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October Wrasslin |OT| Are you a Kane guy? Hell NO! I'm the tag team champions!


I know this is just all stalling until the Rumble and until Cena gets better, but I'm....honestly okay with this. That's if Ryback loses.

If he loses then his streak is gone (which had to happen eventually) but it's to the WWE Champion so it won't hurt him too much.

But man if he wins...

if he loses, tech its not a lost because it was a 3way. so he would be undefeated in singles
What a weird episode of Raw. The entire show (or the segments I watched anyway) had a very strange vibe to them. I can't put my finger on what it was though. The Punk/Vince match was a weird one as well. Clearly a reaction to the low ratings so they tried to spark something by trotting Vince out and stacking the odds against Punk 3 v 1 as he played the slimy heel role perfectly. I'm really not sure what to think of that episode. Just strange.

And Punk was definitely about to knock that guy out who tried to grab the WWE Title from him. Could be a sign of a good heel to get people that worked up, or it could've been an idiot. Entertaining in any case. PEACE.
I don't understand booking heels to look like weak idiots. It's acceptable for then to run from Ryback, I guess, but far too much of that match was McMahon dominating Punk and Punk looking scared. It's stupid booking. If you need people to boo Punk, there's better ways to do it.


Dude that's awesome. Punk just swung at that guy in the crowd twice.

But I guess that means no more segments like that.


Cena's arm looked weak as fuck when he ran out. And don't give me that bullshit "LOL MARK" answer, we all know that asshole can't sell. I think it's legit guys.


Unconfirmed Member
That last segment felt like the Attitude Era again briefly, due more to the crowd than anything else.

I'm not sure what they think this show did for them or what having Vince McMahon physically dominate the WWE Champion accomplishes.
What a weird episode of Raw. The entire show (or the segments I watched anyway) had a very strange vibe to them. I can't put my finger on what it was though.

I think it was the Vince element. Nowadays whenever Vince is on the actual broadcast the show has a different vibe for better or worse.


What a weird episode of Raw. The entire show (or the segments I watched anyway) had a very strange vibe to them. I can't put my finger on what it was though. The Punk/Vince match was a weird one as well. Clearly a reaction to the low ratings so they tried to spark something by trotting Vince out and stacking the odds against Punk 3 v 1 as he played the slimy heel role perfectly. I'm really not sure what to think of that episode. Just strange.

And Punk was definitely about to knock that guy out who tried to grab the WWE Title from him. Could be a sign of a good heel to get people that worked up, or it could've been an idiot. Entertaining in any case. PEACE.

Probably an idiot. See this fan.
Like him or not Ryback is over as fuck. He is still green but if they can mentor him, and book him right they have something here. Last two weeks have been some of the biggest pops in years. If nothing else he has the "it" factor WWE really needs.
I rewound it and the guy that Punk hit was-- putting on sunglasses?

Punk just kind of lashed out behind himself blind and hit a guy who wasn't doing anything to him.


I'll record a shitty version on my phone but...

I'm looking at it in slow mo and some guy reaches across from Punk's right side to tap him on the shoulder. Punk then turns around and "swings" at a bald guy on his left side twice. It seemed like the guy didn't do anything but the camera was only on that for so long.
I rewound it and the guy that Punk hit was-- putting on sunglasses?

Punk just kind of lashed out behind himself blind and hit a guy who wasn't doing anything to him.
It looked to me like he was raising camera or something. I watched it. Like ten times. That was crazy! Hopefully it doesn't get Punk in trouble.
What a fucking incredible Raw. JBL was unbelievable, Vince was great, Punk was great, JR was great, what a fucking masteriece RAw. This is why I love WWE, folks. If you hate on this Raw, you can go to hell.
Like him or not Ryback is over as fuck. He is still green but if they can mentor him, and book him right they have something here. Last two weeks have been some of the biggest pops in years. If nothing else he has the "it" factor WWE really needs.

Years of Batista have taught me to just accept immobile big guys and simply hope they can cut a promo. If Ryback gets better on the mic then I'd be perfectly fine with a new super squashing machine in the main event.
I rewound it and the guy that Punk hit was-- putting on sunglasses?

Punk just kind of lashed out behind himself blind and hit a guy who wasn't doing anything to him.

Oh snap, Punk definitely Ron Artest'd the wrong person for whatever reason. Threw a back elbow then palmed/slapped him right in the face while it looked like the guy wasn't doing anything.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
God, I despise the brodus clay character so damn much. And what they've done to r truth..... fuck.
Like him or not Ryback is over as fuck. He is still green but if they can mentor him, and book him right they have something here. Last two weeks have been some of the biggest pops in years. If nothing else he has the "it" factor WWE really needs.

