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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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Timedog said:
Because if you wear a white shirt you just can't control yourself or something? I don't get your post.
White shirts are auxiliary officers or commanding officers. Desk jockeys or administrative staff or code inspectors, etc. They don't do street duty often, and probably aren't well versed in dealing with people. As we can see, every incident so far has been with these white shirts who seem to be escalating things, and acting very rashly, which to me indicates inexperience and lack of control.

Maybe this was how they did things back in the 80s, the last time they were on the beat, but boy do they love bringing that baton way above their heads.


x Power Pad Death Stomp x said:
Do you have links to these videos, I'd like to see them.

Look back at the previous page, posted about 2 hours ago:

Bloodbeard said:

That's at least two examples of alternative videos and perspectives. With all of the cameras filming there, I'm sure several exist if you're interested in doing a little research.


good credit (by proxy)
akira28 said:
White shirts are auxiliary officers or commanding officers. Desk jockeys or administrative staff or code inspectors, etc. They don't do street duty often, and probably aren't well versed in dealing with people. As we can see, every incident so far has been with these white shirts who seem to be escalating things, and acting very rashly, which to me indicates inexperience and lack of control.

Maybe this was how they did things back in the 80s, the last time they were on the beat, but boy do they love bringing that baton way above their heads.

Which, to me, just lends credence to the idea that most of the type of people that want to become police officers are the type of people that should never become police officers. Regardless of whether or not I was pissed off about having to work crowd duty, I would never in a million years do any of this shit (run someone over with my moped and just sit there, mace and punch people unprovoked). What kind of shirt they have is not any sort of reason or excuse for this type of behavior.


Timedog said:
Because if you wear a white shirt you just can't control yourself or something? I don't get your post.

Because you don't know anything about policing.

White shirts are managers.

ie. officers who haven't been doing street-level policing in years, possibly decades.

ie. officers who are less likely to be able to handle themselves appropriately when handled with a stressful situation, such as a massive in-your-face protest movement.

Timedog said:
Which, to me, just lends credence to the idea that most of the type of people that want to become police officers are the type of people that should never become police officers. Regardless of whether or not I was pissed off about having to work crowd duty, I would never in a million years do any of this shit (run someone over with my moped and just sit there, mace and punch people unprovoked). What kind of shirt they have is not any sort of reason or excuse for this type of behavior.

Refer back to my first sentence. It's not about being "pissed" at having to work crowd duty.

and lol @ you "never in a million years" doing any of this shit. You don't know how you would react in such a situation.


Boogie said:
Refer back to my first sentence. It's not about being "pissed" at having to work crowd duty.

I'm not so sure. I'm certain that there's some resentment and anger at those protesters, because 'it's always something', and now this extended event?


I'm not sure his motivation matters. What's immediately important is preventing these abuses and ensuring this guy gets prosecuted and pulled off the street. Then we need to talk about the problematic nature of police brutality and the heirarchy of violence that allows for it.
Boogie said:
Because you don't know anything about policing.

White shirts are managers.

ie. officers who haven't been doing street-level policing in years, possibly decades.

ie. officers who are less likely to be able to handle themselves appropriately when handled with a stressful situation, such as a massive in-your-face protest movement.

Boogie, no need to be a condescending douchebag.

To your point, are all "managers" this unstable and immature? They really have no control of their emotions? Sets a pretty low bar for police force standards.


happyfunball said:
To your point, are all "managers" this unstable and immature? They really have no control of their emotions? Sets a pretty low bar for police force standards.

Not my point. Which you know. So nevermind.
happyfunball said:
They really have no control of their emotions? Sets a pretty low bar for police force standards.

The bar is low because no one can demand it be higher. There are no checks and balances when it comes to the police. It's a rare day when a court sides against an officer.


good credit (by proxy)
Bloodbeard said:
The bar is low because no one can demand it be higher. There are no checks and balances when it comes to the police. It's a rare day when a court sides against an officer.

