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October Wrasslin' |OT| Celebrating 20 Years of the YET-AY!


Braun Strowman gets to bypass NXT while Kenta, Prince Devitt, Kevin Steen, Samoa Joe, El Generico, and Kana have to spend three months watching and doing nothing before they can wrestle in NXT.

WWE logic.

He never made it to TV wrestling but he did the rosebud thing sometimes and he did house shows.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
It's magical


This SNME has a waterslide competition between Junkyard Dog and Jimmy Hart at a water park. Last week there was a pie eating contest between Lou Albano and King Kong Bundy.

How is it the fun n playful era yet they never do anything fun n playful like this?
Because it's not the Fun 'n' Playful Era; it's the Self-conscious, Self-loathing Era.


Hey I tried to get a RAWlternative going for this week and no one bit. I was watching Lucha Underground all by my lonesome and it was enjoyable. Hell, next week just watch a Nitro or old RAW on the Network. It's good to take a break.
My hand is touching your hand.


The best part about this angle dying this way is that Bryan Alvarez was so fucking invested in this storyline, and now it's dead. Not with a bang, but with a whimper.

I can't wait for his rant tonight hahahah

Poor Alvarez. ):

You are right though, can't wait to hear his reaction.


The best part about this angle dying this way is that Bryan Alvarez was so fucking invested in this storyline, and now it's dead. Not with a bang, but with a whimper.

I can't wait for his rant tonight hahahah

he may have been the only man on the planet actually invested

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Oh shit, Hulkster's got the baby blue ring gear with the red knee pads and he still has some of the hair on top of his head.

Best Hulkster look


Man, watching Mankind become a star is magic. That sneaky Canadian scoundrel Bret Hart attacks Austin from behind and puts him in the dreaded figure-4 around the post and Mankind rushes out and puts the mandible claw on Bret. So fun.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Man, watching Mankind become a star is magic. That sneaky Canadian scoundrel Bret Hart attacks Austin from behind and puts him in the dreaded figure-4 around the post and Mankind rushes out and puts the mandible claw on Bret. So fun.

I think you're actually spoiling events for me with your past few posts! I'm still on KOTR 1997!


Chicago crowd embarrassingly terrible during this Reigns promo. Wrestling crowds need to be put back on a leash.

Christ they continue through Bray talking too. Die.


I think you're actually spoiling events for me with your past few posts! I'm still on KOTR 1997!
Oh, I'll stop if you -- or others in the community -- are trailing behind in some good old-fashioned chronological viewing! Is this your first time watching or did you watch back in the day?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Oh, I'll stop if you -- or others in the community -- are trailing behind in some good old-fashioned chronological viewing! Is this your first time watching or did you watch back in the day?

I've never actually seen this year but I know basically what is going to happen from books and general WWF knowledge, so don't worry about it. I just figured you were further ahead of me.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Xavier Woods is basically an amazing 80's manager. Only he can also wrestle.

I like 1997 a lot. It's not quite as spectacular as 1996, which might be the best year of US wrestling ever.
Raw tonight was so damn bad. Their response to ratings going down the toilet is to double down on all the shit that doesn't work. New Day might be the only enjoyable thing on the show, and that's unsurprisingly the act that is closest to the actual personalities of the performers.
So I'm skipping through Raw as I tend to do and aside from Roman's boring promo I watched the end to hear a Husky Harris chant... In 2015? Seriously? That shit didn't fly in three years ago, what dumb ass Chicago marks thought they were being clever trying it now?

I hope they choke on a Payday.

Now the Rusev/Lana thing being talked about on Raw... >_> How stupid... Talking about TMZ "HEY WE'RE RELEVANT SEE!" Carny fucks. And now time for Rusev to job and job for messing with their selective kayfabe.


Raw was fun to be at tonight. I haven't been to a live RAW since RVD was IC Champion wrestling Christian in a ladder match.

Cesaro is awesome live. Chicago loves Cesaro.

New Day were the heels of the night. Fans LOVED booing these guys and the dig on Rose? Perfection.

Ziggler Vs Cena was the best match of the night...and if anyone is interesed, they hugged after the match. No Divas feud setup...yet

The Boss looks great live. As does Paige.

KO is great live.

Chicago was cheering Roman. Everyone was behind him...then he talked too long and the crowd turned on him badly.

During the Divas tag match the crowd was booing because there was a beach ball being tossed around and an agent 47 looking dude took it away.

Crowd went nuts for the proposal.

At one point the screens above the ring crashed revelealing a Windows 95 desktop with too many items on the desktop.

It was fun and wasn't in the parking lot too long after the show!
That Reigns promo wasn't that bad until the "real life" part. He got what'd instantly and there's nothing anyone could say to sell this feud. Lose-lose situation but he seems more confident.

Also, I can't believe they're giving away Reigns/Strowman away for free on RAW.
All the superfluous bullshit they advertise nonstop and they could only be bothered to mention once that they'll have Michaels, Lesnar, and Undertaker on the show next week.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
That Reigns promo wasn't that bad until the "real life" part. He got what'd instantly and there's nothing anyone could say to sell this feud. Lose-lose situation but he seems more confident.

Also, I can't believe they're giving away Reigns/Strowman away for free on RAW.

Strowman needs to run through yesterdays garbage quickly so he can beat the 1 in 21 and 1.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I've said this before I'm sure, but Kane has always been boring. As a monster. As a goofy monster face. As an unmasked darth vader knockoff. As a Corporate Kane. As a Demon Kane.

