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October Wrasslin |OT| Are you a Kane guy? Hell NO! I'm the tag team champions!


So not worth it
Seriously WWE? You have a great story with AJ and Punk and Punk going on air saying how they had sex and he put "the spring in her step" and the end result is you have AJ fired over John Cena randomly asking her out on a date in a shitty promo two weeks ago.

And now AJ is getting fed into the black hole that is John Cena?

If this does not end with AJ turning heel on Cena at Survivor Series giving Punk the win I'm booking a plane to Connecticut and I'm punching somebody in the face.

That said, glad this GM thing is over.
Seriously WWE? You have a great story with AJ and Punk



So what are the matches we have this weekend?

Ryback v Punk
Sheamus v Shoe
Team Hell No! v Rhodes Scholars
ADR v Orton (?)
Miz v Kofi
Cesaro v /shrug
Random Divas fight


So not worth it
So what are the matches we have this weekend?

Ryback v Punk
Sheamus v Shoe
Team Hell No! v Rhodes Scholars
ADR v Orton (?)
Miz v Kofi
Cesaro v /shrug
Random Divas fight

Judging by yesterday, Cesaro vs. Gabriels seems likely, probably pre-show.

Ziggler is cashing in, so gets the night off.

Divas seems to be Eve vs. Kaitlyn or Eve vs. Layla, they will probably make it on Smackdown. Hopefully soon we can have AJ vs. Eve, because by God, I will watch those two grappling for 10 minutes and I will watch it over and over again.
Last night I said WWE were making that affair angle up as they went along, after returning to watch fast forward through the rest of Raw and reaching the Cena reveal I think that I was right in my original assessment.
Apathy reaching an all time high.

It's been quite the ride seeing how WWE screwed up with AJ, ever since the wedding it's been one big downhill slide for her due to shitty booking, much like Ryder she can now become collateral damage to make Cena look like an awesome and heroic guy. Currently Punk continues to be moulded into that standard heel type WWE loves so much, now includes pot shots at sport teams! it's like they are running down a checklist of generic heel traits. And of course Barrett is still left doing nothing.

I did enjoy seeing Ryback pull out those power moves at the end of Raw, what would've been much better is every lumberjack trying to stop "BIG HUNGRY" from reaching the ring only for Ryback the destroy machine to eliminate every wrestler in his path to reach Punk.


formerly cjelly
I did enjoy seeing Ryback pull out those power moves at the end of Raw, what would've been much better is every lumberjack trying to stop "BIG HUNGRY" from reaching the ring only for Ryback the destroy machine to eliminate every wrestler in his path to reach Punk.

This would have been awesome. All the heels running up the ramp as Ryback is walking down and he just swats them away one-by-one.
This would have been awesome. All the heels running up the ramp as Ryback is walking down and he just swats them away one-by-one.

See, you get it. I'm sure some would weep as IWC golden boys get taken down in one dangerous clothesline but think about how hype that segment would actually be, Punk cowering in the ring in terror as the waves of heels are all one shotted and left scattered among the ramp by the insatiable appetite of Ryback.
If they want to sell how dangerous and unstoppable he is there's no better way.

I miss those sort of returns/arrivals that Austin, Kane, Taker or Big Show would make in the past when they just come out and wreck everyone, speaking of which they should give Henry a return like that if he ever actually comes back.


So not worth it
But really, why fucking Cena? Why?

She had this big triangle with Bryan, Punk and Kane.

Why did they just suddenly drop in Cena, they could've done this exact angle with any of those three guys.

Once again, this can only be remedied if it all leads up to a Cena vs. Punk SS match where AJ screws Cena over. Anything else will just hurt her character.

Also, why is it so bad she went to dinner with Cena in the first place, or even had sex with Cena, as they're implying, she didn't make any bad calls involving Cena or gave him preferential treatment (like booking him in the HiaC match instead of Ryberg or whatever). Is this a US thing where bosses can't date employees? What? And an affair? Is Cena dating someone in WWE Universe-land? Besides, they made her boss after that love-triangle on the fucking morning she was supposed to be getting wed to Daniel Bryan. What in the blue...

This whole thing is pissing me off. I was kinda sorta liking Cena a bit more over the course of the year, his serious promo's were decent enough and his matches with Punk were pretty damn good, I was beginning to like him. If he screws over AJ like he did Zack Ryder I riot damnit!


Where's Net_wrecker, he's gonna love all my positivity completely disappearing overnight


So did Cena really ask AJ out? can't remember.

Plus the stuff with Punk was fine because she wasn't manager yet! She was free to gobble whatever she wanted.

Business lunch with Kaitlyn would be nice.
wife would end me


From reading posts in here, it was another shittatsic show. Wager another 2.7 for Vinny Mac.

I'll run through Youtube later and catch to see what happened. At the very least the Ziggler and Bryan contest.