Nah, it's not that. The real reason is because coralling a large group of people can cause ANYONE to act completely insane. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'D DO IN THAT SITUATION, BRO.


Boogie said:
Not my point. Which you know. So nevermind.

They don't have the same 'training' on how to deal with people. Right, sure, why not. Does that mean they don't have fucking common sense as well? Managers should be held even more accountable for their actions, and should know how to hold themselves in public just as well as behind the desk.


magicstop said:
In no way is it out of context. There are three videos, at least, that give more perspective and broader timing, but the context is clear: an active protest with opposing parties in close quarters. High tension, etc., but again, the police are the only ones sanctioned to carry out violence, and they tend to resort to it more frequently and comfortably than should be allowed. In fact, as in the post I just wrote directly above, the entire relationship and dynamic is pretty fucked.

Dude also might have pushed back. /shrug

Always love that there's a few cops on this one corner near city hall in philly just chillaxing there watching the protesters.
If the cops were out patrolling for crime, and not easting their time with a peaceful protest, this never would have happened.

How many people are walking around Times Square at any given time? You know why they dont deploy 200 cops...? Because it's a normal, peaceful, all-americana activity.

Just like a peaceful sit-in at a park.

If stuff is being broken, if cars are being overturned, then yes, send in the cops. But as it is right now, theyre just wasting tac dollars, and making out like bandits with the overtime.

In fact, it's in the cops best interest to stir shit up.

Throw a few punches = the protest is aggressive! We need DOUBLE overtime!


951 cities, 82 countries.

I will not call people by their username but lmao at the people that thought it would stay in Madrid only at the start.
Darren870 said:
They plan on doing London today.

Really annoying as I work there and I drink in the square they want to occupy.

hey man, there's got to be another regular spot you can hang at for a bit. or just drink there regardless, drink with some protestors, join the protestors, no problem. Voicing discontent peacefully is a lot less annoying than rioting again ya kno?


Alpha-Bromega said:
hey man, there's got to be another regular spot you can hang at for a bit. or just drink there regardless, drink with some protestors, join the protestors, no problem. Voicing discontent peacefully is a lot less annoying than rioting again ya kno?

Saying I work for the bank across the street I don't think I will fit in well :p
Darren870 said:
Saying I work for the bank across the street I don't think I will fit in well :p

did you personally piss on the guys foreclosed home? did you take a great sadistic joy in learning that people were being systematically fucked because of decisions made on higher structural levels? if not, i don't think rational people would mind :p


Darren870 said:
Saying I work for the bank across the street I don't think I will fit in well :p
Well I dunno about rowdy London, but over here the anger is pretty much directed at investment bankers and the like, the rich 1%. Are you among them? If not, you'd be fine over here anyway. I'm sure a 1%r would be fine too if they were there to give support.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Darren870 said:
Saying I work for the bank across the street I don't think I will fit in well :p

Please realize, these aren't irrational hooligans. They are a diverse cross section of the discontented population. They aren't going to attack you.

I would suggest walking into the protest and giving some support. They're not angry with the people that work at banks, they are angry with the people who run them.

You are the 99%.

Well, unless you run the bank....


53%rs using fake pics? Check the date on this one.
I remember that image macro that would let you put text on any blank surface, plus photoshop has been used for this since forever.



haha plus the pidgin english on this fake picture is borderline racist.

the original


GC|Simon said:
Moody's office in Milano, Italy: http://youtu.be/acC0BmY5N_k

Lots of protests around the world. Soul, Tokyo, New York, Sydney, Manila, Berlin, Taipeh and so much more.

Could this really be the dawn of a new world?
Maybe, maybe not. The only thing we know for certain is that there still is a long fight up ahead.

That Milan video was pretty cool to see btw, I already knew they did some shit but had not found any videos of it. I wonder what the reaction will be once that kind of things will start to happen in the US (oh and they will), those higher up guys would be forced to react in some way.
GC|Simon said:
Moody's office in Milano, Italy: http://youtu.be/acC0BmY5N_k

Lots of protests around the world. Soul, Tokyo, New York, Sydney, Manila, Berlin, Taipeh and so much more.

