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October Wrasslin |OT| Are you a Kane guy? Hell NO! I'm the tag team champions!


Bryan did a figure four and JR mentioned something about past "nature boys" performing that move or something

wouldn't be surprised if Flair comes back


Man watching the Ziggler and Bryan and man I just noticed the hints they were dropping. JR saying they could name a new GM next Monday.

Also, has Daniel Bryan in his career ever did the
figure four
and why bring that out now? Also, Ziggler name has been attached to him as well.


Man watching the Ziggler and Bryan and man I just noticed the hints they were dropping. JR saying they could name a new GM next Monday.

Also, has Daniel Bryan in his career ever did the
figure four
and why bring that out now? Also, Ziggler name has been attached to him as well.

I'm sure he has done it, but it's not something he used often.
Man watching the Ziggler and Bryan and man I just noticed the hints they were dropping. JR saying they could name a new GM next Monday.

Also, has Daniel Bryan in his career ever did the
figure four
and why bring that out now? Also, Ziggler name has been attached to him as well.

Daniel Bryan knows over 1000 submissions. He hasn't listed them yet though...


While we're on the subject of submission holds, what is everyone's favorite submission?

I think mine is something Nigel McGuinness did that I don't think was ever given a proper name:


I have seen it called the bridging rings of saturn, though I'm sure Nigel would call it something else. Here it is in video form:


It looks absolutely brutal the way he does it sometimes, I think Bryan Danielson took it the farthest and it just looks unnatural how far he bends some arms in that hold.
I giggled way more than I should have at the CM Punk zipper botch when I was watching Raw live.

I rewinded it to show my GF laughing and shes just like, "I see."

I giggled way more than I should have at the CM Punk zipper botch when I was watching Raw live.

I rewinded it to show my GF laughing and shes just like, "I see."


Same it reminded me of HHH invisible shirt

EDIT: Laughed way to hard at the guy talking over Cena. RESPECT OOOOOOOOOOoooooooohhhhhhhh. Also Ryback should get his own regular segment on botchamania


Main Event Spoilers:

Dark Match

Johnny Curtis defeated Sami Callahan. "Simply" Johnny Curtis, his new gimmick, came out to tango music, wore shiny pants, and placed a rose on Callahan's chest after the match.

WWE Main Event taping

Miz and Cole talked mid ring about tonight's match of Ryback vs. Dolph Ziggler. Video packages made Ryback look like a total animal and Ziggler's video got him across as the young upcoming star and future. Great stuff. Matt Striker interviewed Ryback backstage, but he simply replied "Watch what I do to Ziggler. It's feeding time." Dolph got interviewed by Josh Matthews and had no comment, kicking Matthews out of his locker room.

1. Ryback defeated Dolph Ziggler. Dolph ran to the back midmatch and Ryback was in hot pursuit, the ref was about to count them out, but decided against it. About 30 seconds later, Ryback's music hit and he came to the ring with Ziggler on his shoulders. Resume feeding time. Ziggler got a minute to shine, but Ryback did his thing... Shellshock for the win.

EXACTLY what you would expect. Ziggler sold like a million--no, billion bucks and made Ryback look absolutely amazing. Fun match.

Paul Heyman was backstage on the tron, he got interviewed by cole and Miz about what Ryback did to Ziggler and how Punk would fare against Ryback.

Alberto del Rio defeated Sin Cara. Decent back and forth match. Finish came on the Cross Armbreaker. Post-match, Del Rio cut a promo about Randy Orton. Then he said he doesn't need stupid catchphrases like "millions of dollars" because he has millions of dollars. Funny.

Enter Prime Time Players, who took offense to the comment, but Del Rio sweet talked them into beating down Sin Cara. Randy Orton ran down and made the save. There was an RKO for each PTP. Orton took the mic and set up next week's main event: A 6 man tag, Del Rio and PTPs vs. Orton, Rey Mysterio, and Sin Cara.

Smackdown Spoilers:

JBL made his entrance, raised Scott Armstong's hand, and proceeded to beat down Josh Matthews with his hat when Matthews went for a handshake. Hilarious.

