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October Wrasslin |OT| Are you a Kane guy? Hell NO! I'm the tag team champions!



That postpin ending was a good microcosm of the match in general. It was a good way to salvage a bad situation that gave us ample time to build up a great payoff in our heads and then failed to live up to it. A better way to salvage everything would been to have spent a Lesnar visit on this PPV like so many have pointed out. It's not as Russo as the BS we just saw. What an anti-climax. Only good thing about it (besides continuing the streak) is that it gives Heyman more license to flex his backstage power.

Oh God, we have another month of "Give me respect, Johnboy!" versus "You're not worthy but I respect you anyway even though you're lower than scum" after this.

Absolutely hilarious. They killed Ryback's streak, Punk still looks like a coward, the ref was in on it, weak cell spot, bad crowd, etc. etc. Not the worst possible outcome, but definitely did nothing for anyone. Not even a good match beforehand.

Man oh man.

Ryback's streak didn't really matter. The only streak that matters is Punk's days as champ run, that was more important to protect.


Not a terrible show, not a great show. Show/Sheamus was my favorite match. Seemed like it got the best reactions. Interesting winner as well.

Everyone will hate the finish, but it wasn't that bad. It kept the belt on Punk and made Ryback look like a monster. At times it seems like the crowd loves Ryback, at other times it feels they don't give a crap about him. Tough to call how over he is.


Did they really need that match to be in a cell? It felt almost useless throughout the match. Hell, the match itself was extremely short and had some good spots, but wasn't really memorable except for the screwy finish.

I think WWE creative reads message boards and tries to come up with an ending that no one has mentioned on the internet.

What a shitty ending to the PPV. Seriously. Terrible. Ryback wasn't over except for his chant, Punk looked like he wasn't really in the match, and the cell barely played a factor at all.

2.75/5 for some of Ryback's power moves and the stuff outside of the ring.

Blah. Expecting tons of backlash from this. WWE screwed the pooch on this one, IMO.
I'm not expecting anything. WWE always sucks, and people deal with it.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Either way, this was a dead crowd for a PPV, even if there weren't some spectacular matches - even the "Feed Me More" chants were weak.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
The ref and AJ have nothing to do with this. The ref last month that pinned Cena and Punk was a different ref. This ref tonight missed Punk's foot on the ropes in a meaningless tag team match on Raw. AJ lost her power so she couldn't say who should be the ref for the match...but Vicki could..and Heyman was trying his best to be buddy buddy with her since Monday.

hint hint


If they're smart, Punk will be walking out to the ring with Heyman on one side and AJ on the other.

It would make too much sense, though.


This would have been a solid filler PPV, the actual matches were generally good, apart from some lame finishes, but the dud of a main event and the SHIT crowd really brought it all down.


The ref and AJ have nothing to do with this. The ref last month that pinned Cena and Punk was a different ref. This ref tonight missed Punk's foot on the ropes in a meaningless tag team match on Raw.
Yeah, and that's the guy AJ hired. Remember they did that whole bit with him being a scab ref she had just hired, and they handed him a blindfold with the NFL logo?
There was no reason for that match to take place in a cell. They didn't even utilize the environment till the post finish.

Subpar ppv. Show/Shaemus MOTN.
The more that match went on the more i thought they shouldn't put the title on Ryback. He looked uncomfortable and Punk was literally running around him trying to make the match last longer. Plus the crowd didn't give a fuck. The goldberg chants made me laugh though
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