is the same sort of stuff that is really affecting your profession negatively, so I wouldn't be too hard on it.

All these austerity measures the government is cooking up is going to make this country's economy a lot worse.


Comics, serious business!
DrForester said:
Yeah it's annoying when people take out loans for a degree with no jobs prospects then are shocked they can't get a job with it.

I'm all for student loans (Will have $50000 myself when I'm done in a few years), but I'm getting a degree in aviation, and know I'll be able to get a job that can pay those loans back.

Also, $30,000 in credit card bills? How the heck is that anyones fault but their own?

I support a lot of the Occupy stuff. I just don't get the student loan stuff at all. I'm about to go $80,000 in debt to go back to school. If I don't get a job and die penniless then I'll have nobody but myself to blame.


Kills Photobucket
BobsRevenge said:
You're looking at, like, $400-$500 a month in payments, and with all the FAA cuts and all the commercial pressures on aviation right now... umm. I mean, you'll get a job, I'm just saying that your prospects aren't exactly the rosiest.

Your prospects would look better if the government wasn't slashing aviation-related budgets like they were going out of fashion. I'd recommend aiming for military contractors for work after you graduate.

All these austerity measures the government is cooking up is going to make this country's economy a lot worse.

When I say aviation, I mean as a Pilot. There's always jobs for Pilots. FAA cuts don't really apply to the pilots. With airlines having a forced retirement age, the market is always looking for new pilots.

Only thing that might hurt a bit is the new (stupidly high)* minimum hours for commercial First Officer, but there's tons of other pilot jobs other than the airlines.

* = While people might feel safer with a more "experienced" pilot, the truth of the matter is no one trains in large aircraft like that. Int the end, new first officers are coming from flying small one or two engine prop planes. Someone with 1000 hours in a 1 engine Cessna is not going to have an edge skill wise against someone with 500.

Dude Abides

alstein said:
I don't think it's right to define a level of wealth as acceptable.

I do think it's right to limit the influence extreme amounts of wealth can give a person politically, and I do feel wealth does give you a higher responsibility to society (I blatantly reject objectivism as a philosophy, it's as bad as any fundamentalism)

Cheap shot, and A&M is actually a good school.

The soft bigotry of low expectations.

It's just a joke. When did reactionaries get so dour and humorless? You guys are winning, you should be happy!


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
RSTEIN said:
I support a lot of the Occupy stuff. I just don't get the student loan stuff at all. I'm about to go $80,000 in debt to go back to school. If I don't get a job and die penniless then I'll have nobody but myself to blame.
You shouldn't have to spend that much. That's the point. The gamble shouldn't be that large, especially when America benefits from students having the education by being more competitive globally.


x Power Pad Death Stomp x said:
I have a BA in theater.
I think it should be possible to follow a career in theater without succumbing to crippling debt.
I don't think it's the number 1 problem facing America nor do I believe this should be the focus of this rally, but I don't really get the ridicule.

Also, I believe that all jobs should pay living wages (though I thought starbucks kinda does).

aronnov reborn said:
Your situation sucks but how is the wealthy corporations responsible for that?
He did not blame anyone in this note, I think the cost of higher education and healthcare is the issue here, though it could probably be framed better.


good credit (by proxy)
You guys have successfully latched onto the least important part of my post and made our back and forth discussion about that, completely ignoring the rest! Hooray!

RSTEIN said:
I support a lot of the Occupy stuff. I just don't get the student loan stuff at all. I'm about to go $80,000 in debt to go back to school. If I don't get a job and die penniless then I'll have nobody but myself to blame.

More and more jobs require degrees. More and more schools are charging more out of pocket to get a degree. More and more dcegrees are becoming diluted.

I understand the frustration, although I agree it's silly to complain about $30,000 BA's in theater. There should be some personal responsbility.
Timedog said:
You guys have successfully latched onto the least important part of my post and made our back and forth discussion about that, completely ignoring the rest! Hooray!

