bill gonorrhea
I took 746 pictures at the OccupySeattle rally today. After I sort through them and upload them Ill post some pics.
bill gonorrhea said:I took 746 pictures at the OccupySeattle rally today. After I sort through them and upload them Ill post some pics.
SouthernDragon said:I missed the Miami Occupy... it lasted two hours.
wtf, latinos, wtf.
On the plus side, it was apparently massive; the setups I saw covered a rather large park, must have held at least 1000 people.
I'm being self-deprecatingly racist and implying that Latinos can't plan a serious movement in Miami.richiek said:Do you mean that there was a lack of Latinos? Aren't Cubans in Miami predominantly conservative compared to other Latinos?
akira28 said:Slip, do you think that some of the larger movements might actually have plans and aims and goals? Or that they might be in development and that they will seriously pursue them? Or will you base your idea of the entire movement on whatever kid decided to actually speak to news reporters, or some dude you spoke to at a 10 person rally in Irvine?
Ether_Snake said:Please let us known when you foreclose. So we can laugh.
Yes, English isn't my first language. My statement still stands![]()
hey sp3000 if rich get rich because they work harder, and you say people in china and india work far harder than anyone in America why aren't the Chinese and Indians filthy rich?
hey it's you again!!! you still haven't quantified exactly what makes the work of non-Americans harder than mine in the same occupationsp3000 said:Read up on globalization and learn some basic economics and read my post again.
markot said:How is 'we are pissed off' not a message?
Why do they need to be specific? Maybe I am crazy, but there are more than enough things to be pissed off about without needing to go into specifics or listing them. And I think the fact that they occupied wall st, is pretty obviously indicative of what their main problem is >_<
markot said:How is 'we are pissed off' not a message?
Why do they need to be specific? Maybe I am crazy, but there are more than enough things to be pissed off about without needing to go into specifics or listing them. And I think the fact that they occupied wall st, is pretty obviously indicative of what their main problem is >_<
Read up on 'globalisation' lol, good one. Next up, tell someone to 'read up on history' or 'shoes'.
Also I love that you got 'emotional or angry' from that post, when it is so clearly not.
SouthernDragon said:I missed the Miami Occupy... it lasted two hours.
wtf, latinos, wtf.
On the plus side, it was apparently massive; the setups I saw covered a rather large park, must have held at least 1000 people.
richiek said:Do you mean that there was a lack of Latinos? Aren't Cubans in Miami predominantly conservative compared to other Latinos?
SouthernDragon said:(busted car + shit public transport = SouthernDragon not getting there on time).
coldvein said:it'd be really helpful if the whole movement could just focus on a few key issues so everybody could shut up with the "WHATS UR MESSAGE DURRR""..
I ain't even mad. Just calling a stupid spade a stupid spade.sp3000 said:I'm glad to see your getting emotional and angry. It's a laugh. Read up on globalization and learn some basic economics and read my post again.
SlipperySlope said:I base it on what I've read on the Internet, the news, that Opie and Anthony thing, personal experience, and well, this thread.
This thread itself isn't really specific, from my limited time here.
That's what I would think. Sooner or later "pissed off" needs to coalesce into something common that people can work toward changing. Right now the reaction to "pissed off" is "who cares?" and that's not likely to change until there is something cohesive. Most of the time people just have to get over "pissed off" and actually focus enough to do something about it.coldvein said:"we are pissed off" is a great message. especially when it's coming from damn near everywhere right now. the evolution of that message, though, has to be "we are pissed off and we want X to change". right?
markot said:They have a message, but the clear point of everything, the media, is to muddle it, you ask 10 people what their message is and you get 10 different replies. Big surprise?
Its called diluting a message by pretending it doesnt exist. It does, its pretty damn clear to most people, only those who are against it are trying to pretend it doesnt exist. 'lol wat they want?!'
So you're basically saying it's okay for an organization to operate without leadership? Because that's what's happening right now.akira28 said:Slip, do you think that some of the larger movements might actually have plans and aims and goals? Or that they might be in development and that they will seriously pursue them? Or will you base your idea of the entire movement on whatever kid decided to actually speak to news reporters, or some dude you spoke to at a 10 person rally in Irvine?
Umm hello? The democrats have been doing this for ages.ChefRamsay said:So you're basically saying it's okay for an organization to operate without leadership?
lol?Enron said:Right Wing cries: "Media bias!"
Left Wing cries: "Media bias!"
There's only one thing media is biased about: Money. They will go wherever the story goes. Whatever makes people tune in. These protests don't seem to yet interest the average American.
akira28 said:That's a lot of sources. Have you been down to or yet?
And more importantly, my friend, what do you want to march over?
ronito said:I ain't even mad. Just calling a stupid spade a stupid spade.
