Ninja Scooter
Better or worse than an Edge spear?

Better or worse than an Edge spear?
Better or worse than an Edge spear?
The shoulder pads look super good. Hope she goes with something bigger and crazier.
team her with this dude
she should just go for a rita look
I would like to see this Tetsujin Shoot Style Wrestling show, as weeaboo as that title may be.
I would like to see this Tetsujin Shoot Style Wrestling show, as weeaboo as that title may be.
The MMPR theme will never stop being awesome
Scott Steiner as Shoney's spokesperson is delightful.
That's interesting, but I bet it's a work.
Lol @ Cena and Seth doing iron man matches on house shows.
Scott Steiner as Shoney's spokesperson is delightful.
Because of course they would. Cena is on some Tanahashi ish and Rollins just wants to do more crazy shit
Indy Experimenter John Cena is so hilarious
Is there crazy shit in Cena's war crate from his Prototype days that we've never seen on the main roster?
Basically, I want Cena's version of Brock's shooting star press.
Scott Steiner as Shoney's spokesperson is delightful.
I just want to hold her. She's so lovely.The shoulder pads look super good. Hope she goes with something bigger and crazier.
Is there crazy shit in Cena's war crate from his Prototype days that we've never seen on the main roster?
Basically, I want Cena's version of Brock's shooting star press.
"Those people on the internet will love me now!! Next week I'm gonna bring back Scaffold matches!!"
Rita = Steph
Lord Zedd = HHH
Goldar = Rollins
Squatt and Baboo = J&J Security
Finster = Kane
Zordon = Vince
Red Ranger = Cena
Pink Ranger = Nikki
Blue Ranger = Cesaro
Black Ranger = Big E
Yellow Ranger = Kana
Bulk and Skull = Roman and Ambrose
Green Ranger = ????
Cena really has the riskiest offense for a main eventer in history. The AA is safe, but that top rope legdrop, the springboard stunner, etc etc. Like what on earth.
'Seth, I really think I should take the Burning Hammer tonight.'
'...JOHN, WHY?!'
Scott Steiner as Shoney's spokesperson is delightful.
So when does Cena attempt the chikara special?
Indy Cena needs to start super kicking everyone
Rita = Steph
Lord Zedd = HHH
Goldar = Rollins
Squatt and Baboo = J&J Security
Finster = Kane
Zordon = Vince
Red Ranger = Cena
Pink Ranger = Nikki
Blue Ranger = Cesaro
Black Ranger = Big E
Yellow Ranger = Kana
Bulk and Skull = Roman and Ambrose
Green Ranger = ????
Scott Steiner as Shoney's spokesperson is delightful.
Scott Steiner as Shoney's spokesperson is delightful.
Because of course they would. Cena is on some Tanahashi ish and Rollins just wants to do more crazy shit
Indy Experimenter John Cena is so hilarious
The Blue Ranger was the one bullied and marginalised until he quit