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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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Note: I voted Democrat


Uh, those weren't the only two GAFfers at Occupy movements.

But, please, continue selecting samples that fit your preconceived notions that will allow you to dismiss an entire movement.


bjb said:
Utterly disturbing comment.

Between this guy and that other cop-hating clown (Empty Vessel), OWS crowd really starting to show their true colors.
It's known by past threads that EV has an absurd hate for the police, but no one seems to mind since he atleast appears intelligent unlike other GAF socialists like Somedude or fortified_concept

Dude Abides...kinda worthless


bjb said:
Utterly disturbing comment.

Between this guy and that other cop-hating clown (Empty Vessel), OWS crowd really starting to show their true colors.

Thank you. Fill out this questionnaire and place it in the box by the door. Someone will contact you shortly. Thanks again for your time and don't forget to support public radio!


Gold Member
akira28 said:
Thank you. Fill out this questionnaire and place it in the box by the door. Someone will contact you shortly. Thanks again for your time and don't forget to support public radio!
You know what I've noticed? The commentators on public radio seem to have soft, soothing voices. On the talk radio station the commentators have loud or shrill voices.

I wonder why that is?


An analogy comes to mind:

A crime has been committed. The finances of the American public are a body stabbed in the back and bleeding out on the floor. Law enforcement and the judicial system are on the take and don't seem to be the least bit interested in finding or investigating the perpetrators. Meanwhile the body continues to bleed out while emergency responders debate whether to pull the knife out and affix a bandaid to the gaping wound or to push the knife in deeper. Many are enraged by these actions, but what recourse do they have except to speak out in anger and hope that if their numbers grow large enough, those in power will be forced to listen? Of course there are some who don't get what the fuss is about, clearly the guy on the floor walked into that knife and if he bleeds to death it was his own damn fault anyway.

In the periphery a peanut gallery debates the quality of the protesters haircuts and uses the occasional extreme opinion to try to delegitimize their justifiable dissatisfaction with the system.
bjb said:
Utterly disturbing comment.

Between this guy and that other cop-hating clown (Empty Vessel), OWS crowd really starting to show their true colors.

Heh. No, I quite think it's the other way 'round. Keep it up!


dave is ok said:
Manos is now the #2 poster in this thread. Keep it up Manos, I believe in you! Occupy First Place!

If it wasn't for Manos and Enron, this thread would hardly ever be on the first page of gaf. Their confrontational posting style drives argumentative liberals up the wall, which causes a cascade of never ending debates. It might seem pointless and silly, but without Manos/Enron this thread would be ten posters just looking at protest photos and sharing the same Glen Greenwald articles. The irritable pro-corporate posters stave off boredom and give the protests more visibility among gaf's lurkers. We should be thanking them.
Jak140 said:
An analogy comes to mind:

A crime has been committed. The finances of the American public are a body stabbed in the back and bleeding out on the floor. Law enforcement and the judicial system are on the take and don't seem to be the least bit interested in finding or investigating the perpetrators. Meanwhile the body continues to bleed out while emergency responders debate whether to pull the knife out and affix a bandaid to the gaping wound or to push the knife in deeper. Many are enraged by these actions, but what recourse do they have except to speak out in anger and hope that if their numbers grow large enough, those in power will be forced to listen? Of course there are some who don't get what the fuss is about, clearly the guy on the floor walked into that knife and if he bleeds to death it was his own damn fault anyway.

it's an analogy, but none can really encompass the scope of the issue.

Dude Abides

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
See these are the type of responses that typified Dude Abides posts in the Walmart Tazer thread.

For the last time, no matter how much you talk about me and what I posted in a completely unrelated thread that nobody else cares about, I still won't be attending your taser fetish party. I'm just not into them.
kame-sennin said:
If it wasn't for Manos and Enron, this thread would hardly ever be on the first page of gaf. Their confrontational posting style drives argumentative liberals up the wall, which causes a cascade of never ending debates. It might seem pointless and silly, but without Manos/Enron this thread would be ten posters just looking at protest photos and sharing the same Glen Greenwald articles. The irritable pro-corporate posters stave off boredom and give the protests more visibility among gaf's lurkers. We should be thanking them.
When you depend on me to drive a movement it kind of indicates the movement is deeply flawed in message and organization.


