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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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Gold Member
cooljeanius said:
MoveOn isn't crazy at all. Better to send packing the "End The Fed" guys, separatists, and people who actually disagree with the movement rather than MoveOn, who is pretty much in line with Occupy Wall Street anyway.
So fracture the 99%, kick out the libertarians and make it about the liberal agenda? I would be ticked, too. MoveOn trying to be the mouthpiece of a movement they latched onto after it caught on is insulting to a lot of these folks, and for good reason.


thekad said:
^That's the joke.

It's amazing that 24/7 news networks with staffs of investigative reporters are incapable of figuring out what's immediately obvious to anyone paying attention. Maybe they should have checked on their Twitter reporters.
Ah k :p. While it is a large mix of ideas, it all boils down to political corruption. The media is trying its best to make this look like a bunch of hippies with nothing better to do (not all the media). They are afraid of white/blue collar citizens joining in. TV is their mind control and a lot of collars sit and watch TV after work. We break that bond, and I foresee real movement and change happening.


kame-sennin said:
what about the demands that contradict the other demands







Pie Lord

empty vessel said:
Certainly not. One of the many problems with income inequality is that it makes more people stupid. But at least some people are stupid and on the right side, which is more than can be said for the stupid people on the wrong side.
I can't say I agree. I find the ignorant supporting a cause they don't understand to be disturbing, regardless of how I feel about the cause.


lacks enthusiasm.
Jenga said:
what about the demands that contradict the other demands






Obviously the protest gatekeepers didn't do their due diligence.


Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
The lack of a unified voice is turning this into a farce.
And quite a farce it is. Loved the Howard Stern interviews. Have they been posted here?

I disagree that the presence of a few bad apples at protests means the message of the bunch can be disregarded as spoiled. As has already been pointed out, this is hardly a representative sample of the protesters, and you know that. But that aside, of course there are many people, some who are even pretty intelligent, who don't know exactly how they house burned down. Maybe they don't know what kind of fuel was used or what type of lighter or match, but they definitely see the ashes and feel the negative effects of the aftermath and judging by their location, they seem to have a general idea of who helped ignite the spark. One does not have to understand a disease to feel the symptoms or to want treatment, nor does one expect a patient to diagnose and cure himself. That is the job of doctors. Right now people are voicing their concerns that there is a sickness in government and it is the job of politicians to respect the will of their constituents and cure it.

Your perception of this being a farce, is just that -- your perception, and there is hardly a point in debating that. I do think the perception of the general public will play a large role in whether the movement succeeds or fails in forcing the hand of policy makers, but whether there are a few complete idiots at protests or not, is there any doubt that those who would use them to disregard the entire movement would have disregarded the movement anyway? If certain media outlets use these special few to brush aside the anger and frustration people have that they are not being fairly represented in government, then that was the prerogative of those reporters in the first place. I do agree that the movement benefits from informed people who are able to translate these frustrations into enactable policy, and those people are out there if you choose to listen. If effective policies are administered and the symptoms that birthed the protests subside, so will the protests.
empty vessel said:
Certainly not. One of the many problems with income inequality is that it makes more people stupid. But at least some people are stupid and on the right side, which is more than can be said for the stupid people on the wrong side.
Like me, EV?


Jenga said:
what about the demands that contradict the other demands







Are there signs like that with the OWS crowd? If not, then it's a strawman.

The bolded bits would seem anathema to the OWS crowd's anti-Wall Street schitck and more in line with Tea Party crazies on the far right.
magicstop said:
They aren't hurting nearly as many people as are the dogs in charge. In fact, if you want to be perverse about it, they are creating jobs and giving the NYPD overtime, I'm sure, lol. Bottom line is, if our only option is to step on a few toes while fighting for deep change needed by many, or hiding in corners because we don't want to *GASP* bleed the system a hair, I'll take the first option. Not like we're putting a mark on the fucking billions of tax payer dollars that were used to bailout the fucking fatcats of Wall St. Get a fucking perspective, Manos.

So in short collateral damage is fine , am I correct in that's what your saying? Just because "fucking fatcats on Wall Street" did it worse, makes you doing it, okay?

Moving on, I'm back in for the night after many chores. I'll start compiling information to update the OP with. Thanks for all the great contributions in the last several days, guys. It's nice to see a lot of pictures and perspectives coming in, as well as some great articles, etc.! Keep that info coming!

Will you include information about how much they have cost the citizens and taxpayers of the various cities?


