If I sat down and thought of a fave five, Cesaro would be in it. Love him.
Hi GAF. I am back again! I am sure I was missed.
I had osteomyelitis of the fourth metatarsal of my right for, and had to get my forth toe amputated incase infection spread to the rest of my foot (that would be bad - could lose foot)
I am back now though. Surgery was last Thursday, and I am already back in the October Thread. I came back less than a week after having my two yanked off.
Hi GAF. I am back again! I am sure I was missed.
I had osteomyelitis of the fourth metatarsal of my right for, and had to get my forth toe amputated incase infection spread to the rest of my foot (that would be bad - could lose foot)
I am back now though. Surgery was last Thursday, and I am already back in the October Thread. I came back less than a week after having my two yanked off.
Hi GAF. I am back again! I am sure I was missed.
I had osteomyelitis of the fourth metatarsal of my right for, and had to get my forth toe amputated incase infection spread to the rest of my foot (that would be bad - could lose foot)
I am back now though. Surgery was last Thursday, and I am already back in the October Thread. I came back less than a week after having my two yanked off.
I'll go on record saying that Kingston is my least favourite member of the Chikara roster, so I'd happily see Donst take the title.
Hi GAF. I am back again! I am sure I was missed.
I had osteomyelitis of the fourth metatarsal of my right for, and had to get my forth toe amputated incase infection spread to the rest of my foot (that would be bad - could lose foot)
I am back now though. Surgery was last Thursday, and I am already back in the October Thread. I came back less than a week after having my two yanked off.
I'll go on record saying that Kingston is my least favourite member of the Chikara roster, so I'd happily see Donst take the title.
I'll go even one step further in stating that i hate Kingston as a person and totally support Chris Hero in any Hero vs Kingston argument
Is this even an argument? Even when he was fat Chris Hero could still wrestle circles around Eddie Kingston.
Hi GAF. I am back again! I am sure I was missed.
I had osteomyelitis of the fourth metatarsal of my right for, and had to get my forth toe amputated incase infection spread to the rest of my foot (that would be bad - could lose foot)
I am back now though. Surgery was last Thursday, and I am already back in the October Thread. I came back less than a week after having my two yanked off.
I dont know, back when the Hero v Kingston feud was at its best, there were people that genuinely bought into Kingston's crap about Hero being a dick to his friends and all that. To be fair, it was the IWA:MS forums, so yeah.
God, i remember marking out like crazy when Kingston was Hero's 5th member for the CoD match. Shit was insane.That's what I liked about that feud, because, as you could tell that King & Hero didn't like each other all that much, it made it that much easier to buy into the story - like when people on the old ROH board were convinced that Hero had actually politicked for years to keep Kingston from ROH, when it's more likely that they didn't have interest in him because he hardly epitomises the athleticism and standard of wrestling associated with ROH.
WWE 13 is a lot of fun.
A flair for the 80s! Fantastic.
Speaking of Kingston, i havent been following Chikara as much. Did they start picking for the Cibernetico yet?
Between this comment, Hurricane Sandy, and new Star Wars, I really should never leave again. Everything went to shit in a few weeks
Unfortunately not, but they did announce a tag match for the Cibernetico; Marty Jannetty & The 1-2-3 Kid vs The Heart Throbs, which should be...interesting.
Glacier's in on this too!
Yeah 2 days without power and I hear there's 3 more Star wars movies coming out.
I don't even like Star Wars and I find it fascinating.
I refuse to believe that WWE 13 plays any better than the last game.
Sorry you lost power for so long, that must not have been fun.
Do you disapprove of the Bootaaay creation on the other page? :/
I gave you Hansen-like qualities, and your TRUE WEAKNESS is that you are ALWAYS HONEST.
Do you disapprove of the Bootaaay creation on the other page? :/
I gave you Hansen-like qualities, and your TRUE WEAKNESS is that you are ALWAYS HONEST.
See, I thought it was Bootaaay because of the football dude next to my name down there. Someone buy me WWE 13, I feel wrong buying it myself.
You're rich though.
McNeily, money isn't the issue. It's giving people money in exchange for a WWE game!
But now you're back to restore balance like how Vince throws himself onto Raw when ratings hit a new low.Between this comment, Hurricane Sandy, and new Star Wars, I really should never leave again. Everything went to shit in a few weeks
See, I thought it was Bootaaay because of the football dude next to my name down there. Someone buy me WWE 13, I feel wrong buying it myself.
That's why I'm going to Target's B2G1 deal and getting WWE 13 for "free". Loopholes man!
When are they doing this? It's hard to resist video game deals...
So it took me literally 1,5 match in WWE '13 to get my first match breaking glitch lol:
This week!
I like that Target deal, but I know for a fact that any games I buy this week will be put on my backlog once Halo 4 comes out.
Between this comment, Hurricane Sandy, and new Star Wars, I really should never leave again. Everything went to shit in a few weeks
See, I thought it was Bootaaay because of the football dude next to my name down there. Someone buy me WWE 13, I feel wrong buying it myself.