Alpha-Bromega said:
it's an analogy, but none can really encompass the scope of the issue.
True, although sometimes they can be useful for putting things in perspective. I think the peanut gallery thing I edited in later was what I was trying to get at when I started the post.
Dude Abides said:
For the last time, no matter how much you talk about me and what I posted in a completely unrelated thread that nobody else cares about, I still won't be attending your taser fetish party. I'm just not into them.
You really need to deviate a bit from your standard reply routine, then again you'd have to do that in posts that didn't even involve me, so perhaps its asking a bit much.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
You do realize that thread was making fun of the squatters, and long before I started posting in it.

I appreciate the sentiment - I do, we're all struggling out here - but I can't help but feel that all this does is hamper normal folk from going to work without ever actually doing anything to the people who actually are in charge of the banks (the "bad guys").

A fair enough assessment, let's discuss this developing situation.

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Yes because violence and destruction of property is a good thing. You know the idiots who do that will mostly wind up smashing crap not owned by Wall Street, but regular people.

But that doesn't seem to be the goal of the~

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Protest? It seems more like a bunch of dumb anarchists and leftists who want to squat a.d potentially riot. Yeah, great way to change the world.

Wait who said anyhing about rio~

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Because when an idea is associated with a bunch or idiots/attention whores/squatters/black bloc it tends to kill the message because of who it's associated with.

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
You do understand that there are surrounding businesses not owned by "Wall Street" around where a bunch of scumbag squatters are going to be trying to slum.

I'll stop at page three.


I'm debating what is a better new thread title: "Personal Vendettas: The Thread" or "Endless discussion of ancillary bullshit irrelevant to the greater movement."
DOO13ER said:

Good times.

Cat Party said:
Subscribing to laugh at the fail on September 18.

ronito said:
I will be in this thread on the 17th saying, "Well that was disappointing."

ConfusingJazz said:
Yup, this will turn out well. It will either be disappointing, or turn into a bunch of idiots rioting, and make everyone who supported it look like idiots.

I swear, if I were in the position of the banks, I would pay the Black Bloc to riot.

smokeymicpot said:
This won't work at all especially next week. Security is going to be crazy all next week.

ConfusingJazz said:
Because all its going to do is break a few windows, and make the people that show up there look like thugs after the Black Bloc comes in and starts stealing ipods and stuff.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
When you depend on me to drive a movement it kind of indicates the movement is deeply flawed in message and organization.

That's clearly not what I was trying to sa- oh, you're good.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
kame-sennin said:
Good times.

I'm not gonna pretend like I didn't have my own doubts when it all got started and I honestly can't fault a poster who dropped in to suggest the whole thing would fall flat on its face. But once the violent mobs and vandals (mostly) fail to materialize, it's time to GTFO with that narrative.


lol, why on earth are you guys responding to Manos? I appreciate that he, Enron, and a few others keep the thread bumped and visible, but it seems like there's enough news going on to completely ignore interacting with them.

Tonight, I am making the purposeful decision to not go to our local GA, as I've GOT to get caught up on some stuff, including updating this thread. I've been at our Occupation pretty much all day, except when I'm at work. Things are going really well here locally, and it seems like there is a shit load of news and things happening that I need to update.

If you've got something in particular that you would like to see updated or posted in the OP, and you aren't a troll, send it my way via PM. I'll be checking later tonight after some errands, and will try to do a massive update.

I hope you Occupy Gaffers out there are fairing well. This thing is doing damn well, and I'm really happy that it is.
DOO13ER said:
A fair enough assessment, let's discuss this developing situation.

But that doesn't seem to be the goal of the~

Wait who said anyhing about rio~

I'll stop at page three.
You're right if those events occur now it will mostly be due to the squatters of their own volition. To act like they still can't turn violent or destructive is being naive though.
magicstop said:
lol, why on earth are you guys responding to Manos? I appreciate that he, Enron, and a few others keep the thread bumped and visible, but it seems like there's enough news going on to completely ignore interacting with them.

Tonight, I am making the purposeful decision to not go to our local GA, as I've GOT to get caught up on some stuff, including updating this thread. I've been at our Occupation pretty much all day, except when I'm at work. Things are going really well here locally, and it seems like there is a shit load of news and things happening that I need to update.

If you've got something in particular that you would like to see updated or posted in the OP, and you aren't a troll, send it my way via PM. I'll be checking later tonight after some errands, and will try to do a massive update.

I hope you Occupy Gaffers out there are fairing well. This thing is doing damn well, and I'm really happy that it is.
Good to know you don't tolerate any dissent or deviation from the squatting.

Please continue to waste the limited funds of cities due to your self indulgent behavior.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
You're right if those events occur now it will mostly be due to the squatters of their own volition. To act like they still can't turn violent or destructive is being naive though.

So because they could turn violent, we should probably deride and insult them.