Deku said:
Are there signs like that with the OWS crowd? If not, then it's a strawman.

The bolded bits would seem anathema to the OWS crowd's anti-Wall Street schitck and more in line with Tea Party crazies on the far right.
dude, there are signs for everything in OWS crowds

and the libertarians in the movement don't believe in government regulation of the free market or the IRS (hence why everyone makes fun of them)


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
So in short collateral damage is fine , am I correct in that's what your saying? Just because "fucking fatcats on Wall Street" did it worse, makes you doing it, okay?

Will you include information about how much they have cost the citizens and taxpayers of the various cities?

Investigations aren't free, trials aren't free, and prisons aren't free, but the money is spent because the public has a vested interest in seeing justice done.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Except this is causing aspects of public services to not be available.

Maybe if the governments were better funded through more progressive taxation they could provide public services and adequate law enforcement. Maybe that is something they should demand.


Jak140 said:
Maybe if the governments were better funded through more progressive taxation they could provide public services and adequate law enforcement. Maybe that is something they should demand.
or get rid of the libertarians


Jenga said:
or get rid of the libertarians
They may not agree with progressive taxation, but I'm pretty sure that they do agree that law enforcement should be adequately funded and that getting rid of political corruption would help solve that issue.
Jenga said:
but libertarians don't support taxes and support the end of the internal revenue service which gather our taxes
Some of them do, sure.

Since some Democrats are in favor of the Patriot Act, would it make sense for me to say it's a standard issue of support for them?


timetokill said:
Some of them do, sure.
Seems most of them do, especially the ones who want to end the federal reserve and exclusively blame federal regulation and not the lack of it. You know, the ones prominently in OWS.


Jenga said:
or get rid of the libertarians
The Libertarians are a very small minority in the movement so don't have much of an affect on the consensus that is formed within it. No need to worry I would say.


Azih said:
The Libertarians are a very small minority in the movement so don't have much of an affect on the consensus that is formed within it. No need to worry I would say.
well there isn't much of a consensus anyway so you're probably right


Jenga said:
but libertarians don't support taxes and support the end of the internal revenue service which gather our taxes

Some believe in taxes for specific things they think states should provide like defense and law enforcement, others believe in privately funded police, but I'm not here to defend the logic behind those opinions.
Jenga said:
Seems most of them do, especially the ones who want to end the federal reserve and exclusively blame federal regulation and not the lack of it. You know, the ones prominently in OWS.

There are always loud, vocal minorities, but they don't necessarily represent the feelings of the larger group.

It's an oversimplification to say it's only federal regulation that is to blame. It's government intervention overall -- and this includes anti-competitive subsidies and protection that the corporations pay for by lobbying and donating millions to politicians.

Take care not to oversimplify a position based on short blurbs on protest signs. Then again I don't want to ruin your strawman-bashing crusade.


Jenga said:
but libertarians don't support taxes and support the end of the internal revenue service which gather our taxes
Federal taxes don't fund state services.

This is high school level shit.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
There is a consensus?

If you are stabbed is that a liberal issue or a conservative issue?

You don't care -- you just want the knife taken out, the wound stitched and treated, and the perpetrator prosecuted.


remnant said:
Federal taxes don't fund state services.
...but we're talking about federal economic regulations

EDIT: actually no, talking about law enforcement there. meh, lost sight of what we were discussing, I was referring to fed regulations sorry

timetokill said:
There are always loud, vocal minorities, but they don't necessarily represent the feelings of the larger group.

It's an oversimplification to say it's only federal regulation that is to blame. It's government intervention overall -- and this includes anti-competitive subsidies and protection that the corporations pay for by lobbying and donating millions to politicians.

Take care not to oversimplify a position based on short blurbs on protest signs. Then again I don't want to ruin your strawman-bashing crusade.
it's not an oversimplification when that's the only message libertarians in the OWS movement have been saying


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
When it costs 80K a day and for an extended period time people should ask if they're harming more people than they're hurting.

Remind me, how much did the American public spend on bailing out the banks?

$16 billion of that went to bonuses for Goldman & Sachs employees the very next year.


Jenga said:
what about the demands that contradict the other demands







The only two on this list I've seen related to OWS are tax the rich and tougher regulations. The rest are spewed forth by the anti OWS in an attempt to make it look messie.

It all comes down to the banks fraudulent behaviour and their entanglement with the government and judicial system. That's why they are called Occupy Wall St and not Occupy Washington.

