nxt pls scoop up cheerleader melissa, madison eagles, daffney, and mia yim so all of my favorite female indy talent can be there
He's a good get. Hearing his story on Art I'd Wrestling really got me interested apart from his great look.My boy Tommey End is on the WWE Radar
Why does Breezus have to resort to selling worn ring gear on eBay? Bump him up to main roster and give the man a raise in salary.
Tyler Breeze showing up on the main roster is about as delusional as expecting Daniel Bryan to return friends
Fandango will get piefaced in a prerecorded segment with Derek Zoolander done. Don't need Breeze.They'll do it just for Zoolander 2. Then demote/fire him/who the fuck cares. He'd be pretty dope in LU though.
he's not lame, he's gorgeousFandango will get piefaced in a prerecorded segment with Derek Zoolander done. Don't need Breeze.
No he wouldn't because he's Tyler Breeze. And Tyler Breeze is lame.
I have doubts that anyone in WWE management has heard of Zoolander.
Breeze WILL make it to main roster and he will bring prestige back to the IC title. Expect to see that thing flashed all around come New York Fashion Week.
I have doubts that anyone in WWE management has heard of Zoolander.
Breeze WILL make it to main roster and he will bring prestige back to the IC title. Expect to see that thing flashed all around come New York Fashion Week.
She's a gamer just like me! SO HOT!
Table for three with Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner, and Buff Bagwell.
That table shrug off that wrestler like "Can you do better than that?"Child is not happy with the treatment of the good Doctor
No Scotty Riggs?
They're taking about the ladder bump and Owens fighting Cena so it's considerably after that.Vader is so soft-spoken in the dinner series with DDP and sting. All of the videos were shot at Mania it seems like.
New Generation Table for 3: Barry Horowitz, Bob Holly, Dean Douglas
nxt pls scoop up cheerleader melissa, madison eagles, daffney, and mia yim so all of my favorite female indy talent can be there
I barely even notice King is there.Nothing beats Schiavone/Madden/Tenay. Tenay and Madden can't stand each other. Madden is in general annoying (unless paired with Straight Shootin' Stevie Ray) and Schiavone just doesn't give a shit anymore.
Cole/JBL/King doesn't really work well either, especially when they were doing RAW every week but with the break of them only doing PPVs now it's decent. Saxton is at least better than JBL and King bickering over nothing, but I miss booker T.
Would anyone be interested in seeing Dennis Miller and Joe Buck on commentary for RAW?
Table for 3: Vince McMandow; Macho Mandow; Mizdow.
I wonder if the Steiners will ever get called and put into the WWE Hall of Fame. I know they barred Scott from showing up not long ago (because of Hogan iirc) and I don't think neither he or Rick care too much about Vince and Triple H.Table for three with Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner, and Buff Bagwell.
nxt pls scoop up cheerleader melissa, madison eagles, daffney, and mia yim so all of my favorite female indy talent can be there
I'm shocked they haven't signed Kris Wolf yet
If you're going to do something like that, at least do it with someone with actual talent.
Table for 3: Cactus Jack; Dude Love; Mankind