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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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reggieandTFE said:
What is with the Wall Street apologists collective hard-ons for blaming Barney Frank wrecking the US economy? A lot of democrats enabled the asshole executives that perpetrated the financial crisis. ALL of the republicans enabled the asshole executives that perpetrated the financial crisis. Meanwhile, all of the blame is placed at one guy's feet. Is it because he's Jewish, gay and talks with a lisp?

Barney Frank has been by far the most vocal in providing mortgages to lower income "high-risk" earners for the at least last decade. But no, continue the bigot witchhunt, which Barney Frank himself continues to use a similar tactic when incoherently deflecting criticism.

Do you have a briefcase with a list of all of the names of us bigots as well?...


Enron said:
For some reason posters in this thread sure do like to talk about ME a lot. I don't know why.

Pack mentality.

After watching a lot of the "occupy" videos, seems to be the norm for anyone questioning them in public too.


Something Wicked said:
Barney Frank has been by far the most vocal in providing mortgages to lower income "high-risk" earners for the at least last decade. But no, continue the bigot witchhunt, which Barney Frank himself continues to use a similar tactic when incoherently deflecting criticism.

Do you have a briefcase with a list of all of the names of us bigots as well?...

Some of us have been saying that the blame for all this lies all the way around....over a couple of decades, multiple administrations, the industry, and the public in general. However, that's not an 'acceptable' point of view in this thread.


lol, you guys are so full of shit. You defend yourselves by patting each other on the back and mourning how intolerant and single-minded everyone else in this thread is. It was funny for awhile, but when every other post is "So disagreeing = trolling?" or "People keep arguing with me, man, you guys are so intolerant of a diversity of opinion" it just gets too predictable. You guys need a new line. Maybe you could bring back the "Dirty, smelly hippie" thing, but somehow combine it with calling us fascists, mixed together with how right you are but that nobody in this mad, crazy world can understand you. Oh, and don't forget to point out how childish and immature we are, and how our views are clearly uneducated and ridiculous. That's an important one.

It could be good, guys.
It could be great.
Enron said:
Some of us have been saying that the blame for all this lies all the way around....over a couple of decades, multiple administrations, the industry, and the public in general. However, that's not an 'acceptable' point of view in this thread.

No your views are perfectly acceptable for you. Your attacking the protesters because you think the clean up is a waste of money is the reason you were called out. Make a comment that some people think is dumb and intentionally inflammatory, then expect to be called out on it. Keep crying about how your being mistreated because of your comment and expect to be called out on it. Fucking victim mentality on that is a joke.


moop2000 said:
No your views are perfectly acceptable for you. Your attacking the protesters because you think the clean up is a waste of money is the reason you were called out.

I'm sorry, but I actually live less than two miles from this park. I used to work right around a corner from it, and I find myself in that area frequently. Of course it's not your problem, and you don't care about these guys fucking up your shit because it isn't your shit.
Enron said:
Some of us have been saying that the blame for all this lies all the way around....over a couple of decades, multiple administrations, the industry, and the public in general. However, that's not an 'acceptable' point of view in this thread.

That's not true. I've asserted the same thing (with the exception of the nonsense of "the public" being responsible). I don't think that's what you're getting shit for.
Enron said:
I'm sorry, but I actually live less than two miles from this park. I used to work right around a corner from it, and I find myself in that area frequently. Of course it's not your problem, and you don't care about these guys fucking up your shit because it isn't your shit.

It isn't your shit either and you aren't paying for the clean-up no matter how much you cry about it.

And of course, I never said "it's not my problem" but go ahead and make that shit up.


Neo Member
Enron said:
Of course it's not your problem, and you don't care about these guys fucking up your shit because it isn't your shit.

If you were trying to offer people a concise explanation for your reaction to OWS, then good job!


empty vessel said:
That's not true. I've asserted the same thing (with the exception of the nonsense of "the public" being responsible). I don't think that's what you're getting shit for.

No but it is was that guy was getting shit for.


i made the misfortune of turning on Lou Dobbs....some guy just said there are no blacks in the Occupy Wallstreet movement because they are working 3 jobs and these white kids need to get a job and everyone on the "panel" just nods their head and laughs in agreement.

Sometimes...i get angry that these people are allowed on tv and can pretend to have valid political opinions.
Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Let me know when it gets to Ibiza. I'll occupy that.

Bloodbeard said:

Holy shit, NYPD White Shirt KO's a woman protestor.

Apparently, from one of the comments on that page, the person is actually a guy, as it is obvious from other videos. I don't care enough to search for such videos though.


Deku said:
I'm aware how they securitized subprime mortagages.

The act of securitizing mortage payments and giving a portion of the cash stream AAA isn't controversial however, as with a large pool of consumers you can be certain that some percentage of people will be paying their mortages, even if its not the same person month to month.