Always boring. Always. Undertaker is right there with him for me, but I liked Heel Biker Taker so I at least liked Undertaker at one point in his career.


hmmm, wonder what happened on raw tonight

Michael Cole mentions that TMZ broke the story that Rusev and Lana are engaged. The announce team plays up the fact that they don’t have any idea why Summer Rae is still out here with Rusev.

Ryback immediately slams Rusev. Ryback misses a splash, which allows Rusev to take control. Rusev works over Rybacks arm. Ryback hits a belly to back suplex after a flying shoulder block. Meathook clothesline by Ryback. Rusev gets out of the shellshock and super kicks Ryback. Rusev pins Ryback with his feet on the ropes, but the referee sees it. Ryback hits the shellshock for the win.

Winner- Ryback

After the match, Summer Rae goes in on Rusev for the fact that he wasn’t man enough to tell her he has been engaged for a month. Summer Rae slaps him and storms off.


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm glad they're actually selling Paige as a legit heel instead of just randomly crazy (although there is a pretty big helping of randomly crazy still in there)


Watched this about 4 hours ago from top to bottom and I actually had fun watching it.

WCW Spring Stampede 1998

•Perry Saturn vs Goldberg
The match had a stunning showcase feeling with Goldberg displaying his power and the crowd losing their minds. Saturn got more offence in than you would expect but it made Goldberg's comeback even more impactful. Saturn's selling was non existent but as a match I really enjoyed it.

•Chavo Guerrero Jr (w/ Eddie Guerrero) vs Ultimo Dragon
Highly competitive match with a great technical flair, it all flowed so well together especially with the whole Chavo vs Eddie storyline being told in an entertaining fashion giving you a reason to care about the outcome. The style of Ultimo Dragon is really something special to see.

•(WCW TV Title Match) Chris Benoit vs Booker T (c)
Holy hell what a great match with both putting everything on the line and the crowd were extremely into it all the way through and even with a ref bump it didn't detract from the fun at all. The intensity and determination from both created something engaging along with how well they built the momentum to a fever pitch.

•(Managers are handcuffed Match) British Bulldog (w/Jim Niedhart) vs Curt Hennig (w/Rick Rude)
A head butt, several punches, stomping and bouncing heads off turnbuckles. That is it. Utter nonsense with the handcuff stuff too. All in all it was fucking terrible.

•(WCW Cruiserweight Title Match) Prince Iaukea vs Chris Jericho (c)
Decent little match with the crowd really caring about the near falls and Iaukea hope spots. This crowd has been awesome so far. It felt one sided as Jericho didn't over extend himself but with the crowd so hot it didn't seem to matter.

•Scott Steiner & Buff Bagwell vs Rick Steiner & Lex Luger
Stomping and punching and more stomping followed by more punching. A single hot tag, clotheslines and the rack for the finish. The most pedestrian and laziest match possible but hey, at least it was short.

•La Parka vs Psychosis
The crowd which were hot all night instantly stopped caring here. It had the flash but with clumsy and awkward spots it just didn't mean much to anyone. Quite gutted with how poor this was.

•(Baseball bat on a pole match)
Kevin Nash & Hulk Hogan vs Roddy Piper & The Giant
This crowd are fucking incredible, molten hot over each of the interactions here. Quite a standard affair but while totally forgettable it wasn't as offensive as I was expecting.

•(WCW US Title Match - Raven's Rules)
DDP (c) vs Raven
Hot damn what a brawl. The big spots, brawling everywhere they could, weapon shots, DDP fighting against the odds along with the flock having a key part in giving Raven a title made for something quite cool. The finish was abrupt and killed the momentum dead but the rest of the match was enjoyable.

•(WCW World Heavyweight Title Match - No DQ)
Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth) vs Sting (c)
Run of the mill and quite underwhelming but again the crowd were still entertained and very vocal. Miss Elizabeth taking a stinger splash shocked the crowd. Finish came from Hogan appearing and pushing his faction mate off the top only to then see Nash come down and power bomb Sting allowing Savage to win anyway.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So basically the only promo work they're doing for the main event at HIAC is the same video package three times per night?
Seth's booking is just so mind numbingly short sighted. I still won't blame it on him because all of what's bad isn't on him at all. If anything, the dude should just go off script and be all like fuck this fuck all of you guys. But you know he can't do that cause he'll be punished far worse than what he is right now. So he'll just follow the script and take the L because that's what's written for him. It sucks cause he's so good in the ring.


Actual footage of a WWE writer in the office

No i did not watch raw this week, why the fuck would I?

Lord help me I'm watching a Mongo/Glacier match on Nitro....


So not worth it
It seems like my decision to keep not watching RAW is paying off. Two weeks in a row!

Welcome to the light side, where it is always sunny. Where joy is had and wrestling is actually fun. It is happy place, a place of warmth and deathmatches, of "so desu ne"-s and flippity floppity flips. A place where we kick out of finishers and then some. Where there are no Big Show's or 5-minute rest holds. Where there is no commentary trying to sell you on stuff with halfhearted faked enthusiasm. Where there is only happiness and endless fave fives.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
RAW was actually pretty entertaining. The football game didn't get good until after RAW ended anyways and the baseball games were blowouts.
Roman Reigns is just....not that dude. Say what you will about Cena but he is quick enough to be able to deal with the hot crowds. Roman gets so clearly thrown off when the crowd is ripping him that he cannot even recap his own storyline without fumbling around. Vince, do everyone (including Roman) a favor and take away his brass ring. He's just not cut out for it.
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