From reading posts in here, it was another shittatsic show. Wager another 2.7 for Vinny Mac.

I'll run through Youtube later and catch to see what happened. At the very least the Ziggler and Bryan contest.

2.7? You are being generous.

They had to compete with the Giants (baseball) and the final Presidential Debate. 2.5 AT BEST!


So not worth it
Also, if Vickie is the person that told the board of directors about this dinner, why would they make her the replacement? Even if it is some kind of temp job? Oh hey, you were stalking them, have it out for her job, everyone hates you and you're probably having a thing with Dolph Ziggler.

Yeah, lets make you the boss now!


Also, if Vickie is the person that told the board of directors about this dinner, why would they make her the replacement? Even if it is some kind of temp job? Oh hey, you were stalking them, have it out for her job, everyone hates you and you're probably having a thing with Dolph Ziggler.

Yeah, lets make you the boss now!

Lol. That whole thing with Edge. PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE.
lol Ryback trying to lift Heyman was hilarious, your new WWE champion ladies and gentlemen!

Its also sad to see the complete destruction of AJ finally realised. On one hand I'm glad they've finally ditched the disaster that was the GM angle she should have never had to begin with but instead of using that misstep to spring board into something cool they just trash her even further down the shitty toilet with a...... Cena love/good guy bro story? :\


If they were gonna fire her from the GM thing why didn't she just go out in a huge flame of crazy glory. She should have simply said ok well if I'm gonna get booted f**k it I'm gonna raise some shit and gone nuts on Vickie then she could have transitioned nicely back into wrestler cause watch out she'll kick your ass.

Instead she comes out and weeps while telling her sob story because, women?


I was partly happy when she did get physical after the boohoo shit but then it got ruined completely when ol' smiling Johnboy came and sucked all the interest off the screen.

So all the BS she did failing with GM duties is fine but as soon as she goes on a date with Cena OH MY GAWD THATS HORRIBLE, THATS THE ONE THAT WE'RE WORRIED ABOUT! YOU MUST QUIT!


Kaitlyn taking pictures of the secret Metal Gear documents on Eve's iPad is more engaging than that shit.


But really, why fucking Cena? Why?

She had this big triangle with Bryan, Punk and Kane.

Why did they just suddenly drop in Cena, they could've done this exact angle with any of those three guys.

Once again, this can only be remedied if it all leads up to a Cena vs. Punk SS match where AJ screws Cena over. Anything else will just hurt her character.

Also, why is it so bad she went to dinner with Cena in the first place, or even had sex with Cena, as they're implying, she didn't make any bad calls involving Cena or gave him preferential treatment (like booking him in the HiaC match instead of Ryberg or whatever). Is this a US thing where bosses can't date employees? What? And an affair? Is Cena dating someone in WWE Universe-land? Besides, they made her boss after that love-triangle on the fucking morning she was supposed to be getting wed to Daniel Bryan. What in the blue...

This whole thing is pissing me off. I was kinda sorta liking Cena a bit more over the course of the year, his serious promo's were decent enough and his matches with Punk were pretty damn good, I was beginning to like him. If he screws over AJ like he did Zack Ryder I riot damnit!


Where's Net_wrecker, he's gonna love all my positivity completely disappearing overnight

It's most annoying because she has had basically no interaction with Cena, ever. I think they've exchanged about 5 words in her time on the roster. It reek of shoehorning Cena into something completely unsuited for him in yet another cheap attempt to get people stop booing him because he's such a heroic manly pillar for that poor weepy girl (just like him suddenly becoming Ryder's best friend out of nowhere, trying to leech off Ryder's then overness, then of course dropping him as soon as the plot was over and the attempt failed).

They still somehow don't understand WHY Cena is booed so much. Somehow. They're literally doing the opposite of what they need to do to stop the boos.

Two weeks ago he cut a promo where smack in the middle he randomly asked her to go get a burger. He then spend two minutes talking about Claudio's nipples.


Which came right in the middle of childish cracks about other wrestlers' appearances, so I thought he might have been joking that she was too thin, or something.


So not worth it
There's two ways this can end even remotely acceptable for AJ.

1. As I mentioned above, she ends up screwing over Cena in favor of Punk at Survivor Series and turns badass Heel in the new Heyman-stable (which I maintain, needs to fucking hapen already).
2. They drop the storyline altogether and make her the manager of Team Hell No.

I guess they're sorta rebuilding the Divas division as well with longer matches and a (shitty) storyline, so putting the belt on her and a Eve vs. AJ feud would do as well, so we'll call that Plan C.


I want a Heyman stable. That would be glorious. I also wish the "band" that Slater and co. are apart of were something bigger. I don't see this "group" going anywhere since they're all jobbers. I wish there was a faction right now.

