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October Wrasslin |OT| Are you a Kane guy? Hell NO! I'm the tag team champions!


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
You gotta unlock them first.

I got pre-DX Triple H but you gotta go pretty far in Attitude Era mode to unlock DX Triple H.

Like you can unlock 10 wrestlers in the last chapter but getting there is a chore. I'm still stuck on Austin 3:16. You have to give the stunner to Rock in the Royal Rumble but he keeps getting eliminated by the CPU before I can build up enough momentum to get a finisher saved.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
You gotta unlock them first.

I got pre-DX Triple H but you gotta go pretty far in Attitude Era mode to unlock DX Triple H.

Like you can unlock 10 wrestlers in the last chapter but getting there is a chore. I'm still stuck on Austin 3:16. You have to give the stunner to Rock in the Royal Rumble but he keeps getting eliminated by the CPU before I can build up enough momentum to get a finisher saved.
Can't you unlock everyone if you buy the season pass?


I didn't mind the finish of the PPV. Got them out of the corner they booked themselves into IF they bounce back with something really strong for Ryback tomorrow night.

Survivor Series up next and the most obvious match appears to be Cena vs. Punk one more time. Seems to be the go-to match for the big Midwest shows lately (MITB in Chicago, 1000th Raw in St. Louis, Survivor Series in Indy). I'll be there for that one. I'm sure a lot of Chicago folks will be making the 3.5 hour drive that day.
Almost forgot, before the NJPW PPV there's the DGUSA triple-shot next weekend;

DGUSA - Fearless 2012 - November 2nd - Everett, MA - 8pm EST



  • AR Fox vs. Ricochet
  • Genki Horiguchi & Ryo Saito vs. The Super Smash Brothers
  • Rich Swann (c), CIMA & ACH vs. Chuck Taylor (c), Orange Cassidy & Drew Gulak - Captain's Fall Match
  • Akira Tozawa vs. Jon Davis
  • Sami Callihan vs. Samuray Del Sol
  • Johnny Gargano vs. EITA
    Scott Reed & Caleb Konley with Larry Dallas & Trina vs. Arik Cannon & Pinkie Sanchez

DGUSA - Uprising 2012 - November 3rd - Voorhees, NJ - 8pm EST



  • CIMA & AR Fox (c) vs. Horiguchi & Saito/Super Smash Brothers Nov. 2nd Winner[/b] - Open the United Gate Title Match
  • Ricochet & Rich Swann vs. Horiguchi & Saito/Super Smash Brothers Nov. 2nd Loser
  • El Generico vs. Sami Callihan - 2/3 Falls
  • Akira Tozawa vs. Samuray Del Sol
  • Arik Cannon & Pinkie Sanchez vs. Jigsaw & Fire Ant
  • Chuck Taylor, Drew Gulak & Orange Cassidy vs. Scott Reed, Caleb Konley & ???

DGUSA - Freedom Fight 2012 - November 4th - Long Island, NY - 8pm EST



  • Johnny Gargano (c) vs. Akira Tozawa vs. AR Fox vs. Ricochet - Open the Freedom Gate 4-Way Title Match
  • Genki Horiguchi & Ryo Saito vs. El Generico & Samuray Del Sol
  • CIMA vs. Sami Callihan
  • Jigsaw & Fire Ant vs. The Super Smash Brothers
  • Arik Cannon vs. ACH
  • Jon Davis vs. EITA
  • -If Rich Swann Wins On Nov. 2nd It Will Be Swann vs. Taylor
  • -If Taylor Wins On Nov. 2nd He Will Get To Whip Swann

Really looking forward to that Generico vs Callihan 2/3 Falls Match.


I didn't mind the finish of the PPV. Got them out of the corner they booked themselves into IF they bounce back with something really strong for Ryback tomorrow night.

Survivor Series up next and the most obvious match appears to be Cena vs. Punk one more time. Seems to be the go-to match for the big Midwest shows lately (MITB in Chicago, 1000th Raw in St. Louis, Survivor Series in Indy). I'll be there for that one. I'm sure a lot of Chicago folks will be making the 3.5 hour drive that day.

