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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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I'm really pissed off about Bloomberg trying to end Occupy Wall Street NYC. REALLY MAD. Ralph Nader officially jumped the shark when he called upon Bloomberg to run for President. Puh-lease.

Anyways...my feet swelling is better and I'll be out at Occupy Minnesota for another 4-5 days. I guess numbers are dwindling off there...only 50 or so there at the moment. Was always above 100 when I was there a few days ago. So hopefully people come back for the weekend.
ezrarh said:
What is this. I don't understand. Depending how small of a business he has, he might not have health insurance. Which means the cancer will bankrupt him. I don't know what she's getting at.



ezrarh said:
What is this. I don't understand. Depending how small of a business he has, he might not have health insurance. Which means the cancer will bankrupt him. I don't know what she's getting at.

Pretty sure her point is that he still takes personal responsibility for it instead of looking for a handout, even if it kills him.

It's not a very good point. It would make more sense if he had something to show for all of that work, but she says his business is failing
These 53% people are just classic right-wing dickery at work. You're talking about people who are so brainwashed to absolutely hate anything even vaguely associated with "the left" that they'll mindlessly do whatever is takes to prevent them from having a "victory" of any sort.

It's mind boggling how these people can hate their fellow Americans so much, that they would be willing to (continue to) cut off their nose to spite their face.


sangreal said:
Pretty sure her point is that he still takes personal responsibility for it instead of looking for a handout, even if it kills him.

It's not a very good point. It would make more sense if he had something to show for all of that work, but she says his business is failing

Yea I guess I can see that. But is this the America that we really want? For the wealthiest country in the world by a decent margin, the least we could do is provide our citizens with universal healthcare and some safety nets but somehow we're condition to think it's okay to let other people suffer even if it's not their fault.


Neo Member
sangreal said:
Pretty sure her point is that he still takes personal responsibility for it instead of looking for a handout, even if it kills him.

It's not a very good point. It would make more sense if he had something to show for all of that work, but she says his business is failing
"Hard work is it's own reward"...

Or something. As far as I can tell, they value "hard work" over actually living. I'm not sure why they seem to value hard work that leads to failure and possibly death over hard work that leads to failure but continued life.


"My dad worked hard all his life and is going to die from cancer, but at least we ain't complainin! I am the 53!" Would he have been able to do the same today? The cancer still grows? I would like to know how he feels about all this actually.
ColonelColon said:
This is just depressing:

His business is failing, his is cancer treatment quite possibly put him tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, and he is now putting himself in direct danger of working himself to death. How is this a good thing? How is this supporting their side at all? I mean what is her intended message? "Life fucking sucks kid. So suck it up and grab a helmet"?
Mortrialus said:
His business is failing, his is cancer treatment quite possibly put him tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, and he is now putting himself in direct danger of working himself to death. How is this a good thing? How is this supporting their side at all? I mean what is her intended message? "Life fucking sucks kid. So suck it up and grab a helmet"?
A true patriot *sniff*


thanks for the laugh
this 53% thing seems to be the knee-jerk embodiment of every other working american's rampant desire to brag about their shitty working conditions like they are war scars, worshiping at the altar of productivity. dutifully pushing a mop around a diner for a few extra hours so your boss can get a second go around on the hooker that does cheap lunchtime deals or putting in six months of crunch so people you'll never meet can write your expenses down into that year's tax bracket and use the change for their next holiday.

a contorted celebration of their hard work being rewarded by only the barest of existences, whist those truly profiting from it probably don't even remember their names.
It's seriously baffling.

So he came to america with no money and yet somehow managed to start a business. Good luck doing that today. Itll take about 15 years of mopping floors before youre able to afford a hot dog cart.

But anyway.

So this guy works his ass off.
Gets cancer.
And will now die because working his ass off wasnt enough to make money to help him get the right treatment.

Thats the american dream?

Work as hard as you can and watch society abandon you?

Yeah, spending 12 hours a day, 6 days a week working on a business thats failing due to megacorporation competition and slowly dying is surely a cause we should all stand up for.

Id still do her


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
ghst said:
this 53% thing seems to be the knee-jerk embodiment of every other working american's rampant desire to brag about their shitty working conditions like they are war scars, worshiping at the altar of productivity. dutifully pushing a mop around a diner for a few extra hours so your boss can get a second go around on the hooker that does cheap lunchtime deals or putting in six months of crunch so people you'll never meet can write your expenses down into that year's tax bracket and use the change for their next holiday.

a contorted celebration of their hard work being rewarded by only the barest of existences, whist those truly profiting from it probably don't even remember their names.

Because accepting gubbmint assistance means you're a lazy, entitled socialist hippie hipster and can never be a true red blooded Amurican.