Maybe we're just messing with you? Ever consider that?


dave is ok said:
I just noticed that after the crash of 1929, the U.S. raised the top marginal tax rate from 25% to 63%. Now we'd be called socialists if it were raised from 35% to 39%.

Yep, Herbert Hoover did it.

He raised taxes on the rich, increased government spending, had an impossible to work with Democrat-controlled congress that fought him every step of the way. FDR's running mate, John Nance Garner, charged that Hoover was 'leading the country down the path of socialism' in the next election.

Then, years later, he was blamed for the Great Depression. The winners write the history.


Dude Abides said:
The soft bigotry of low expectations.

It's just a joke. When did reactionaries get so dour and humorless? You guys are winning, you should be happy!

LOL at calling me a reactionary if you read the rest of my posts. It's funny how often I get called a commie and reactionary in the same day.

I'm just not a fan of cheap shots from either side. Also, I went to NCSU, so I know what it's like to have your school disparaged the way Texas folks disparage A&M.

DrForester said:
When I say aviation, I mean as a Pilot. There's always jobs for Pilots. FAA cuts don't really apply to the pilots. With airlines having a forced retirement age, the market is always looking for new pilots.

They might make it more dangerous- they're trying to cut out human weather observing right now (though it's on the backburner). This means that if weather is bad, they expect a busy as hell controller to report the current conditions, and they don't bother. This will lead to a crash eventually (which may cost more then the pittance they'd save).


I really hate this idea that what you have to study is something that will make you rich. Why look down on someone because they decided to pursue a dream or study what they love? Sure they wont be rich, and I'm not saying they should be. But I really hate this condescension, "You didn't study Business or Engineering? LOLOLOLOLOLOL!! Starve to death hippie!"


ronito said:
I really hate this idea that what you have to study is something that will make you rich. Why look down on someone because they decided to pursue a dream or study what they love? Sure they wont be rich, and I'm not saying they should be. But I really hate this condescension, "You didn't study Business or Engineering? LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!"
I studied English and Philosophy because I found it immensely interesting and rewarding, but work in IT because that's where the money is. I'm able to do so because I'm a hard worker and don't sit around grousing about the government turkin muh jerbs. There are plenty of jobs out there for people willing to apply themselves and work hard. It seems to be a dying art, though.

Dude Abides

alstein said:
LOL at calling me a reactionary if you read the rest of my posts. It's funny how often I get called a commie and reactionary in the same day.

I'm just not a fan of cheap shots from either side. Also, I went to NCSU, so I know what it's like to have your school disparaged the way Texas folks disparage A&M.

I didn't go to Texas. I was just joking around since Menelaus and Pristine Condition got into an enormous slap-fight in the college football thread a couple weeks ago.

As for your commie/reactionary cred, ridiculous hand-wringing about potential violence clearly falls into the latter category, so I'll stick with it.
aronnov reborn said:
so the wealthy are responsible for that or the corrupt politicians?

sounds like to me they need to be protesting on capitol hill and/or changing their representatives.

This is why these protests make me sad and angry.


They are only following laws that our Congressmen and Senators are passing and are ignoring ones that no one is willing to cite them for. We can throw them out!


aronnov reborn said:
so the wealthy are responsible for that or the corrupt politicians?
I'd say the people doing the corrupting are the source of the problem.


They are only following laws that our Congressmen and Senators are passing
Well the question is... why are the Congressmen and Senators passing these kinds of fucked up laws? That answer leads to Wall Street and the Banks. Hench Occupy Wall Street.

We can throw them out!
As long as it requires massive amounts of money to get elected, then the ones we replace them with are going to have the same issue.
Menelaus said:
I studied English and Philosophy because I found it immensely interesting and rewarding, but work in IT because that's where the money is. I'm able to do so because I'm a hard worker and don't sit around grousing about the government turkin muh jerbs. There are plenty of jobs out there for people willing to apply themselves and work hard. It seems to be a dying art, though.

I also work in IT and you speak to my heart man.


good credit (by proxy)
ElectricBlanketFire said:
Maybe we're just messing with you? Ever consider that?
If that's what you do when you have no substantive point, I'm cool with that, as long as you're out in the open with it like you are now.


