October Wrasslin' |OT| Dia de los Mil Muertes

Fave Five Fan
out moments:

Vince as the Higher Power
Kurt Angle's Milk Truck Barrage
Shane's acquisition of WCW
HH 'throwing' giant off of Cobo Hall
Austin's heel turn.
Yeah exactly.

So for someone else to outbid them, that supposedly DOESN'T have a network full of thousands of hours of wrestling content to sell people... what the fuck are they thinking? They think they're gonna turn this ship around? even remotely?

I guess they think without dixie and russo they can get back on spike and get to the point where the product is good enough to go out and do house shows.

Which'd make them profitable again, but those are big asks.

Fave Five Fan
out moments:

Vince as the Higher Power
Kurt Angle's Milk Truck Barrage
Shane's acquisition of WCW
HH 'throwing' giant off of Cobo Hall
Austin's heel turn.

Shane on Nitro
Flair/Vince 50/50 partners
HBK new member of the NWO
Tazz chokes out Angle
Punk wins at MITB
I'd love to know how that was done. It wasn't a set so they obviously had to have something to catch Paul, and I'd be scared shitless if I was him.

I'm not sure how they did it, but I know they were going to explain him getting back to the arena by saying he fell in the detroit river and put a fish in his trunks lol.

Heenan thought it was moronic and just said that they expected him to fall and had airbags in place.
Cesaro is enough of a Wrestling God that he can even make Ambrose's lariat look pretty good.
This actually looks great and does not look out of place like when he does it now off a light tap. The main problem is that he does it every single match. It should be saved for ppv at least dammit.


Great job on the OT, tm24. It's lit!

Thanks! It was fun if only because i kinda got delayed in making it since i accidentally ended up watching all of El Santo y Blue Demon vs Dracula and the Wolfman. Such a great movie.

Also i had somehow forgetten Chucky was a thing in a lucha


Update on TNA Bound for Glory:


The show will go on thanks to a supposedly mystery third party who paid for the show. Interesting.

From the article..

The cash-strapped producer of TNA Wrestling and Impact Wrestling — a minor-league version of WWE — kept fans guessing until Friday afternoon on whether the PPV event would be broadcast live on Sunday.

Come again?
Beef's Bret Stupid Hart Review Scale of WrestlingGAF Poster Nocturnowl

Look: 7/10
Ability: 7/10
Promo: 6/10
Shoot: 4/10

He's not a shooter, but he'll mess you up.
I mean some of the Nashville-era stuff is decent for WWE's library but them getting the TNA library just seems meh to me.

AJ Styles and Samoa Joe had some great stuff there that is forgotten because LOLTNA. One day, their stuff will make for a great viewing project.


I mean some of the Nashville-era stuff is decent for WWE's library but them getting the TNA library just seems meh to me.

Well if they do buy the library they will have the good Samoa Joe stuff from 05-06. Though they have to bury the face tattoo version of him and when he was kidnapped by ninjas.

Though this scene of a little person holding a gun in a ring can be shown in its full glory:

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