The refs were changing the ropes for Smackdown and were taking FOREVER. A "Put the rope up" chant was started. Then, JBL grabs a mic and absolutely tears into all 4 refs. JBL promo at its best and had probably 10 arena wide "JBL" chants in support.

Randy Orton made his entrance to open the show. He cut a promo on Alberto Del Rio, who's music cut Orton off. They had a verbal exchange that ended with Del Rio backing down and the crowd chanting "No cahones". Wade Barrett came out of nowhere and hit Orton from behind, then went back up the ramp. Backstage, Teddy Long made the main event for tonight: Orton vs. Barrett.

1. Kane defeated Cody Rhodes. Daniel Bryan on commentary for this match. So is Damien Sandow. Should be quite entertaining TV this Friday. Kane beat Cody Rhodes with a chokeslam in about 5 minutes.

Backstage, Booker T and Big Show had a short exchange

2. The Miz defeated Yoshi Tatsu. Miz won with the Skullcrushing Finale. Another 5 minute match, nothing special.

Backstage, Booker T had Eve, Aksana, Kaitlin, and Layla. Aksana said that Eve texted her and told her to attack Kaitlin. Teddy came in and explained how he knew all along. Eve contended that someone stole her iPad, sent the email, and is framing Eve. Booker set up a triple threat match for the Divas title at HIAC: Eve vs. Layla vs. Kaitlin. He also announced a tag match between the 4 for tonight.

Wade Barrett pinned Randy Orton. Alberto Del Rio ran down towards the end of the match, distracted Orton, and Barrett hit his Souvenir Elbow for the win.

Divas champion Eve & Aksana beat Kaitlyn & Layla. Kaitlyn took the pinfall when Layla accidentally hit her with a kick intended for Eve. There was tension between the faces leading to the three-way Divas Title match at HIAC.

WWE is advertising for the HIAC pre-show that John Cena will address WWE fans about the A.J. Lee controversy.

Backstage, Booker T and Sheamus had a brief exchange.

Kane told D-Bryan that if he wins tonight, he's the real tag team champions. Kane and Cody Rhodes then came out on commentary for the next match. Damien Sandow made his entrance and cut a promo, insulting "Yes!" and Bryan's beard.

Damien Sandow pinned Daniel Bryan with his straightjacket neckbreaker. The finish came when action went to ringside, Bryan shoved Cody, Kane went after Sandow, and Cody shoved Bryan into the ring post before throwing him back into the ring for Sandow to finish him off.

Twelve security people stood in opposite corners of the ring. Josh Matthews set up the mid ring face to face between the participants in the world title match Sunday. Sheamus was out first, followed by Big Show. The security guards formed a line between the two. Big Show put his KO punch over as more powerful than the Rock Bottom, Stunner, AA, and the Brogue Kick. Show then said that Sheamus can't even reach his head with a Brogue Kick.

Sheamus cut a Sheamus promo about how his two favorite things are a pint of ale and a good fight. He said he's excited for the chance to conquer the giant. He then repeated over and over "The time for fighting is now." He charged through the line of guards and attacked Show. Security intervened, so both men cleared house before Sheamus went for the Brogue on Show, who ducked out of the ring and hit the ramp. Sheamus then kicked one of the guards instead. Show should go off the air here.
Sheamus went for the Brogue on Show, who ducked out of the ring and hit the ramp. Sheamus then kicked one of the guards instead. Show should go off the air here.

B a *


WWE is advertising for the HIAC pre-show that John Cena will address WWE fans about the A.J. Lee controversy. (I don't feel this needs spoiler tags)

Cena went from the main event to warming the crowd up before the curtain jerking.

Talk about no respect.


Junior Member
WWE is advertising for the HIAC pre-show that John Cena will address WWE fans about the A.J. Lee controversy. (I don't feel this needs spoiler tags)

Cena went from the main event to warming the crowd up before the curtain jerking.

Talk about no respect.

I'll shed a tear for the man. Like for real.


