October Wrasslin' |OT| Dia de los Mil Muertes

I don't care how long it took Jericho took go for the pin, this should have been 3.

Great match, regardless.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Yep, Bulldog saved the business.

SS 1995 and IYH5 are both solid shows and basically feel like something from 1996, and they only happen because of that stinker.

I mean, the rest of the show isn't much better. Hey let's do a Canadian PPV and not put either Hart on it!
SS 1995 and IYH5 are both solid shows and basically feel like something from 1996, and they only happen because of that stinker.

I mean, the rest of the show isn't much better. Hey let's do a Canadian PPV and not put either Hart on it!
Yo, look at ss 95, doesn't the kid look like one of the karate fighters? Lmfao

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Sheamus was wrestling in 09?!?! How did I miss that?! Drew McIntyre?!?

A lot of people seem to think that the WWE's normal mode is to book someone wrong from the beginning and then let them flounder for years.

I think that's untrue most of the time. The WWE often times gets the character perfectly right at the beginning and then fucks them up when they try to grow them in any way. Shameless is a great example of this.
Are WWE ever gonna upload FCW to the network? There's some genuine good stuff in that, as well as probably the best Ambrose match ever in his two matches with Regal.

Plus Adam Rose getting the push!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Are WWE ever gonna upload FCW to the network? There's some genuine good stuff in that, as well as probably the best Ambrose match ever in his two matches with Regal.

Plus Adam Rose getting the push!

I literally have no clue why they haven't put NXT: The reality show years on the network. I mean...it's all 100% digitized.


Are WWE ever gonna upload FCW to the network? There's some genuine good stuff in that, as well as probably the best Ambrose match ever in his two matches with Regal.

Plus Adam Rose getting the push!

They did put up that Seth Rollins/Chris Hero match when they put up the Hidden Gems collection.


This RAW main event of Big Show vs. The Rock vs. Kurt Angle for the Hardcore Championship where about a thousand guys run in because it's hardcore rules and Show ultimately pins Essa Rios against a wall in the back and then dumps him in a trash can and then Austin runs in and gives Angle a Stunner... not bad.


Man God

Non-Canon Member
is there a list somewhere of what they have left to upload to the network?

That they own outright?

They have to finish:

Almost all of the WWF Saturday Syndicated shows.

Primetime Wrestling
A couple more years of RAW
Even more Smackdown
All of Sunday Night Heat
All of WCW's Saturday/Sunday Shows
WCW Thunder

And that's just the two major brands they own. The only major brand they have that's complete is ECW, minus the reboot on Scyfy of course.
Now you HAVE to watch Raw post-WCW closure. =D

This RAW main event of Big Show vs. The Rock vs. Kurt Angle for the Hardcore Championship where about a thousand guys run in because it's hardcore rules and Show ultimately pins Essa Rios against a wall in the back and then dumps him in a trash can and then Austin runs in and gives Angle a Stunner... not bad.

Wait... Paul isn't the color commentator right after No Way Out 2001? Definitely don't recall that.


That they own outright?

They have to finish:

Almost all of the WWF Saturday Syndicated shows.

Primetime Wrestling
A couple more years of RAW
Even more Smackdown
All of Sunday Night Heat
All of WCW's Saturday/Sunday Shows
WCW Thunder

And that's just the two major brands they own. The only major brand they have that's complete is ECW, minus the reboot on Scyfy of course.

Also Velocity and that weird kids show they had where the wrestlers just did weird comedy matches.


Now you HAVE to watch Raw post-WCW closure. =D

Wait... Paul isn't the color commentator right after No Way Out 2001? Definitely don't recall that.
Lawler was on the RAW after No Way Out. Although Tazz was commentating during the main event because Lawler had a match earlier (tagged with the APA against RTC).
Lawler was on the RAW after No Way Out. Although Tazz was commentating during the main event because Lawler had a match earlier (tagged with the APA against RTC).
How bizarre

In early 2001, The Kat began a new storyline with a stable called the Right to Censor, a group of conservative wrestlers, where she demanded equal time for the "right for nudity".[8][15] At No Way Out, Jerry Lawler, who was representing The Kat, lost a match to Steven Richards, the head of the stable, after The Kat mistakenly hit Lawler with the Women's Championship belt.[15] As a result of Lawler losing the match, she was forced to join the stable. On February 27, 2001, however, Carter was released from the WWF in the middle of the storyline.[16] As a result, her husband Jerry Lawler also quit the company.
Lol. So she was canned the night after the Raw after no way out.


Yeah, it's weird. Glad I don't have to hear Lawler anymore, though.

Oh, and Heyman actually addresses it at the very beginning of this RAW... says Kat was released and Jerry left or whatever. Check it out. Strange stuff.


Yeah, it's weird. Glad I don't have to hear Lawler anymore, though.

Oh, and Heyman actually addresses it at the very beginning of this RAW... says Kat was released and Jerry left or whatever. Check it out. Strange stuff.

Heyman was so great on commentary in 2001. A+ commentary. Felt like he was legit getting under JR's skin with some of the heel stuff he was saying.
I recall the last time the kat was on TV was a prerecorded segment where she was in WWF New York in a potato sack or something.... Yeah.

Heyman/JR might be my favorite commentary pairing ever, even when weighed down by the invasion shit.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
How long until Lawler comes back and ruins everyone's life?

Never, you've been transported over to a timeline where King and Kat live happily ever after and run TNA. JR and Heyman still do Monday Night Raw every week. Edge is the Champion facing CM Punk and RAW still does a 5 million rating every week. Not as good as Thursday Night Nitro though.
Spoiler alert:
Raw after Survivor Series

Never, you've been transported over to a timeline where King and Kat live happily ever after and run TNA. JR and Heyman still do Monday Night Raw every week. Edge is the Champion facing CM Punk and RAW still does a 5 million rating every week. Not as good as Thursday Night Nitro though.
hmmm. Feel like TNA would still be fighting for its life in this scenario.
hmmm. Feel like TNA would still be fighting for its life in this scenario.

Nah. Just like in the timeline where Heyman gets the company, TNA would have been dead long before this court clusterfuck

Heyman's given a lot of credit for his promos, but his finances were just as bad as the average promoter, and he was just as carny as the worst of them. Going on vacation (ie to film Rollerball) the week talent find out he's broke and they're ruined

Actually maybe I'm harsh. "The worst of them" would have filmed stuff far worse than instant classic Rollerball
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