Really? They pulled out the "best pure striker" line when Taker is going against Brock??!
my vote: no vote
gifs are the worst thing about the internet
I really like the angle, which emphasizes the impact, in this gif.
Waiting for DM to unleash the AssBiz gifs collected over the course of 2015.
Very disappointed that I cannot find a gif of Okada crying after Wrestle Kingdom.
Rainmaker refers to the tears
From my brief search on Imgur for literally just the word wrestling, he will find many
And if he found the Tumblr account I think he did, we're all doomed
He got all the gifs scrubbed to keep his squeaky clean Rainmaker image
Rainmaker refers to the tears
Rule #1 of WrassleGAF: never ever click on a Data West jif.
All of this, while true, is irrelevant though. He's a heel. Heels don't win feuds at main event levels, they are there to make the face look like an underdog and allow the face to overcome. Which the face always does in wrestling. At the end of the day, for a heel he wins arguably more than any other heel i've ever seen. There's no denial he's super protected, and the undisputed fact he's got a better W/L than Reigns cannot be denied. He's a very, very well off heel. Who really doesn't need to win. The way he's presented winning and losing is not to be all and end all for him like, say, Cena.
It's just infuriating to me. And also would you expect anyone to win feuds v Cena and the Undertaker? And Reigns? No! Of course you wouldn't! So why people do is hilarious. And even worse, the fact he defeated Ambrose in a feud to this day pisses me off like nothing else. He should NEVER have gone over him as many times as he did. Ever.
But this is a finalist for sure:
Probably won't make the shortlist, but Kevin Owens throwing the flowers out of the ring at Beast in the East is good.
But, if you're going to have a gif of a wrestler throwing something out of the ring, Rusev throwing the fish is better than Owens throwing flowers.
It's already bookmarked friend
It's already bookmarked friend
You Halo 5, bro?
add me for some Halo 5 broness, imo.
gt is somewhatgroovy.
sunny is too shy. need someone with balls to play with.
2k16 also arrives tomorrow. Gonna see what I end up with as far as GWF goes. Will take a lot of prep.
It's not too late, you can still turn back!
Cortana ain't got shit on digital Renee Young.
Fanta cherry is my choice.Dr Pepper can Suck it.
Nothing beats a nice cold glassof Fanta.(orange soda is the best)
A lot of the times they aremy vote: no vote
gifs are the worst thing about the internet
Wow whoever created this gif should get some credit for the effort to make this:
WWE annocuens we have no fucking idea what tondo number one contender tournament
Dr. Gero: Vince
17: HHH
18: Steph
16: Kane
19: Roman
Roshi: King
Goku: Cena
Vegeta: Punk
idk the rest
WWE annocuens we have no fucking idea what tondo number one contender tournament
WWE annocuens we have no fucking idea what tondo number one contender tournament
Corporate and wrestler HHHThen in WWE GT Triple H combines himself with another Triple H
WWE annocuens we have no fucking idea what tondo number one contender tournament
WWE annocuens we have no fucking idea what tondo number one contender tournament
WWE annocuens we have no fucking idea what tondo number one contender tournament