Wonder what's next for Sami boy. The heel/face makeup is weird on SD.
Styles, Nakamura, Randy, Roode are the main faces.
Sami, Owens, Corbin, Rusev, and Jinder are the main heels.
Feel like Orton should be a heel and Rusev seems itching for a face turn. Roode a face, when he really should be a heel. Feels like he's not really a main event act either. Also, he forgot his lines for sure and Ziggler saved him.
Smackdown is finally really interesting though. Lots of good potential for feuds here. It's hilarious how Jinder is the most easy person to chuck out as someone completely uninteresting and unimportant. That main title picture is really garbage and AJ really needs to take the title off of him. Dude is overdue to be back on top as the babyface champion already. He's been kicked around enough with underwhelming Corbin and Owens angles and he's obviously incredibly over.
Then throw in the amazing tag division and a rising team in Breezango, Becky Lynch being over as fuck and amazing as always, and it's all really fun stuff.
the women's division needs a new person on the roster though, they've been stale for too long.