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October Wrasslin |OT| Are you a Kane guy? Hell NO! I'm the tag team champions!


That powerbomb from Ryback was awesome, but he still looks so green. He nearly botched everything he was doing.

The powerslam could've been AWFUL if he had fallen backwards or dropped Punk on his head. But that powerbomb was dope as hell. It looked like some move that somebody created using the "create a finisher" mode in wrestling games.
I really don't want to see AJ go the way of Ryder. I can only hope someone there sees sense and pushed for her to be allowed to play to her strengths and not wasted as some cheap pop fodder like poor old Zack.

Was Ryder's downfall really the result of his backstage (and twitter) bitching or is that all dirtsheets and it's just creative being stupid again?


Junior Member
The powerslam could've been AWFUL if he had fallen backwards or dropped Punk on his head. But that powerbomb was dope as hell. It looked like some move that somebody created using the "create a finisher" mode in wrestling games.

Well he would've taken a page out of Austin's old playbook with the stungun.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA

1. Shinsuke Nakamura(can't wait for Nakamura vs Anderson)
2. Dolph Ziggler (because how can you not)
3. Yujiro Takahashi(yeah he put Naito out, but he murdalized Tanahashi, so he gets in)
4. Cody Rhodes
5. Damien Sandow
Just sped through Raw after the debate beatdown...

MAN that was a boring episode. Why'd they spend so long on the GM thing? Who cares? WHO CARES? John Cena continues to spiral into terribleness with bad promo after bad promo. I almost feel sorry for him now with how terrible he is. And this whole "business dinner" stuff. Oh my science, wtf is happening.

I don't even care anymore. Just hurry up and get to the end of the Punk/Ryback HIAC. That's the only thing that matters at this point.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It looked like some move that somebody created using the "create a finisher" mode in wrestling games.

Mine are always 4 kicks to the groin, a women's slap 2, and then an eye poke.
Was Ryder's downfall really the result of his backstage (and twitter) bitching or is that all dirtsheets and it's just creative being stupid again?

They went out of their way to kill Ryder. There was a couple of weeks where they were actually trying with him though it was when he was feuding with Ziggler for the US Title. Then right after that they murdered him on TV week after week making him look bad both in the ring and out with the Eve Cena storyline. NOBODY GETS OVER ON THEIR OWN UNTIL WWE DECIDES YOU DO


Was Ryder's downfall really the result of his backstage (and twitter) bitching or is that all dirtsheets and it's just creative being stupid again?

No one knows. All I know is they took a guy who got himself over, stuck Cena on him to leech on his popularity (to try and stop the boos cheaply and refusing to just face the reasons Cena gets booed), used him as a chew toy in a filler feud with Cena and Kane, then dropped him back to jobber status.

Until Bryan's heel turn, AJ was barely on TV, either, once that story started she slowly got more and more until she was over. Like Bryan, she ought to be shooting for the stars now that she's got her start. The GM role was a dead end like it always is, for anyone, but the Divas division is such a shambles that a shitty GM role was the best thing going.

Now? Who knows? All I know is I want Cena and his black hole of entertainment away from AJ. Next they'll put him in Hell No, too, to stink up the joint.


Junior Member
Whelp they always have after Hell In A CELL to look forward to but Vince probably will suffer from indecision 2012 bug that had been going around.

They went out of their way to kill Ryder. There was a couple of weeks where they were actually trying with him though it was when he was feuding with Ziggler for the US Title. Then right after that they murdered him on TV week after week making him look bad both in the ring and out with the Eve Cena storyline. NOBODY GETS OVER ON THEIR OWN UNTIL WWE DECIDES YOU DO

Emboldened for Truth.


more money than God
What's the average length of a RAW GM these days, anyway? Two? Three months? "Who is the new GM?" is such a cheap means to draw interest by the WWE.

Who cares anymore?
Now? Who knows? All I know is I want Cena and his black hole of entertainment away from AJ. Next they'll put him in Hell No, too, to stink up the joint.

I think AJ vs Vickie is an okay story considering what they've got to work with in the divas division. But yeah, I wouldn't stick Cena with her.

I really wish Cena would just feud with someone like Big Show so that he's not in storylines where he doesn't fit and could ruin it. There is no way he'd go for the midcard belts, and they should KEEP HIM AWAY FROM THE CURRENT TAG DIVISION. But without a belt to chase, Cena has very little viable feuds open, especially with people like Sheamus and Orton currently faces.


AJ can't really work as a face, seriously. She's a female Austin, over with the fans and aggressive towards everybody regardless of them being face or heel.


That was a weird Raw. I don't think they dedicated enough time to Ryback/Punk tonight. They were doing a phenomenal job prior. The focus was more on the Cena/AJ thing, which is weird to start right before the PPV. Bryan and Ziggler had a great match ,but the whole thing that followed (NewlyTag Game into Show/Kane) was bizarre. Especially since Hell No had already done a bit at the beginning of the show, and Show's win didn't accomplish anything(much like Del Rio over Ryder and Ryback over Miz). I loved seeing Gabriel win, same with Kofi. Gabriel's will probably just lead to a U.S. title match on sunday, but I realy hope Kofi goes far with this one. I also want to praise AJ again. She always gives great performances, and I can't wait to see her get back in the ring. I don't know if the show was as lackluster as I thought, or it was just the bloody crowd. I loathed the crowd. They were terrible.


