If it wasn't for Vince(6'2") and HHH (6'4")being relatively tall would height really that big of a deal?
I mean if a guy has the look, the in ring ability, or the charisma isn't that what matters?
Does height excursively really draw a televised product?
If it wasn't for Vince(6'2") and HHH (6'4")being relatively tall would height really that big of a deal?
I mean if a guy has the look, the in ring ability, or the charisma isn't that what matters?
Does height excursively really draw a televised product?
If it wasn't for Vince(6'2") and HHH (6'4")being relatively tall would height really that big of a deal?
I mean if a guy has the look, the in ring ability, or the charisma isn't that what matters?
Does height excursively really draw a televised product?
If it wasn't for Vince(6'2") and HHH (6'4")being relatively tall would height really that big of a deal?
I mean if a guy has the look, the in ring ability, or the charisma isn't that what matters?
Does height excursively really draw a televised product?
Height is part of a wrestler's look. Neville is jacked beyond belief but standing next to Randy Orton, he looks like a pocket-sized wellness violation..
If it wasn't for Vince(6'2") and HHH (6'4")being relatively tall would height really that big of a deal?
I mean if a guy has the look, the in ring ability, or the charisma isn't that what matters?
Does height excursively really draw a televised product?
If it wasn't for Vince(6'2") and HHH (6'4")being relatively tall would height really that big of a deal?
I mean if a guy has the look, the in ring ability, or the charisma isn't that what matters?
Does height excursively really draw a televised product?
if he loves them, it is overlooked. HBK isn't super tall.
HBK also had charisma just poring out of him
HBK also had charisma just poring out of him
That was the cocaine.
I don't mind a dude wearing a shirt or being short, to me it's all about a guy owning what he has. Some dudes exude a certain confidence and that's what sells a guy to me. So you can be smaller physically and still have a solid look.
that's fine, but when a guy claims he's the biggest and baddest dude around has to go up against another guy who says the same thing and he's also bigger and badder, then it makes him look like shit.
there's a niche for everyone, but play up to your strengths. you were a big fish in a small pond, but now you're just a guppy telling sharks you can hang with them.
Now that punches are done by everyone, there's no point to chops.
They have been a joke since day one.
I should start taking advantage of my NJPW World sub. I've only now gotten into February when you go into the 'series' link. This January 30 show that I finished watching a while back came into my mind just now because one of the Young Bucks were in the outside ranting to a fan: "Yeah, suck it! Like DX!" I found that really funny.
Punches in US wrestling are nothing, they're the equal of walking or blinking or something. Which is all kinda silly. Punches hurt in real life, they knock people out in real life.
I remember Minoru Suzuki getting a huge gasp of a reaction for resorting to a closed fist punch after getting angry near the end of his G1 match with AJ.
That's the weird thing about wrestling, right?
You've got chops, which actually hurt people done wrestling style, but it's all surface damage. So everyone cheers because they get a big sound, but they also know that it's actually hurting the guy, but it's fake, and there's no actual damage being done.
With a punch, it's more like a pile driver: zero damage to the guy taking it, but would seriously hurt/kill a person if actually done. So it's all storyline damage.
So on one hand, people are cheering a move that in-real-life would never actually be done because it wouldn't be damaging enough to be done in a real fight, but it actually causes pain to guys doing a fake fight. But everyone rolls their eyes at a move that would actually be good to use in a real fight because it doesn't cause real pain to guys in a fake fight.
It's the stupidest fucking thing in the world. Everyone knows the fighting is fake, but they want to see the guys feel real pain, but it has to be all surface level, because if it causes real damage (like a real fight) that's real bad too. Then it's backyard wrestling, carny bullshit.
Nothing makes any sense.
EDIT: the above videos: that's exactly 100% what I'm talking about. That huge Bully Ray chop - would hurt in real life, but nothing like a full force punch to the face. So we all pop for the real pain the guy is feeling, but we also know that if Ray punched him full force in the face, unprotected, he could cause actual brain damage. Whereas, with a slam, Ray could legit power bomb someone in real life and actually kill them, and we pop for a power bomb because it's a fake move that looks like it could kill someone. Nothing makes any sense.
wait a second are you implying that wrestling is fake
Now that the Women's title has main evented a Takeover, would you like to see a build for the Tag Titles to main event one eventually?
I've always thought the tag titles should be right up just behind the World title in importance levels, as the "World tag team champions" instead of this lower card thing.
All I'm sayin', and this is just my own opinion, is that since everyone knows wrestling is fake, I prefer to watch it as a fake fight with cool impossible moves. Play up storyline damage and use feats of strength/dexterity/athleticism to impress me.
Watching two giant dudes chop each other in the middle of a ring to show how much real pain they can take in a fake fight is like watching a Youtube video of teenagers have face slap contests.
I think you misunderstand them. They aren't mad that Balor and Joe won, they just thought it would have made more sense to use the tournament to put over a tag-team and prepare them for a push in the tag-division. Balor is already NXT champ and Joe has his reputation, so they don't really benefit from the win as much, esp. since they're singles wrestlers.
Are we all in agreement that Sid had an A+ look?
Watching Takeover and I hate that stupid arm waving that Finn does.
Well different strokes for different folks. I watched a BJW world title match which was two huge Japanese dudes stiffing the ever loving shit out of each other and it was AMAZING.
The thing where he spreads his arms to the song? So dorky. I cringe every time.
These are the kinds of posts that make trudging through WrassleGAF worth it.How wild would Blade Runner have been if Sid was Roy Batty?
Demon crawl isn't going anywhere, unfortunateky.You just know Vinny Mac is licking his chops at the number of action figures/toys/video games, that look will contribute to.
Jordan & Gable? Perfect. Great music, great matwrestling and Jordan is fucking awesome. That spinning out of the Hip Toss, didn't expect that.
How tall is Gable, he seems very small, which is so unfortunate
I guess my question would be...why?
You don't actually know if they are hitting hard or not. They are professionals at making things look like they hurt when they actually (comparatively) don't.
Like, a chest slap that makes a huge noise actually does less real world damage than one that doesn't (as a bunch of the force energy gets converted into sound). A lot of it is just in the way you hold your hand when it hits.
So you're watching two dudes use the weakest type of strike in real life to prove how much pain they can take, though no one really knows (except the people taking and giving it) whether they actually hurt or not. And even at their ABSOLUTE WORST, they are never going to cause any more damage than skin deep. In real life or fiction.
So we all nod sagely about how awesome it is that these guys are showing how tough they are taking slaps that make their skin burn and break out in welts, but if they were in the center of the ring punching each other in the face for real, back and forth, mangling their faces, it would be sickening. Because we don't actually want to see pain (unless you like watching a weed wacker to the gut, Mondo syle).
EDIT: I feel like chops are a vestigial organ of pro-graps' time when they sold it as real. It was a "sport" then, with rules. No closed hand strikes. With that rule, they needed something for the lumbering tubs to do between hip tosses and clotheslines. I don't know if the rule was created to make chops seem less ludicrous or if the chops were created to work around the rule, regardless, that time is over and everyone and their dog does full fiction punches now. It's time to retire the chop aside from a nod to Flair.
He looked especially small against Rhyno and Baron. Dude is good enough to overcome, though.Jordan & Gable? Perfect. Great music, great matwrestling and Jordan is fucking awesome. That spinning out of the Hip Toss, didn't expect that.
How tall is Gable, he seems very small, which is so unfortunate