- "Championship Thursday" is back, and the World Heavyweight Championship will be on the line as new titleholder "The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy defends the gold against an opponent to be select by "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan! The contenders that Hogan will pick from are: Mr. Anderson, James Storm, Bully Ray, and Kurt Angle

- What do The Aces & 8s and Devon have planned next after their assault last week? Can Hulk Hogan, Sting, Bully Ray and the TNA roster find a way to turn the tide against the biker gang? The war continues on Thursday's LIVE show!

- In a "Bound For Glory" rematch, new Knockouts Champion Tara (with her Hollywood boyfriend Jessie Godderz) will defend the gold against Miss Tessmacher on Thursday's broadcast

- Also as part of "Championship Thursday", new X Division Champion Rob Van Dam will put his title on the line against former champ Zema Ion!

All this and much more on Thursday's IMPACT WRESTLING!

This sounds like another good episode of Impact Wrasslin.
WWE is advertising for the HIAC pre-show that John Cena will address WWE fans about the A.J. Lee controversy. (I don't feel this needs spoiler tags)

Cena went from the main event to warming the crowd up before the curtain jerking.

Talk about no respect.
I'm sure that young whippersnapper will get his shot soon.


Gabe Sapolsky posted the following on Facebook:

We are very happy that Dragon Gate USA contracted wrestler Sami Callihan wrestled his first match in WWE tonight, a dark match before Smackdown. We aren't sure what his future is, but we can assure you he will be at the DGUSA events on Nov. 2nd in Everett, MA vs. Samuray Del Sol, Nov. 3rd in Voorhees, NJ vs. El Generico in a 2/3 Falls Match and Nov. 4th in Deer Park, NY vs. CIMA.


Main Event and Smackdown look like fun shows. I'm SUPER into the idea of random 6 man tags with main eventers and mid carders. I loved the first few months of Superstars with matches like Taker vs Matt Hardy and Randy Orton vs Primo. Just weird matches with guys in complete different strati that would never happen on main shows. Johnny Curtis as Vega also sounds awesome. That's what I want out of the Main Event and Superstars. Delightful Dude Daniel has to have a 10 minute match with Claudio on TME sometime.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
What do you guys think will happen? Ratings start going lower, and the WWE just says, "Oh shit, I guess we better start trying again."

It's not like they're not trying, they just suck. Vince has lost it, HHH isn't any better, whenever ratings have gotten bad, their solution has always been to push Cena more, and just change GMs to "shake things up." All they would do now is kill off the tag division, end Hell No, and push HHH, Cena, and Sheamus, with probably ryback as the "new star".

It's over people. Stone Cold isn't walking through that door.

Okay, people need to stop acting like HHH is calling the shots.

The order of power goes:

Vince > Stephanie > Hayes >>> HHH.

HHH's involvement is mostly in personnel/organizational management at the moment since those are the areas he needs to get experience with. He doesn't need to focus on the on-screen booking until he gets his other executive responsibilities in gear. In the mean time, yes he has the ear of Steph and Vince, and has a higher position of power in the organization than Laurinitis and Hayes, but those four have always had much more direct involvement in the on-screen product than HHH (although laurinitis has apparently been demoted to a producer role from a matchmaker in recent months because HHH is not a big fan of him. his roles have been delegated to Hayes and Hayes' assistants, apparently).

HHH is pretty much the only member of the mcmahon family that is a fan of tag team wrestling though , which is why I suspect it's been seeing a resurgence in recent months.


Which makes no sense to me considering that every time they've been serious about tag team wrestling (late 80s, late 90s, 2002) people loved it and stars were made. Tag teams made the careers of Shawn, Bret, and the Bulldog in the 80s and Demos and LOD were as over as anyone not named Hogan. E&C, the Hardys, and the Dudleys (Bully, at least ) were made superstars and were definitely the most over group of guys outside of Rock/Austin. The Smackdown Six continued making Edge a bigger star, making Rey and Chavo legit with Kurt Angle and Benoit, and really catapulting Eddie. Every time they've made tag team wrestling an important part of the show, it has worked out great. So I've never understood the dislike for tag team wrestling in WWE.
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