My biggest beef is the propaganda that births itself from this and how people from all over the world buy into it. Now we're seeing corporations and celebrities take advantage of this by throwing their names in the ring (free advertising?)
This video is absolute bullshit. When you break the law, you're going to get arrested. Convenient how it refuses to show the minutes that took place before the arrests were made.
These protests are doing more harm than good.
And I'm tired of how corporations alone are to blame for the cross selling of shitty mortgage backed securities. How do you think these ARMS were put out into the market? People bought them! They bought a mortgage they could not afford and when they were left on the streets, they cried and pointed to their banks.
Look, I'm as liberal as a gay man is fruity but this lack of common sense if utterly ridiculous. If people want change, they need to enact it from their own will. Sitting and screaming on a sidewalk is not going to change anything.