Higgy said:
And I can go to some right wing web site and hear the same drivel by some guy who thinks the same revolution is coming every time he hears the tea party mentioned on the news. You know that drivel how the government is stripping away freedom and all that jazz. Same tune different party.
Except it isn't. The Financial crisis is due to the enablers of Wall Street, who have been for the most part Republicans. A few wealthy or soon to be wealthy Democrats like Clinton did the same, but for the whole, it's mainly the 30 year strategy of the Republican party played out in Congress, they won. It looked like a good thing even, but it very much wasn't. Private sector abused their freedom, it's only natural, almost innocent, almost. You'd like to think they just found their boundary, but they didn't. They're going to ride this pony into the sea to their waiting yachts, while we have to deal with the new global economy of trying to be equalized with the remainder of the developing world. White collar world may be content to let that happen to blue collar people, but I'm not. They told us America was going to be the white collar workforce of the world, years ago. I'm serious. We would be a data and information based society while the rest of the world became the manufacturing workforce that could build whatever we could imagine. This was back in the late 90s, I was a low level clerk then. This was Nafta era, they were still trying to sell it. They told us we didn't need to manufacture anymore. Computers were the future, etc, etc. Now the only available jobs are low level or high level service industry. They're always promoting executives. My last job, I've never seen so many goddamn Vice Presidents of this, that, or the other.
The difference is this affects all of us, and it isn't just someone's strong opinion about guns or religion. They toss that stuff up there and people jump and catch it like dogs while they send all of our jobs away. And we're left with peanuts, and they expect us to fight over them. In my mind's eye, I see American manufacturing plants, regulated competition internationally. You know they say they won't encourage people to buy American because they don't want a Trade War? A fucking Trade War? We had one with Japan, during the 70s-80s? We got some cool toys and cartoons out of it. The people who run this ship aren't worried about us, so we have to be wary. That's all this is. This is the start, people tend towards explaining things away, all of us are naturally like that, until we can't anymore. We're at that point, right now.