His finisher fucking sucks

Finisher is so important for these types of monster characters who don't have it on the mic and his blows. Goldberg had the Jackhammer and spear, this guy has some shitty back drop.


Austin just tweeted:

"If the sumbitch was trying to get my attention, it worked. I ain't flying under no bogus PG ass rating, either. #wwe"


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
His dad gave him harmless gigs and small interviewer spots until he bought the company from him. He has often said that if his dad had known what he would turn the company into, he wouldn't have sold it to him.

Yeah, Vince Sr split ticket proceeds with the wrestlers (I think he pioneered that practice actually) and valued the regional/territory-based structure of the varoius wrestling promotions. Sort of provided an ECW type of atmosphere to each one of them, with the crowd and performers being very intertwined.

He would hate the ruthless mega corp his son built out of the CWC/WWWF


Just re-watched it. A fan slapped Punk from the side and Punk thought it was the bald-headed guy behind him so he bitch slapped him and then shoved him.


Junior Member
His finisher fucking sucks

Finisher is so important for these types of monster characters who don't have it on the mic and his blows. Goldberg had the Jackhammer and spear, this guy has some shitty back drop.

Samoa Joe does the muscle buster better if that is Ryback's goal.


I'm surprised people didn't like that main event. Both parties gave their all and the crowd were loving it.

It was huge for punk being out there in that main event. Next week's rating will probably gauge better what people's reaction to this week's episode is. I enjoyed it to be honest and Ryback should be starting to sniff around the title scene.

Most of all everyone put effort in tonight. Whether you liked the booking or not Raw main events should be like this more often. And if they try this hard every week the result will be a much better TV show.

I don't want to see Vince in a ring anymore after tonight though. He went longer than any Ryback match to be fair.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
What a fucking incredible Raw. JBL was unbelievable, Vince was great, Punk was great, JR was great, what a fucking masteriece RAw. This is why I love WWE, folks. If you hate on this Raw, you can go to hell.

You were fine up until the bolded part. This is why people don't like you. Chill out. Stuff like that isn't necessary. I've never once seen anyone do the reverse and say that "If you liked this Raw, you can go to hell".

EDIT: And if I were to see that, I'd tell them the same thing I just told you. There's no reason to bring that kind of shit in here. Like or dislike whatever you want, but don't make personal judgments on people or tell people off for what they like or dislike. It's the same kind of shit that happens in political threads, and I hate it there too.
His finisher fucking sucks

Finisher is so important for these types of monster characters who don't have it on the mic and his blows. Goldberg had the Jackhammer and spear, this guy has some shitty back drop.

Is anyone doing the Jackknife? Just give him that and be done with it. Tried and tested finisher for big guys.


Ah, so it was Ryback AND Cena; that's even worse, somehow.

Vince had to get 2 other people to get into a fight that he railroaded the champ into; how the hell does that teach anyone about respect? Is respect just a word that they're parroting at this point or something? Eh whatever, I'm kind of tired of asking about this stuff.

No, this is one where Cena and Ryback don't come off as the bad guys.

1) Vince announces important address.
2) In the middle of said address, Punk steals the spotlight and makes it about him.
3) Apropos of almost nothing, Punk slaps McMahon
4) McMahon does what wrestlers do--he challenges Punk to a FIGHT
5) Heyman knows the politics better than Punk, tries and fails to play that card to garner support/advantages for Punk in the back
6) In true heel fashion, Heyman chooses the dishonorable, selfish route and tells Punk to basically send McMahon into a coma and Punk agrees
7) Cena, boy scout that he is, does the in-character thing and comes to Vince's aid but since he is injured, brings his sidekick Ryback with him.
8) They tip the scales back in Vince's favor and give Punk the beginning of what is now a well-earned beating.
9) Punk, not being an idiot, slips away
10) McMahon, unsatisfied for obvious (almost righteous) reasons, issues the ultimatum.

Punk made his bed and McCenaback were making him lie in it. (It helps that Punk's desire for respect had legitimately crossed a line this week--he's officially heel now, no more grey area about it.)

As for respect itself, Cena and Ryback show respect for McMahon and they teach Punk the meaning of respect by showing Punk that his disrespect for those around him has some dire consequences. It's a nice inversion.

Really, if it weren't for all of that stupid "Face Cena to prove yourself lol" crap from the past couple of weeks, it would have been a good segment.


It looked like a guy reached over and touched him and punk thought it was the dude behind him.

Just re-watched it. A fan slapped Punk from the side and Punk thought it was the bald-headed guy behind him so he bitch slapped him and then shoved him.
Yeah the guy leaned over and grabbed or slapped or something and punk immediately hit the dude behind him LOL

lawsuit time.
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