Even if X1 win this month PS4 being close is a win for Sony .
PS4 beating X1 this month would be the cherry on top .
PS4 beating X1 this month would be the cherry on top .
XB1 winning would heavily go against Amazon and what other online charts said over the month in October. Yeah, Amazon and online chartzz, but they've been a good gauge ever since.
Amazon banned if so......
I'm calling both of them liars, my sources say 3DS won!
Prediction: PS4 wins by 60k. Wii U under 50k, 3DS maybe breaks 100k.
I'm calling both of them liars, my sources say 3DS won!
My source is telling me that Wii U won October
Than you will have a chance to win a Golden ps4.
Even if X1 win this month PS4 being close is a win for Sony .
PS4 beating X1 this month would be the cherry on top .
Prediction: PS4 wins by 60k. Wii U under 50k, 3DS maybe breaks 100k.
Boom.Prediction: PS4 wins by 60k. Wii U under 50k, 3DS maybe breaks 100k.
PS4 was never going to win in Halo month. Next month's NPD should be interesting.
I have no idea. I just think PS4 > XB1 predictions are crazy for October.
If PS4 wins, Amazon was right, because it had PS4 ahead for the month.
If XB1 wins, Amazon was right, because you had to add in August's Halo 5 preorders to October's numbers and that pushed XB1 higher.
Amazon is safe, no matter what.
Oh ok. Nevermind then
Yes you do.
I don't think pre orders would be enough to change anything. It never charted high on Amazon and that matches what Abdiel said.
Even if X1 win this month PS4 being close is a win for Sony .
PS4 beating X1 this month would be the cherry on top .
Let's ask an official source who wins the NPD
Troll Magic 8 ball...
I used this magic 8 ball site
I asked
"will ps4 win October 2015 NPD"
answer was
"Better not tell you now"
I then asked
"will xbox win October 2015 NPD'
answer was
"Signs point to yes"
It makes me laugh at the idea that Sony or MS would take NPD that serious.
True or not, now I visualize one of them high fiving each other. "Only missed first by 6k boys. Moral victory laps around the office! Yeah!"
I refuse to believe PS4 gets the lead over XBO on Halo month. Price drop be damned.
What can you tell me about the four Wude?
The answer will be interesting
Honestly if the PS4 wins by 60k that thread will be monumental.
XB1 winning would heavily go against Amazon and what other online charts said over the month in October. Yeah, Amazon and online chartzz, but they've been a good gauge ever since.
Amazon banned if so......
Hard to blame Amazon if xb1 wins... There is like 20 xb1 bundles vs 3 ps4 bundles
Amazon chart for october:
#19 PS4 Uncharted Bundle
#25 XB1 Halo 5 Bundle
#26 PS4 LE Star Wars Bundle (counted for november)
#39 PS4 COD Bundle (counted for november)
#49 PS4 TLOU Bundle
#59 PS4 Destiny Bunle
#77 XB1 GOW Bundle
#89 PS4 Star Wars Bundle (counted for november)
Hard to blame Amazon if xb1 wins... There is like 20 xb1 bundles vs 3 ps4 bundles
Amazon chart for october:
#19 PS4 Uncharted Bundle
#25 XB1 Halo 5 Bundle
#26 PS4 LE Star Wars Bundle (counted for november)
#39 PS4 COD Bundle (counted for november)
#49 PS4 TLOU Bundle
#59 PS4 Destiny Bunle
#77 XB1 GOW Bundle
#89 PS4 Star Wars Bundle (counted for november)
And NPD-George. Cuz he's new.
It doesn't count Halo bundles preorders that charted in August i think.
At $500 how much do you think that will matter?
Titanfall month all over again!
It's Halo. Even with this price, this bundle will sell at least great.
Still can't believe MS didn't offer a $350 Halo 5 bundle...
The LE pricing is a joke.
Don't forget about the Lego, Kinect, and Holiday bundle that launched in October. They will add up.