I think AJ vs Vickie is an okay story considering what they've got to work with in the divas division. But yeah, I wouldn't stick Cena with her.

I really wish Cena would just feud with someone like Big Show so that he's not in storylines where he doesn't fit and could ruin it. There is no way he'd go for the midcard belts, and they should KEEP HIM AWAY FROM TE CURRENT TAG DIVISION. Without a belt to chase, Cena has very little viable feuds open, especially with people like Sheamus and Orton currently faces.

I got no problem with AJ as a wrestler, vs Vickie. It's a standard authority figure story, only with women, that's fine and dandy and it keeps AJ in an actual story.

But keep Cena away from this, forever. He actively damages every story he's in. He's like an anti-Bryan.
I don't know if the CM Punk vs Shameus match was terrible or the crowd sucked. But that match was not good

Crowd sucked, show sucked. They totes just tapped out to the debate and football. They didn't even try. The whole show feels like they have absolutely no idea what they're doing, from Cena/AJ/Vickie/Vince, to Punk/Ryback, and everything in between. That was like the most Smackdowniest Raw in recent memory.


Just looked at the other posts. Ryback slightly stumbles picking up Punk you guys jump on him. I know you're not fans of his, but give me a break.
That was a weird Raw. I don't think they dedicated enough time to Ryback/Punk tonight. They were doing a phenomenal job prior. The focus was more on the Cena/AJ thing, which is weird to start right before the PPV. Bryan and Ziggler had a great match ,but the whole thing that followed (NewlyTag Game into Show/Kane) was bizarre. Especially since Hell No had already done a bit at the beginning of the show, and Show's win didn't accomplish anything(much like Del Rio over Ryder and Ryback over Miz). I loved seeing Gabriel win, same with Kofi. Gabriel's will probably just lead to a U.S. title match on sunday, but I realy hope Kofi goes far with this one. I also want to praise AJ again. She always gives great performances, and I can't wait to see her get back in the ring. I don't know if the show was as lackluster as I thought, or it was just the bloody crowd. I loathed the crowd. They were terrible.

This was what worried me the most. Cena being injured and them scrambling for ANY storyline to keep him on TV doesn't bode well for how Hell in a Cell will go.


Crowd sucked, show sucked. They totes just tapped out to the debate and football. They didn't even try. The whole show feels like they have absolutely no idea what they're doing, from Cena/AJ/Vickie/Vince, to Punk/Ryback, and everything in between. That was like the most Smackdowniest Raw in recent memory.
Good way to put it. This is actually the first Raw that has disappointed me in perhaps months.


Cena will probably be taking it easy for the month between HIAC and Survivor Series, which will likely be a Team Punk vs. Team Cena, anyway, so he won't be doing heavy lifting on the arm until his inevitable match with Punk at TLC. I can only hope his cringeworthy involvement in the AJ story was a 1-2 week thing only.


Cena will probably be taking it easy for the month between HIAC and Survivor Series, which will likely be a Team Punk vs. Team Cena, anyway, so he won't be doing heavy lifting on the arm until his inevitable match with Punk at TLC. I can only hope his cringeworthy involvement in the AJ story was a 1-2 week thing only.

Are you kidding? It's how they will lead to Team Punk vs Team Cena.....or it will be Team Vicky (w/ Punk) vs Team Cena. Or Punk might not even be involved in that match....Team Vicky vs Team Cena.


Are you kidding? It's how they will lead to Team Punk vs Team Cena.....or it will be Team Vicky (w/ Punk) vs Team Cena. Or Punk might not even be involved in that match....Team Vicky vs Team Cena.

Hey, if it leads to Punk and Heyman forming a new Dangerous Alliance with a heel AJ, Ambrose and others, I'm ok with it.


Hey, if it leads to Punk and Heyman forming a new Dangerous Alliance with a heel AJ, Ambrose and others, I'm ok with it.

Nothing will lead to that. Just like we will never see a new belt or a Kings of Wrestling tag team....and Sara Del Rey will always be a trainer.

And Dean Ambrose will forever be stuck in dark match limbo.
Are you kidding? It's how they will lead to Team Punk vs Team Cena.....or it will be Team Vicky (w/ Punk) vs Team Cena. Or Punk might not even be involved in that match....Team Vicky vs Team Cena.

Cena is not staying out of the main event picture. Hes gonna be on next Monday complaining for another match with Punk. Im guessing it'll be Lesnar and Punk vs Ryback and Cena to continue being Rybacks mouth piece.



God damn right.


What's the average length of a RAW GM these days, anyway? Two? Three months? "Who is the new GM?" is such a cheap means to draw interest by the WWE.

Who cares anymore?
Hornswoggle lasted the longest out of the recent GMs.
Almost a year typing messages to Michael Cole from beneath the ring.
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