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October Wrasslin |OT| Are you a Kane guy? Hell NO! I'm the tag team champions!


Kane isn't a champion of anything, this man is the Tag Team Champions:


Mr. Sam

Come on, guys! Team Friendship's fans are just as dysfunctional as the team itself.

But Daniel Bryan is blatantly the tag team champions.


There is a good interview with Jeff Hardy, discussing Victory Road among other things....

On what the past few years have been like for him:

Up and down, and down, down, down and then on a straight incline since last year's Victory Road. I was in a dark place there for a while. My legal situation was horrible as far as stress and I about went crazy during all that. Luckily, it's over now and I've done everything I've had to do. I'm on my second year of probation now and everything with that is going extremely well. Everything is great and I have nothing to complain about.

On what was his darkest moment during his troubles:

The darkest moment was probably, I'd have to say, it may have been Victory Road, when I was unable to perform because after all the years it finally caught up with me. I was out of my mind to even perform against one of the guys I looked up to as a kid, you know, Sting. That was probably rock bottom. That allowed me to go home and take care of everything I needed to take care of and get better and pretty much start over. I have a second chance, one more shot and luckily I got that and have improved ever since and have been on a steady incline.

When that happened at Victory Road, did you immediately know you screwed up on did it take a while to sink in?

No, I knew I messed up. I totally knew I messed up. And driving home that next day, I knew I had messed up for the last time. That's what I knew that day. It took a while, about six months, and I came back. I totally knew I messed up.

Full interview: http://www.betweentheropes.com/999/between-the-ropes-october-4-2012-jeff-hardy/

Jeff Hardy is easily one of my most improved for 2012.


So not worth it
Just saw on Twitter that Vince is going to give a "State of the WWE Address" on next week's Raw. Back to 2 hours?

Probably all about AJ. Get rid of her as GM and put her in a feud to go over Eve for the divas title.

But they always bring out either Vince or Trips for ratings. Gonna be a dud, nothing major.


Probably all about AJ. Get rid of her as GM and put her in a feud to go over Eve for the divas title.

But they always bring out either Vince or Trips for ratings. Gonna be a dud, nothing major.

"The USA Network is not happy with us right now. Last week was a ratings disaster. And it's all AJ's fault. AJ...YOU'RE FIRED. Get back to the divas division and give it a scrap of credibility. Also...I AM RATINGS."


Just saw on Twitter that Vince is going to give a "State of the WWE Address" on next week's Raw. Back to 2 hours?

I'm legitimately looking forward to Raw because of this. I think the announcement will be that they are going back to two hours as well.


So not worth it
There is a good interview with Jeff Hardy, discussing Victory Road among other things....

Full interview: http://www.betweentheropes.com/999/between-the-ropes-october-4-2012-jeff-hardy/

Jeff Hardy is easily one of my most improved for 2012.

It is so impressive how he overcame his demons and rebounded that quickly. His brother seems to be doing well as well nowadays. I'm happy, my favorite thing from the attitude era were E&C, the Dudleys and the Hardy bros.


I hope they go back to two hours. I really hope that the announcement isn't that, though.

It'll probably happen at the end of the show, or at the top of the first or second hour. Would be surprised if they started with it, since ratings would likely drop right after whatever lame announcement they end up making.


I still think it is a mistake to have him in as integral of a position as he's in. He's clearly a liability. It's not like he's had one relapse and flaked out. It's been a pattern for the past 10 years or so. He should be in the spot RVD is in, not in any kind of headlining position.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Goddamn. You guys. Never, EVER read the comments on WrestleZone articles. I ran across the worst fucking person there. Among the things he's said:

- Nobody can replace the current top WWE guys. Once Cena, HHH, Punk, Orton, etc are gone, WWE is dead.

- That Vickie should "shut up like her husband".

- Various instances saying Dixie is "a prostitute".

- That women can't run a business

- That when you insult the WWE, you insult him.

- "You don't tell me what to do. I do what I want, understand?"

Holy fucking shit, if this dude is a troll, then he's a successful one 'cause I MAD. But I usually believe that assuming people are "trolls" is giving humanity in general way too much credit, so this dude probably isn't trolling. Man, just knowing people like this exist make me want to disassociate myself with wrestling forever. Ugh.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
So why are you choosing to bring that shit here?

Sorry, had to vent. (Probably) won't happen again.

It just kinda made me take a step back and think about WrassleGAF. I mean, as much as some people here can piss me off, it's SO MUCH BETTER than basically every other wrestling community out there, and I should be grateful to have it.

tl;dr: I love you guys. :D

Mr. Sam

Serves you right for hanging out in comments sections. I bet even NASA's comment sections are full of trolls and idiots.


Vince announces that they're going back to two hours in order to focus on just the quality content.

Oh and that due to Linda's opponent Chris Murphy and OBAMA the WWE NETWORK is canceled unless Linda wins.
I bet that between now and Monday there will be 12 more predictions in this thread as to what the announcement will be and that none of you will be right.


So not worth it
AJ won't get fired.....not now anyway. She'll just be demoted to the active roster, wrestle Vicky a few times and join the divas division, where she will aimlessly float around as a interchangeable heel/face diva who is always the secondary in storylines till she actually is future endeavored because no one cares anymore.

Don't say these things :(

I will always care damnit!
Zack Ryder isn't actually over. He just gets a pop. People stop caring the second he wrestles.

AJ is a woman so the same probably applies. I'm sorry :(


So not worth it
Actually, to WWE's credit, tonights Smackdown is the second week in a row a women's match went past 90 seconds, and it wasn't that bad either. Not anything special considering who was involved, but definitely not bad.

With Del Rey coming in, I think the reports about rebuilding the division might actually be legit.
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