DOO13ER said:
I'm not gonna pretend like I didn't have my own doubts when it all got started and I honestly can't fault a poster who dropped in to suggest the whole thing would fall flat on its face. But once the violent mobs and vandals (mostly) fail to materialize, it's time to GTFO with that narrative.

Sure. When I first heard about the protests I was waaaay to cautious to even hope that it would be successful. I thought it would be a tiny demonstration that dissipated quickly. But it wasn't. People understand what the message is and are showing solidarity. The movement is growing. The media is no longer able to ignore it. I posted those quotes to remind people of how far OWS has come, and to show that some people will always criticize the movement no matter what form it takes or success it attains. Perspective is really important for any long term protest.
DOO13ER said:
I'm not gonna pretend like I didn't have my own doubts when it all got started and I honestly can't fault a poster who dropped in to suggest the whole thing would fall flat on its face. But once the violent mobs and vandals (mostly) fail to materialize, it's time to GTFO with that narrative.
Thanks to the good work of the NYPD. Left to their own devices and free reign I'm fairly certain property and lives would have been lost.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Thanks to the good work of the NYPD. Left to their own devices and free reign I'm fairly certain property and lives would have been lost.

I'm gonna go ahead and stop, because it's pretty clear to me now that you won't - no matter how many times you say you will.

But you're a piece of work, to be sure.
DOO13ER said:
So because they could turn violent, we should probably deride and insult them.

I'd deride and criticize them them from having no goal, squatting (versus simply protesting for a day), and the hobo chic fashion that most likely cost a couple hundred dollars.

Its not like threat of violence is the only to worry or be critical of.
magicstop said:
lol, why on earth are you guys responding to Manos? I appreciate that he, Enron, and a few others keep the thread bumped and visible, but it seems like there's enough news going on to completely ignore interacting with them.

Tonight, I am making the purposeful decision to not go to our local GA, as I've GOT to get caught up on some stuff, including updating this thread. I've been at our Occupation pretty much all day, except when I'm at work. Things are going really well here locally, and it seems like there is a shit load of news and things happening that I need to update.

If you've got something in particular that you would like to see updated or posted in the OP, and you aren't a troll, send it my way via PM. I'll be checking later tonight after some errands, and will try to do a massive update.

I hope you Occupy Gaffers out there are fairing well. This thing is doing damn well, and I'm really happy that it is.

Thanks for your contributions to this thread and the occupy movement.

As for Manos, my post was tongue in cheek but my point was accurate. The OT is filled with argumentative people. When Manos posts, this happens:


"What do you want me to do? LEAVE? Then they'll keep being wrong!"

There's nothing that can really be done to change that. However, anyone that is actually upset about Manos posting here is only hurting themselves by responding. It's clear that 80% of his posts are responses to others.


I think substansive debate is legitimate and useful because it requires you to think about and challenge your own perspective. The problem is that there seems to be a lot of troll bait posts in this thread that inevitably descend into a cacaphony of nuh-uh's and no u's.
state-of-the-art said:
Did Manos share this concern about potential violence when the Tea Party began to protest? If so, then at least he's consistent.
Considering some nuts attracted yeah I am. That said one major difference is the open ended nature of this and the method used.
If a bunch of tea partiers who were open carrying start to "occupy" Philadelphia or anywhere else would people not be worried?
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Considering some nuts attracted yeah I am. That said one major difference is the open ended nature of this and the method used.
If a bunch of tea partiers who were open carrying start to "occupy" Philadelphia or anywhere else would people not be worried?

I would be worried about the political success of their movement, to be sure. I would not remotely be worried about public safety, because I'm not a paranoid authoritarian. I give American citizens the benefit of the doubt that they can be in public without needing to be constantly guarded and surveilled by armed officers of the State organized in paramilitary fashion.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Jak140 said:
I think substansive debate is legitimate and useful because it requires you to think about and challenge your own perspective.

For the record, I'm more than willing to have the "now what?" discussion because it poses an interesting dilemma for the movement. Without eventually taking a more active role in the political process I don't see them accomplishing much in the long run other than making headlines here and there. However, where do they jump in? With Republicans who have spent the past three years fighting ferociously for wealthy people and little else, whose only reaction so far to the protestors is indifference and a not-so-subtle grinding of their teeth? With Democrats, who when given the opportunity to enact progressive legislation either punt or fumble time and time again, not directly chastising middle America but attempting to placate them instead? Third parties provide a very distant possibility for relevancy but also a great deal of danger in the form of fringe elements and messaging issues.

It's a challenge.
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