At least that one with Bryan, Ziggler, and whoever the other two were was pretty good. (The Four Horseman revived?)


So not worth it
AJ is their poster girl now, she won't get fired. At worst she'll just be "around" ala Kofi Kingston and the like.
What will happen:

The storyline will become about Cena and Vicki
Vicki will try to screw over Cena as GM
Cena will have to try and overcome the odds to get another title shot
There will be a match when everyone assumes AJ will screw over Cena
Doesn't happen
AJ is never seen again


So not worth it
What will happen:

The storyline will become about Cena and Vicki
Vicki will try to screw over Cena as GM
Cena will have to try and overcome the odds to get another title shot
There will be a match when everyone assumes AJ will screw over Cena
Doesn't happen
AJ is never seen again

AJ shows up on TNA, becomes champion 20 times, returns to WWE for a year. Leaves again.
My pick for GM?


Think about it, he's perfect for the smiling annoying good guy GM who comes out just to put the bad guys in matches THEY CAN'T POSSIBLY BELIEVE!

King: "Hey Punk! Del Taco Burrito Rio! You and sheeep-face there, YOU THREE, right HERE, FACING CAL-TEIC WARRIOR SHEMOUS and..... I'LL THINK ABOUT IT!

Heels: "WHHHHHAT? YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!" *kicks ropes*

*Jerry Jerry Jerry chants*


Heels: "WHHHHHAT? YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!" *kicks ropes*

*Jerry Jerry Jerry chants*

I'm always confused at how surprised they are that they're scheduled in a match... since... you know, they're wrestlers and stuff.

That's like my boss giving me a task to do. Then I run around the office screaming "I NEED RESPECT. THIS IS BULL!" *kicks desk*

Jamie OD

I'm always confused at how surprised they are that they're scheduled in a match... since... you know, they're wrestlers and stuff.

That's like my boss giving me a task to do. Then I run around the office screaming "I NEED RESPECT. THIS IS BULL!" *kicks desk*

I'm always confused at how most episodes of Raw and Smackdown take place without a main event booked in advance.


So not worth it
I love how Miz got all smart last week and told Booker: "Yeah yeah, stfu already, just book the impromptu tag-match with all the guys in the ring right now!"


My pick for GM?


Think about it, he's perfect for the smiling annoying good guy GM who comes out just to put the bad guys in matches THEY CAN'T POSSIBLY BELIEVE!

King: "Hey Punk! Del Taco Burrito Rio! You and sheeep-face there, YOU THREE, right HERE, FACING CAL-TEIC WARRIOR SHEMOUS and..... I'LL THINK ABOUT IT!

Heels: "WHHHHHAT? YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!" *kicks ropes*

*Jerry Jerry Jerry chants*



Mike Johnson pwinsider said:
In an attempt to get some publicity, indy wrestler Starman, who wrestles for New Jersey's Pro Wrestling Syndicate, showed up in the crowd at Raw sitting across from the hard camera. Security spotted him as he walked to the seats and quickly escorted him out. The character is supposed to be the old Nintendo wrestling character come to life and has become one of the cult favorites of the PWS, which runs Rahway, NJ. I shot the following video of Starman being escorted out:


That was a quick toss out.


Guess who beat WWE to use Honey Boo Boo? If you guess TNA you are right:

We have noted before that Honey Boo Boo's name was brought up for a possible role at WrestleMania 29. WWE may not get a chance to use the 7 year old reality TV star because of TNA. A TNA source reports that TNA has already contacted HBB's people about using her and her family on Impact. Apparently there are talks for HBB to appear on TNA TV during the second season of her reality TV show.


TNA tries, and means well but they always get some of the worst storyline ideas. Seriously, they should have saved this one for Vince.


And now I'm deaf.

She can be brought in as Hulk Hogan's new girlfriend. It will be the epic downfall of TNA and make for a great segment on the Rise and Fall of TNA Wrestling DVD that WWE can bring out in a few years.

I think you mean the Half Sit-Up and Fall of TNA Wrestling.


Still recall that story from Daniel Bryan about how Ryback got that black eye. He was swinging around a 30 pound weight and lost control of it. Good physique, but he's just doesn't have natural strength. Not of that caliber anyway.

"Right now, my road wife is the Ryback [Laughs] and Cody Rhodes. We don't have any particular good road stories because I feel like we're kind of boring. We just kind of drive to the next town. But what me and Cody really like to do is make up stories about the Ryback and then spread them amongst the locker room. For example, yesterday, we were working out in a gym. He was doing kettle bell snatches with only 35 pounds. You look at him, and you'd think, 'Oh! This guy is way stronger,' but he was lifting this kettle bell and he couldn't control it, and it hit him in the eye and now he's got a black eye. That story spread throughout the locker room all day yesterday.

I don't hate the guy, but he's being pushed into something he isn't.
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