Could this really be the dawn of a new world?

fuck, If i could afford to go to Berlin i'd be right there with them.

any in Zurich? doubt the swiss have huge issues with their banking system... or do they?


real talk.

i live in warshington state. i make less than 15k a year. most of us do the same. most of us in that moneylevel spend alot of money on basic goods and services - GROCERIES, rent, doctors, car maintanence (lucky ones). so we spend a fair amount of money , and are taxed heavily on it. it works out like this:

figuring in taxes on paychecks PLUS sales tax that we all pay on everyday expenditures, peoples in my "bracket" end up spending something like 25 cents PER DOLLAR on taxes.

as opposed to the people in this state who make 500k+ a year, who don't buy shit but just put their money away in hedge funds and wait for later. these people pay something like 2.4% of their total income in taxes.

to sum up: poor people give a quarter of their money earned to the government
rich people give less than 3% of their money to the government

and yeah, that makes me mad. and yeah, that makes me want to march with a fucking sign. where's manos at?
GROCERIES, rent, doctors, car maintanence (lucky ones

brother that's almost of all of us now, barely making it through the week. It should't be like this. Oh you wanna go to college? sorry you weren't born in Europe, that'll be 40,000 at even a cheap school. Oh you want healthcare, or do you want healthcare for your children? better make the right decision!

and if you want to change the high level structural issues that cause this, don't! because then you'll be portrayed as a jobless hippy loser who wants the government to wipe your ass, not because you want to systematic embezzlement, fraud and corruption of high levels of government, finance and corporations to go away in order to bring a semblance of fairness and equity to the common weal. nope


coldvein said:
real talk.

i live in warshington state. i make less than 15k a year. most of us do the same. most of us in that moneylevel spend alot of money on basic goods and services - GROCERIES, rent, doctors, car maintanence (lucky ones). so we spend a fair amount of money , and are taxed heavily on it. it works out like this:

figuring in taxes on paychecks PLUS sales tax that we all pay on everyday expenditures, peoples in my "bracket" end up spending something like 25 cents PER DOLLAR on taxes.

as opposed to the people in this state who make 500k+ a year, who don't buy shit but just put their money away in hedge funds and wait for later. these people pay something like 2.4% of their total income in taxes.

to sum up: poor people give a quarter of their money earned to the government
rich people give less than 3% of their money to the government

and yeah, that makes me mad. and yeah, that makes me want to march with a fucking sign. where's manos at?

State sales tax != all taxation

Someone making $500k in regular payroll income would pay roughly $150k in federal income tax (10x what you make in a year).
akira28 said:
53%rs using fake pics? Check the date on this one.
I remember that image macro that would let you put text on any blank surface, plus photoshop has been used for this since forever.



haha plus the pidgin english on this fake picture is borderline racist.

the original

That is pretty despicable.
jchap said:
Someone making $500k in regular payroll income would pay roughly $150k in federal income tax (10x what you make in a year).

If you believe that you will believe anything.

Also, he was talking about a percentage of total income, it may not be as low as 3% but it would not surprise me in the slightest. there was an expose recently about footballers paying less than 10% tax on their wages.


akira28 said:
53%rs using fake pics? Check the date on this one.
I remember that image macro that would let you put text on any blank surface, plus photoshop has been used for this since forever.



haha plus the pidgin english on this fake picture is borderline racist.

the original

Oh god, can we have a shit fest now were Manos, et al, spend pages talking about how the above pictures is a FAKE and how it COMPLETELY DESTROYS the credibility of all people who are against OWS? That would be fair, right?
Today is going down big! I will be gone most of the day, as Occupy Chapel Hill officially begins its occupation and Occupy Durham presents its declaration of intent to occupy to the General Assembly here. I will try to update the OP some time today or tomorrow, but keep the news fresh and incoming!
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