Menelaus said:
I studied English and Philosophy because I found it immensely interesting and rewarding, but work in IT because that's where the money is. I'm able to do so because I'm a hard worker and don't sit around grousing about the government turkin muh jerbs. There are plenty of jobs out there for people willing to apply themselves and work hard. It seems to be a dying art, though.
I majored in music and work in IT. But I find that it's not so much about people willing to apply and work hard, it's that people aren't willing to give people the chance to apply themselves and work hard. I have no doubt that if I was in the same situation I was when I started my IT career no way would they have given me the chance that they did in my first job. Hell, I'll make that bet even nearly anyone who has a liberal arts degree and works in IT. If they were to try and start their careers now like they did then none of them would have a job.


Comics, serious business!
ronito said:
I really hate this idea that what you have to study is something that will make you rich. Why look down on someone because they decided to pursue a dream or study what they love? Sure they wont be rich, and I'm not saying they should be. But I really hate this condescension, "You didn't study Business or Engineering? LOLOLOLOLOLOL!! Starve to death hippie!"
Nobody is talking about getting rich.


good credit (by proxy)
Menelaus said:
I studied English and Philosophy because I found it immensely interesting and rewarding, but work in IT because that's where the money is. I'm able to do so because I'm a hard worker and don't sit around grousing about the government turkin muh jerbs. There are plenty of jobs out there for people willing to apply themselves and work hard. It seems to be a dying art, though.

Oh rad, so everyone else is supposed to have a technical skillset that they didn't go to school for.


Lead Based Paint said:
This is why these protests make me sad and angry.


They are only following laws that our Congressmen and Senators are passing and are ignoring ones that no one is willing to cite them for. We can throw them out!
My feelings exactly...


Azih said:
I'd say the people doing the corrupting are the source of the problem.

Well the question is... why are the Congressmen and Senators passing these kinds of fucked up laws? That answer leads to Wall Street and the Banks. Hench Occupy Wall Street.

As long as it requires massive amounts of money to get elected, then the ones we replace them with are going to have the same issue.
They may be the source, but they're not the solution. Democracy needs much more fixing than Capitalism.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Menelaus said:
I studied English and Philosophy because I found it immensely interesting and rewarding, but work in IT because that's where the money is. I'm able to do so because I'm a hard worker and don't sit around grousing about the government turkin muh jerbs. There are plenty of jobs out there for people willing to apply themselves and work hard. It seems to be a dying art, though.
Hear that, 14 million Americans? There's jerbs out there if you'll all just get off your fat lazy (probably librul, lol!) asses and... work... for them. You gotta work if you want jerbs!


aronnov reborn said:
so the wealthy are responsible for that or the corrupt politicians?

sounds like to me they need to be protesting on capitol hill and/or changing their representatives.
Campaign finance reform is constantly getting mentioned in these rallies.


RJT said:
They may be the source, but they're not the solution. Democracy needs much more fixing than Capitalism.
I don't understand this. You take care of the problem at the source. Otherwise you're just dealing with symptoms. Why did Senators and Congressmen decide to put in laws that benefit the richest of the rich? Because the richest of the rich lobbied for it of course and they have incredible influence as it takes massive amounts of money to get elected.

We're both talking about Democracy here. Capitalism is irrelevant. The powerful (whether they get their power from owning capital as in a capitalist society or from being members of the clergy in a theocracy or whatever) are just subverting the democratic process to benefit themselves. So, you have to deal with the powerful.


JoshDigi said:
People at Tea Party events said things like Obama is a muslim, wasn't born in this country, the government is trying to take away my guns and religion, keep government out of medicare etc. All straight up lies. Where is the equivalent idiocy in this current movement?

No one will ever top the tea party when it comes to being dumb and flat out wrong:
I think what people are referring to here isn't the movement itself, it's some of the idiotic people in it.

This is a pretty good example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEq5w2-6X14&feature=player_embedded
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