An impressive match with good spots and coordination is something I would never turn my nose up at. Someone playing up the theatricality of chops is fine to me too.
I'm all for the suspension of disbelief thing; I'm the one asking for punches, forearms and elbows to replace chops, all of which have to be 100% fake or they could kill someone. It's the meta-meta doublethink that bothers me about chops. They're fake, but they're real, but they're fake, but they're real. Punches are all fake, but they fit with the fiction.
I disagree on the submissions, I think they fall perfectly into the same category as fake punches. You do them in a way that looks good, but doesn't cause any real damage. Becky's arm bar is actually a nice pectoral stretch, but it looks like it's tearing the rotator cuff of her opponent. On the other hand, Big E's abdominal stretch may actually hurt like hell (I have no idea), but it looks like something I'd get at my physiotherapist's office after too much running, so it seems meh to me.
Something like Bryan's (or whatever Japanese wrestler he lifted it from) surf board is completely ridiculous in "reality", but it looks super cool so it's totally fine in my books.
I'll take watching a Code Red over a judo hip toss in a fake fight any day, even though the latter is "real" because the former looks cooler and I know the whole thing is fake. Chops just exist in this quasi-reality where we're cheering the actual pain, not the move itself, when the rest of the fight is about reducing the actual pain.