That was me.
Would you say you favour the Flip 4 then?
Glad to know all things WCW-related must be sent for Cody Rhodes approval for some reason.
Cody gets tweeted by fans as soon as it's announced about how hes gonna be so mad about War Games such as "Cody Rhodes is suicidal right now" then comes out and reacts positively about it to clear it up and somehow gets hate for it lol wowI can't wait for Enzo to come out wearing polka dots next week and Cody to go on Twitter complaining about him not respecting his father's legacy
Why they gotta do my guy Lio like that
LolSMH at people spoiler tagging the big NXT Takeover match in here and then someone had to go and make a thread about it in OT.
WrestleWar 92? War Games? Is it time for the gif?
Damn right it's time for the gif.
only 4 matches for Takeover?
marvel pulling the punisher showing because of vegas is almost as shallow as the warrior bullshit
like pulling it for this one moment for a franchises that honestly fantasizes gun culture and murder. like dont bother pulling it because you and all the other companies are going to keep putting out this shit because its going to keep selling. just be upfront about it.
NXT Spoilers question
why in the blue hell is?Roddy teaming with AoP
did he?turn or did they turn
No. There's probably five. Maybe only four if the main event is scheduled to be super long.
War Games: Undisputed vs. Sanity vs. AOP and Roddy
Almas vs. McIntyre for the NXT Title
Kairi vs. Moon vs. Royce vs. Cross for the Women's Title
Aleister Black vs. Velveteen Dream
Lars vs. Ohno
Wargames 92 is so fucking good. A happier time.
That's... that's gotta be...TWENTY YEARS OF KANE!!!!!
!!!velveteen is only 22 and already has excellent character work
dude could be huge
wait did i just say 22
I'm from the South Mississippi/South Alabama area where the AWF runs. They are truly terrible. I've been to 3 shows that they've run in my small little town and its legitimately the worst wrestling I've ever seen. Every gimmick is a ripoff of something from the old territories or the old WWF (Lord Humongous, the bruise brothers, the patriot, doink the clown) their top "star" is the aforementioned Doink ripoff who is so fucking fat that I'm surprised he doesn't go into cardiac arrest on his way to the ring. Their production is absolutley awful, with only 2 or 3 guys with a dedicated theme song and everyone else gets 5 year old radio rock songs. The number of collective bumps I've seen taken at the shows I've been to is no more than 20. Mostly because 99% of their virtually non existent roster is either too fat or too old to take a bumb. Oh, I forgot to mention that the fucking ripoff Doink has his own nWo ripoff called the cWo and it consists of only him and a smaller clown sidekick (who everyone knows is the town's 60+ year old veterinarian.) Its so goddamn bad. All the shows are total schmozfests with nothing but antiquated shenanigans and poorly executed heel interference. If you live in my area and think about going to one of these shows, don't. You will regret it so fucking much.
Such a half measure. Jeez. Weak.marvel pulling the punisher showing because of vegas is almost as shallow as the warrior bullshit
like pulling it for this one moment for a franchises that honestly fantasizes gun culture and murder. like dont bother pulling it because you and all the other companies are going to keep putting out this shit because its going to keep selling. just be upfront about it.
velveteen is only 22 and already has excellent character work
dude could be huge
wait did i just say 22
Speaking of Wrestle War 92, how great is this VHS cover variance:
This is what is best for business
This is what is best for business
It's.... that's gotta be KANE.I'm a week behind with NXT, but catching up on last weeks, throw me in with Data in that I'm like "this Velveteen/Black and monster Lars stuff is good fun, these RoH geeks and Mcintyre meanwhile...not so much".
Though the spoilers for Mcintyre's challenger at totally not War Games makes me happy.
Whenever Regal is done, Kane for next NXT GM please.
Whenever Regal is done, Kane for next NXT GM please.
This is an acceptable reality.Regal will never be done, NocturnFriend. Never.
An unprecedented new era of character work and hosses would take its place.You think Kane appreciates the finer details of a lockup? NXT would be in shambles.
Take this Kane discussion to PoliGAF, you libertarian freaks.
Kane sucks as a wrestler and as a politician f*** Kane.