With every new debuting WWE Superstar, you must ask yourself one question: am I willing to pull a SoulPlaya to defend this person's reputation in the ISEC? And I feel with Tyler Breeze, my answer is "yes."
Consider this a warning, uggos.
The lady who cleans the office in the morning apologized for being a little late today and broke down because her mom was just diagnosed with breast cancer. I talked to her for about half an hour about it. I barely know her, so it was kind of awkward, but she thanked me and said it helped a lot being able to talk someone about it. So two things: 1) curse my affability (although I was happy to help in the end) and 2) LOVE YOUR MAMA.
You were on track for a big push but got serious heat when you started bashing 2001 in OT. You're getting demoted to tag-teaming with Heel, and we're going back to the ol' reliable Data West.
I wanna see future "The Guy" Finn Balor cut a promo like this (or Roman or near anybody on the roster)
My mom died ten years ago, this december. Went into the hospital on Christmas Eve and never went home. So yeah, appreciate this person while they're around. It sucks when they're not.
Yeah but Stardust
I'm 31!!
Fuck you millennial fucks
Goldust used to scare me shitless as a kid but he was one of my favourites. Sadly Goldust screwed Goldust.Bans are better when they're requested rather than forced.
Anyway, Goldust debuted 20 years ago yesterday. No one made a thread. You bastards.
I'm 31!!
Fuck you millennial fucks
Last night's WWE SmackDown, featuring the debut of WWE NXT Superstar Tyler Breeze, drew 2.204 million viewers, according to Showbuzz Daily. This is up from last week's 2.090 million viewers.
just as I thought
Breeze is gonna save us?
Breezus ChristBreeze is gonna save us?
Got nothing but part-timers in this thread coming in and collecting a paycheck that could go to someone putting this thread on their back.
A.k.a me.
You goddamn carnies.
AZCentral.com has a short interview here with Ryback, who was promoting next Tuesday's SmackDown taping at the US Airways Center in Phoenix, AZ. During the interview, Ryback talked about how much control he has with his character.
"I can say that for me, personally, I 100 percent have been able to do anything I want to with Ryback," Ryback said. "We've talked about things and certain elements, but I've been allowed creative control to do what I want to do. If Vince (McMahon, WWE CEO) doesn't like anything, he would tell me and we'd correct."
Damn right.Bronx Cena
I'm watching Smackdown, and it's kind of funny how fans (one guy on reddit) created the "Cesaro section", it got over, and now the WWE is running something they didn't even come up with to the ground, with pretty much everyone having a section of their own.
I love Cody idk almost like he's my brother but the story about his GI Joe action figures killed me.my take is that Stardust is Cody's way of having fun while resigning himself to the fact he's never ever getting to the main event. Otherwise he'd probably explode given his er, fractious personality (or so we are told).
coincidence? i think notjust as I thought
Mauro is in the zone calling Suzuki/sakuraba