I thought her point was that her father was dealing with a lot of shit that he shouldn't have to deal with considering his condition. Basically he isn't living the American dream, he is dying and has to work too many hours just to still make some money.


teiresias said:
What is the 53% figure even referencing? They're the 53% of what metric? Sorry, I've missed this piece of information somewhere.

Apparently only 53% of Americans pay income taxes.
teiresias said:
What is the 53% figure even referencing? They're the 53% of what metric? Sorry, I've missed this piece of information somewhere.

The people who pay federal income tax, I believe. I think it was started by the atheist bashing Eric Erickson or whatever his name is.


teiresias said:
What is the 53% figure even referencing? They're the 53% of what metric? Sorry, I've missed this piece of information somewhere.

The percent of the populace that actually pays federal taxes.

It's easy to be empathetic with other people's resources.


ErasureAcer said:
I'm really pissed off about Bloomberg trying to end Occupy Wall Street NYC. REALLY MAD. Ralph Nader officially jumped the shark when he called upon Bloomberg to run for President. Puh-lease.

Anyways...my feet swelling is better and I'll be out at Occupy Minnesota for another 4-5 days. I guess numbers are dwindling off there...only 50 or so there at the moment. Was always above 100 when I was there a few days ago. So hopefully people come back for the weekend.

That rain is probably killing the fun. :) Unfortunately, the snow will be the death knell for Occupy Minnesota.

I've been hellishly busy this week, but I was there for a bit on Monday and Wednesday.


They're literally trying to hack the 99% off at the knee. Which is funny because the 1% are being assailed for not paying taxes, so now the 53%, certain self-named 'tax payers' are scrambling to defend them?

This is going to be a long haul. So some strategic retreats may be in order. No sense in anyone getting frostbite only to prove a point


akira28 said:
They're literally trying to hack the 99% off at the knee. Which is funny because the 1% are being assailed for not paying taxes, so now the 53%, certain self-named 'tax payers' are scrambling to defend them?

This is going to be a long haul. So some strategic retreats may be in order. No sense in anyone getting frostbite only to prove a point

Change doesn't happen in a few weeks. Egypt took months. The US will take years.
ezrarh said:
Yea I guess I can see that. But is this the America that we really want? For the wealthiest country in the world by a decent margin, the least we could do is provide our citizens with universal healthcare and some safety nets but somehow we're condition to think it's okay to let other people suffer even if it's not their fault.

America is the wealthiest nation on Earth, but its people are mainly poor, and poor Americans are urged to hate themselves. To quote the American humorist Kin Hubbard, “It ain’t no disgrace to be poor, but it might as well be.” It is in fact a crime for an American to be poor, even though America is a nation of poor. Every other nation has folk traditions of men who were poor but extremely wise and virtuous, and therefore more estimable than anyone with power and gold. No such tales are told by the American poor. They mock themselves and glorify their betters. The meanest eating or drinking establishment, owned by a man who is himself poor, is very likely to have a sign on its wall asking this cruel question: “if you’re so smart, why ain’t you rich?” There will also be an American flag no larger than a child’s hand – glued to a lollipop stick and flying from the cash register.
Americans, like human beings everywhere, believe many things that are obviously untrue. Their most destructive untruth is that it is very easy for any American to make money. They will not acknowledge how in fact hard money is to come by, and, therefore, those who have no money blame and blame and blame themselves. This inward blame has been a treasure for the rich and powerful, who have had to do less for their poor, publicly and privately, than any other ruling class since, say Napoleonic times. Many novelties have come from America. The most startling of these, a thing without precedent, is a mass of undignified poor

- Kurt Vonnegut

Funky Papa

akira28 said:
This is going to be a long haul. So some strategic retreats may be in order. No sense in anyone getting frostbite only to prove a point
Spain's 15M movement ran into similar problems way before Occupy Wall Street took form. In our case we didn't have to deal with the 53% nutters (you Americans and your crazy ways), but after a long standoff people got burn out, and some unsavoury members of the far left become way too vociferous.

At that moment it was decided to temporary dissolve the congregations and make them intermittent while looking for other forms of pressure. There are big demonstrations planned for tomorrow, and I expect others to come after.


Keru_Shiri said:
Doesn't... doesn't that SUPPORT the 99%'s argument?

I'm pretty sure that's her point.

She's saying her father came to live the American dream, but even after all that hard work he is now dying of cancer and has to keep working to keep his business up and bring a bit of money in.

Or else she is dumb. Maybe she needs to raise her expectations. The US should be better than Croatia.