What's annoying me about the anti OWS people is they are refusing to answer any of the many very legitimate questions being asked by the protesters. Their rhetoric seems even more confused. Look at the picture you've quoted, there are over a dozen very important issues raised. And yet your only reply is 'I don't understand what you're asking'.

Do you believe America is in dire economic trouble?

I presume yes, so what do you believe caused it?


Jenga said:
Seems most of them do, especially the ones who want to end the federal reserve and exclusively blame federal regulation and not the lack of it. You know, the ones prominently in OWS.

WTF are you talking about? Most people at OWS are not Libertarians. There's a handful nothing more.

Nice little dream world you made yourself.

Dude Abides

remnant said:
Federal taxes don't fund state services.

This is high school level shit.

I guess they didn't teach about Medicaid, federal grants to school districts, or a million other things in your high school?


Dude Abides said:
I guess they didn't teach about Medicaid, federal grants to school districts, or a million other things in your high school?

He went to the one in a district who's state didn't divert any federal funding towards education.

Two lonely libertarians Manos? I hope you're not implying that it's a trend. Though it's amusing they thought to bring signage.



Let's make a few things clear you guys don't want to admit:

#1- OWS is not longer in NY only. So when you want to address anything regarding OWS, it can't be about the situation in a specific city, it has to be about the whole movement.

#2- It is also global. So #1 applies even globally.

I know it's easier to attack it by pretending one or two pictures backs your viewpoint, but sorry, it doesn't.

Next time you post, refer to #1 and #2 before hitting that submit button, then back away and close the window.


J said:
Whether you're right or wrong showing a pic of three people doesn't prove anytihng. you should know that.

Two people. The girl is obviously embarrassed to be there with her brother. But she loffs heem.


Myansie said:
The only two on this list I've seen related to OWS are tax the rich and tougher regulations. The rest are spewed forth by the anti OWS in an attempt to make it look messie.

WTF are you talking about? Most people at OWS are not Libertarians. There's a handful nothing more.

Nice little dream world you made yourself.


so now we have "but but it's just a small part!" and "it's all lies!"

oh you people
Heading to my local Occupy tomorrow. Handed out 161 bottles of water last week, going to try for 200 this week. Also bringing my ice chest with me, as lugging around cases of not cold water last week sucked ass. Hopefully my comrade in arms, the cookie lady, will reinforce my water supplies with freshly baked cookies. I am the Bobby Boucher of the Occupy movement. H20 for all, H20 for everyone!


Jenga said:
so now we have "but but it's just a small part!" and "it's all lies!"

oh you people

They are there, but they are far from the majority. Also, one slightly misinformed poster does not equal everyone. I'm sensing a theme here.
Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Like me, EV?

Let's just say the people complaining about other people being stupid or ignorant typically don't have room to be speaking.

Jenga said:
or get rid of the libertarians

Libertarians are welcome precisely to the extent they support the OWS demand to free government from the iron grip corporate business interests have over it. There is room for inclusion of people of different political persuasions who, whatever else may be their disagreements, oppose the corrosive effect of money on our democratic institutions. But OWS is clear about what it is and who are its targets:

"Occupy Wall Street is a people-powered movement that began on September 17, 2011 in Liberty Square in Manhattan’s Financial District, and has spread to over 100 cities in the United States and actions in over 1,500 cities globally. #OWS is fighting back against the corrosive power of major banks and multinational corporations over the democratic process, and the role of Wall Street in creating an economic collapse that has caused the greatest recession in generations. The movement is inspired by popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, and aims to expose how the richest 1% of people are writing the rules of an unfair global economy that is foreclosing on our future."

If there are Libertarians involved who oppose these goals, they are in the wrong movement. If they support these goals, great. It is quite clear, however, that Libertarians are a small minority. It's somewhat strange that some posters who will remain nameless are both calling OWS a "far left" movement and at the same time insisting that it is overrun with Libertarians. Both can't be true.
Ether_Snake said:

Let's make a few things clear you guys don't want to admit:

#1- OWS is not longer in NY only. So when you want to address anything regarding OWS, it can't be about the situation in a specific city, it has to be about the whole movement.
What movement? I haven't seen anything that could be called a movement, unless we've really lowered the bar to include squatting and rambling about issues they have no idea about, if that's the case, then yes you have a movement.

Next time you post, refer to #1 and #2 before hitting that submit button, then back away and close the window.
Next try to make better statements and do not try and hid the fact that libertarians and Ron Paul people are there. Just like people can't pretend that the Montreal squatters don't have the indpendence goofballs.
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