You aren't.


Enter the CDO. They may not have known what a CDO was,
but their minds were prepared for it, because a small change in
the state of the world created a huge change in the value of a
CDO. A CDO, in their view, was essentially just a pile of triple-
B-rated mortgage bonds.

Wall Street firms had conspired with
the rating agencies to represent the pile as a diversified
collection of assets, but anyone with eyes could see that if one
triple-B subprime mortgage went bad, most would go bad, as
they were all vulnerable to the same economic forces. Subprime
mortgage loans in Florida would default for the same reasons,
and at the same time, as subprime mortgage loans in California.
And yet fully 80 percent of the CDO composed of nothing but
triple-B bonds was rated higher than triple-B: triple-A, double-
A, or A. To wipe out any triple-B bond--the ground floor of the
building--all that was needed was a 7 percent loss in the
underlying pool of home loans. That same 7 percent loss would
thus wipe out, entirely, any CDO made up of triple-B bonds, no
matter what rating was assigned it.
"It took us weeks to really
grasp it because it was so weird," said Charlie. "But the more we
looked at what a CDO really was, the more we were like, Holy
shit, that's just fucking crazy. That's fraud. Maybe you can't
prove it in a court of law. But it's fraud."


I mean...I guess they could have gotten a police commanders uniform...

as for motivation, he's tired of being out there. He's a deskjob police officer. He'd like to go home. He didn't sign up to stand around a bunch of citizens exercising their rights. He's not even sure they have rights.


akira28 said:
I mean...I guess they could have gotten a police commanders uniform...

as for motivation, he's tired of being out there. He's a deskjob police officer. He'd like to go home. He didn't sign up to stand around a bunch of citizens exercising their rights. He's not even sure they have rights.

Yup. Like I said, don't put white shirts out on the frontlines.
Karma Kramer said:
lol idk, video just seems so random and weird... nothing about it specifically makes me think its fake/staged... I just can't wrap my head around the motivation of the cop.

I'd like to see it from another angle or something, because as it is now, it's camera pans down, guy in green shirt is there, guy in green shirt gets KTFO.

While it clearly appears to be horrible and possibly criminal behavior on the part of the officer, it's very out of context.


Article spells it out nicely, I think. Cops were probably frustrated and had adrenaline flowing, protesters were probably frustrated and had adrenaline flowing . . . Cop is pushing people around, yelling at people to GTFO out of the way; protester throws cop a nasty look in response, and the cop loses his cool, knocks the guy the fuck out and a bit of craziness ensues.

I can understand the environment in which it happened, but it's absolutely inexcusable. In fact, it is indicative of a problematic environment in which we give the exclusive social right for access to violence to a group of people who are being paid to violently (and otherwise) enforce the laws and rules that are made by the ruling class of people: the people with the money, influence, and power, and therefore who have a vested interest in making sure they stay in power. The 1%.

That's a pretty fucked up power dynamic and setup, but it always has been. It definitely needs to be addressed amongst a lot of other important issues.


Boogie said:
Yup. Like I said, don't put white shirts out on the frontlines.

I'm not sure why they did it. I'm wondering if they're undermanned, or if they have staff directed elsewhere, like some unseen terrorist watch thing or something.

I mean, the cops have to protect those protesters as well. Someone from the outside could take advantage of all that activity for ill purposes, and I'm sure the police have considered that, but if that was the case, you'd think they'd work WITH the protesters to ensure public safety. Instead of seeing them as damn enemies of the public, they ARE the public.


x Power Pad Death Stomp x said:
I'd like to see it from another angle or something, because as it is now, it's camera pans down, guy in green shirt is there, guy in green shirt gets KTFO.

While it clearly appears to be horrible and possibly criminal behavior on the part of the officer, it's very out of context.

In no way is it out of context. There are three videos, at least, that give more perspective and broader timing, but the context is clear: an active protest with opposing parties in close quarters. High tension, etc., but again, the police are the only ones sanctioned to carry out violence, and they tend to resort to it more frequently and comfortably than should be allowed. In fact, as in the post I just wrote directly above, the entire relationship and dynamic is pretty fucked.


good credit (by proxy)
Boogie said:
White Shirts doing front line crowd control is the worst idea ever.
Because if you wear a white shirt you just can't control yourself or something? I don't get your post.
magicstop said:
In no way is it out of context. There are two videos, at least, that give more perspective and broader timing, but the context is clear: an active protest with opposing parties in close quarters. High tension, etc., but again, the police are the only ones sanctioned to carry out violence, and they tend to resort to it more frequently and comfortably than should be allowed. In fact, as in the post I just wrote directly above, the entire relationship and dynamic is pretty fucked.

Do you have links to these videos, I'd like to see them.
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