Oh goodie, Brock Plant front and Center again!


For the new page...

My review of tonight's show:

Orton vs. Del Rio - some really good wrestling and creative offense from both guys, and a really nice finish. Wish it had gone on for longer, but for a first match it was nearly-perfect. 3.75/5.

Hell No vs. Rhodes Scholars - funny entrance by the Rhodes Scholars, some great kicks from Bryan, good mat wrestling from the Scholars, some decent power from Kane and then...it's all cut short with a quick and shitty finish, which advances the Kane/Bryan story, but leaves fans feeling sour after what should have been a better and longer match, especially since the Rhodes Scholars had won a tournament to get this far. 3/5.

Kofi vs. Miz - so, this match happened. Not too bad overall, though. Some great athleticism from Kofi, and a much-needed victory. Could have gone without the "Wildcat" victory speech, though! 2.75/5.

Cesaro vs. Gabriel - good action, good power moves, good display of each wrestler's style. Just a good match in general with a vicious-looking forearm from Cesaro when Gabriel jumped to the outside. 3.5/5.

PTP vs. Rey and Cara - entertaining action, but this match had zero build. The end result was kind of forgettable overall. 2.5/5.

Sheamus vs. Big Show - great psychology and storytelling in this one. Loved the ending. It looked awesome, and both guys came in hard. 4/5.

Divas - there was some stuff that happened, but I missed most of this. What I saw was pretty good I guess. 2.5/5.

Ryback vs. Punk - some decent spots, but they didn't utilize the cell in any satisfactory way, and the whole thing was far too short. I can't believe how quickly it ended. It was the MAIN EVENT! It should have felt more important and grandiose, but it just left a bitter taste in my mouth. The result was okay, but the execution was just disappointing, and probably moreso for those who paid money to see it live. At least the ending was kind of different, and Heyman on the outside made it entertaining. 3/5.

Overall: a pretty tepid affair outside of the opening match and the World Heavyweight Championship. Cesaro and Gabriel also brought it. The main event, while logical in its outcome, didn't build up Ryback or Punk. It felt like a sidestep instead of a step forward. Also, the crowd was AWFUL. Were they giving out ambien at the gate or something? Wow.

Anyway, final score out of 10 for this PPV? 6.5/10. Had its moments, but too much filler and a main event that was just over 10 minutes long and which wasn't given time to really develop.


How did it not? Punk is a heel. Heels have looked like cowards since the dawn of time.

And heels shouldn't look cowardly especially when they hold the biggest and most important title in the company. And if they really wanted Ryback to look like a monster, they should have had a mounting offense by Punk with Ryback coming out on top until that bullshit finish.

Go and watch Randy Orton vs Mark Henry from last year at HiaC. Henry was dominating but Orton still put up a fair fight and looked strong. After exhausting all the options, the fire extinguisher, chairs, keno sticks, and even his own physical strength and while doing major damage to Ryback (without that cowardly bullshit) it didn't put him down completely. So it should have then set up for that referee finish both men looking strong but giving Ryback the edge, forcing CM Punk to play the only card left to him.

Now, CM Punk is going into Survivor Series against John Cena for the title and will look like an absolute joke. Great booking and planning by WWE, wasted on a giant waste of time known as Ryback.


Oh goodie, Brock Plant front and Center again!

Probably. One of their good friends lives just outside of Indy so they've got a place to stay there. Easy 3.5 drive to the show and no hotel cost so it's probably a lock for him to be there. The guy from Indy actually just attended his 12th WWE PPV in a row tonight. Snagged 2nd row seats at the last minute tonight.


Here is the video I posted over on gaming.


Who is the real King of Kings?

I completed Attitude mode already. Did it all on Legend, that Royal Rumble challenge was a toughy though.

EDIT: All of the DLC on 360 isn't up yet. It shows up as Free then says you need 4 bazillion MS points to get it. Should be up tomorrow if what I heard was correct.

better finish than today's main event


Junior Member
November Wrasslin |OT| Vince, Viewers Aren't Coming Ryback.

Yes this need to be the thread title.

Thanks Sunhi for the gifs.

You're the best part of the night.