Maybe you'd understand this better if I had someone from china or india explain it to you.
Wish all those wretchedly poor people in India worked harder eh? Its like they love living in filth or something!sp3000 said:I'm Indian and have lived in India for a year. I think I understand it better than you
markot said:lol?
In what world do you live in where media isnt biased? The whole damn point of media originally and to this day, has been to be biased.
When someone started a newspaper, what did they want to do? Nothing? Or 'bias' opinion in their favour? What do you think pampletters were doing, the original op eds. And all media and news is biased, its the nature of the beast. Claiming it is anything but shows a complete lack of understanding of what the whole point of the beast is there for.
XMonkey said:Regarding the bold specifically, I hope you aren't under the impression that those who are rich earned it through just hard work and perseverance. There are millions of low income people who work just as hard, if not harder because a lot of them do demanding manual labor, than those with more money. Wealth is often inherited, too. If you were born into a wealthy family, your chances of becoming wealthy yourself are increased dramatically. It's not as simple as "hey, you're rich because you worked hard" and it sounds like you're getting close to the "it isn't fair to tax rich people" argument, which isn't a very sound one to make, given the way our current tax system is structured.
markot said:Wish all those wretchedly poor people in India worked harder eh? Its like they love living in filth or something!
sp3000 said:I'm Indian and have lived in India for a year. I think I understand it better than you
The government has actually started doing this a little making H1Bs more difficult to attain. Which lead to a great quote I heard this week, "Yeah if we hire citizens they want to be paid well, and demand career development and stuff."onadesertedisland said:End easy outsourcing. Make it costly for corporations to outsource jobs (tariffs or taxes).
sp3000 said:Your ignorance is hilarious as always. Keep judging an entire country without having ever been there.
End easy outsourcing. Make it costly for corporations to outsource jobs
eBay Huckster said:Then somehow I get the feeling I (and, for that matter, every other American poster in here) would understand the intricacies of the American economy better than you.
(whatev, I'm going to be one of these career politicians in twenty years anyway so what do I care about the USA getting a competitive advantage anywhere)
SlipperySlope said:What's amazing are Indian programmers. For $4 an hour they can live like kings and even have maids.
Race to the bottom.sp3000 said:Then corporations would simply move overseas. Great thinking there.
So the people living in filth in India and in desperate poverty. Do they not work hard enough? I am just trying to understand why they are so poor. Why not explain it to me since you are Indian?sp3000 said:Your ignorance is hilarious as always. Keep judging an entire country without having ever been there.
sp3000 said:Then corporations would simply move overseas. Great thinking there.
sp3000 said:alpha, do you realize those idiots who couldn't pay for their homes and lost them are part of why this financial collapse started.
sp3000 said:Then corporations would simply move overseas. Great thinking there.
You obviously don't know what you're talking about. I bet you're not even from India.WowBaby said:This is ignorance. My parents bought a home during the sub-prime boom. The mortgage amount was completely affordable and they had no problems meeting their payments until the banks started selling these mortgages to each other. Seven years and many banks later the monthly payment was now 250% of what is was to begin with. They have managed and still have their home, but I don't see how it would have been their fault if they had defaulted. They, like many other unsuspecting homeowners, did not sign up to become the ball in the banks' mortgage ping-pong games.
There must be a moment where a country chooses self preservation over the idea of a tariff free market. This is that time.sp3000 said:Then corporations would simply move overseas. Great thinking there.
I was born and raised in this country, so try your racism somewhere else junior.
markot said:Um, its not just biased towards money, it is always biased towards its own survival, its own corporations message and needs.
Getting ratings is one way of making money. These are massive corporations these days, with many more interests than 'ratings'. They have political leanings, 'foundational' issues which make them lean one way or another, all sorts of things that add to the bias within them, they are indeed these days part of the power structure, not seperate from it. Thats one of the big problems there, and they aint going to do anything to but that line between those in power and themselves. To the extent where they can be little more than PR pieces for x and y and no longer the 'guardian' of public interests that they were hyped up as by morons.
Money is just one issue, and not the biggest.
News corporation papers all over the world supported the Iraq war. Journalists in the NY times hyped up extremely dubious WMD claims.
They are entangled in the web the protestors want to clean off, they are as much a part of the problem as the government. They have an interest in this fight, and it aint on the protestors side.
I've been there. The people protesting on Wall Street have nothing in common with the poor in India. Maybe if after a hard day of protesting they went home to a slum made of rotting wood and rusted metal with no clean water to drink and little food to eat they might. Except the people in India are too busy trying to survive to protest.sp3000 said:Your ignorance is hilarious as always. Keep judging an entire country without having ever been there.