ErasureAcer said:
I'm really pissed off about Bloomberg trying to end Occupy Wall Street NYC. REALLY MAD. Ralph Nader officially jumped the shark when he called upon Bloomberg to run for President. Puh-lease.

Yeah, that's when he jumped the shark.


Funky Papa said:
Spain's 15M movement ran into similar problems way before Occupy Wall Street took form. In our case we didn't have to deal with the 53% nutters (you Americans and your crazy ways), but after a long standoff people got burn out, and some unsavoury members of the far left become way too vociferous.

At that moment it was decided to temporary dissolve the congregations and make them intermittent while looking for other forms of pressure. There are big demonstrations planned for tomorrow, and I expect others to come after.

We might actually end up studying the demonstrations and protest movements of other countries for tips. In America our last major movement took years before it was powerful enough to be taken seriously. This one was assembled in weeks and right now it just seems the world is amazed to see someone making a fist at the bully. The folks around the world have updated their methods, so I'm sure there are lessons to learn.

I know for a fact that law enforcement did that in their crowd control 'lessons learned' research.


53% only pay income tax is false. Idk where that insane number came from. I doubt 47% of this country is payed under the table. Unless there is a link someone can point me to?
OccupyWallSTNYC livestream is saying 10,000+ will hold the park tomorrow. Will it fall the next day? Or the day after that? Who knows. I know I'll be calling for a BULLSHIT BLOOMBERG chant in Minneapolis if it falls...and maybe even if it doesn't.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
fortified_concept said:
She's dumb as shit. This should be about supporting the 99%, how the hell can't she see that? Fucking amazing.

You'd have to be either incredibly rich or incredibly dumb to be a "53%"er.

So, yeah.
akira28 said:
Maybe she's some kind of irony-ninja, attacking the 53%rs from the inside?


Can't wait for the weather to turn, then we separate the 99% men from the 99% boys.

ErasureAcer said:
OccupyWallSTNYC livestream is saying 10,000+ will hold the park tomorrow. Will it fall the next day? Or the day after that? Who knows. I know I'll be calling for a BULLSHIT BLOOMBERG chant in Minneapolis if it falls...and maybe even if it doesn't.

Hyperbole. According to twitter the other night, 1 zillion people were lined up and shot by Boston police. Turns out 50 people were arrested and most were released with no charges.
It's Time to GET MONEY OUT of politics

Bailouts. War. Unemployment. Our government is bought, and we’re angry. Now, we’re turning our anger into positive action. By signing this petition, you are joining our campaign to get money out of politics. Our politicians won’t do this. But we will. We will become an unrelenting, massive organized wave advocating a Constitutional amendment to get money out of politics.

We are using our ability to influence media outlets as a platform to force this issue to the center of the 2012 elections. We are using The Dylan Ratigan Show to build this digital wave, so join us. As the petition grows, the wave grows. Email, Facebook, Tweet — GET MONEY OUT.

From our former Washington Lobbyist, Jimmy Williams, here is a DRAFT of our Constitutional Amendment for public debate this fall:

"No person, corporation or business entity of any type, domestic or foreign, shall be allowed to contribute money, directly or indirectly, to any candidate for Federal office or to contribute money on behalf of or opposed to any type of campaign for Federal office. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, campaign contributions to candidates for Federal office shall not constitute speech of any kind as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution or any amendment to the U. S. Constitution. Congress shall set forth a federal holiday for the purposes of voting for candidates for Federal office."

Here is Lawrence Lessig's DRAFT of the amendment. As always we would like your comments for debate.

"No non-citizen shall contribute money, directly or indirectly, to any candidate for Federal office. United States citizens shall be free to contribute no more than the equivalent of $100 to any federal candidate during any election cycle. Notwithstanding the limits construed to be part of the First Amendment, Congress shall have the power to limit, but not ban, independent political expenditures, so long as such limits are content and viewpoint neutral. Congress shall set forth a federal holiday for the purposes of voting for candidates for Federal office."

To double your impact, send GetMoneyOut.com to one other person.



BigBoss said:
Apparently only 53% of Americans pay income taxes.
Even if this percentage is true, it's apparently worth mentioning that income tax isn't the same thing as a payroll tax or sales tax, among other things.

This country has a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome.


ReBurn said:
What would that fix, exactly? Make it so that only the most wealthy can win public office? I don't get it.

You didn't read it carefully then. Yes, the guy running would not be able to use more than the designated maximum.


Wazzim said:
Holy shit! What a boss.
Is that presentator guy fired yet btw? You can't be so subjective and even call someone a leftist nutbar on freaking tv and get away with it.

wow, that video was awesome as hell. I really don't understand how anyone outside of goldman could be against this movement. It will benefit everyone.
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