Yes Sunhi did a great service... but I want to know what did he think of the ppv?

Did they really need that match to be in a cell? It felt almost useless throughout the match. Hell, the match itself was extremely short and had some good spots, but wasn't really memorable except for the screwy finish.

I think WWE creative reads message boards and tries to come up with an ending that no one has mentioned on the internet.

What a shitty ending to the PPV. Seriously. Terrible. Ryback wasn't over except for his chant, Punk looked like he wasn't really in the match, and the cell barely played a factor at all.

2.75/5 for some of Ryback's power moves and the stuff outside of the ring.

Blah. Expecting tons of backlash from this. WWE screwed the pooch on this one, IMO.
1. They picked the safest way to end the match.

2. If anything i would think that creative takes ideas from the internet partially message boards, remember that there are many many wrestling boards out there. It comes down to whatever Vince picked and the way the hiac match ended left Ryback looking strong for the night.

3. There are so many marks out there that wwe gets some level they get feedback on everything they do, it is then what does the wwe do with that feedback.

Different situation as in the case with Austin the whole point of that title reign was to:

Create a level of gullibility so people could believe that Austin could drop the title at any
moment, look at the people he faced they all had fanbases of their own look at the run up of King of the ring 2001; Benoit and Jericho became top stars over that.

To focus on the Ryback situation for a moment, this match certainly did not make him in any way.... I would assume that he would feud with somebody else now that will be the tipping point for him. wwe also can't let him win squash matches anymore, how would it work there isn't a level of progression; there are also so many people doing squash matches right now in the wwe that there really isn't a need.

As for Big Show... if the wwe really wants to put a title on Ryback strike while the iron is hot then.


The best thing about this Ryback/Punk match was Foley's promo on Punk. He built it up like being really hardcore and important; sadly, it turned out to all be pretty blase.



I agree that storyline wise, the Punk/Ryback finish worked. However, from an in-ring perspective, it failed to live up to the PPV's namesake, and was disappointing at just under 12 minutes.

12 minutes was weird, their house show matches have been going for 20-25 minutes.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
If it's anything like RTWM, there's no fun to be had there. Bad AI and insane handicap matches that take too long.

Well like I said, Attitude Era mode is like a different game. You just have to complete objectives to unlock certain wrestlers. You don't have to do them if you don't care. You just go to the next match.


Junior Member
12 minutes was weird, their house show matches have been going for 20-25 minutes.

In wwe's mindset they probably felt that a match longer than 5 minutes. They did that with Cena vs Miz a long time ago where that was built heavily and it was five minutes.


Seeing ref take out ryback. Lol just another day in lucha libre back in mexico where most refs are rudos and assist their fellow rudos. Pleasantly surprised WWE.
I wonder if that new NFS game will be any good.

...Also, wrestling.

im looking forward to it. been playing hot pursuit a lot and having a more dense world ala burnout paradise looks like it'll be a lot of fun.

Props to Sheamus for lifting Big Show like he was 200 pounds for White Noise, impressive and woke up the crowd.

Yea i was surprised how he just did it without that struggle that most wrestlers do when they lift up a big man

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Dude, its criterion, of course it will be

Eh, I got Hot Pursuit, and it got old quick. So far, Forza Horizon has provided every aspect of racing games that Criterion don't.(Like proper customization, cockpit cam[which I wouldn't want for a NFS game but still], story[even if it's terrible], etc)

also, you dudes getting it for 360 should add me: diet squid. WWE 13 people can too, but I doubt I'll do any online for that.


Eh, I got Hot Pursuit, and it got old quick. So far, Forza Horizon has provided every aspect of racing games that Criterion don't.(Like proper customization, cockpit cam[which I wouldn't want for a NFS game but still], story[even if it's terrible], etc)

also, you dudes getting it for 360 should add me: diet squid. WWE 13 people can too, but I doubt I'll do any online for that.
How did you fell about burnout paradise?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
How did you fell about burnout paradise?

It was okay, but I enjoyed stuff like Burnout 3 and NFS:U more. I'm not a huge fan of open world racing without any kind of guidelines. It felt like I was studying the map rather than the race.
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