This is gonna bug me now, who's the current WWE linear champion? Is it Sheamus?
Dean ambrose after beating cena last wwek
This is gonna bug me now, who's the current WWE linear champion? Is it Sheamus?
Hopefully an unexpected ratings stunt. .. they'be been actually trying the last week or two.So what exactly is the point of tonights raw? All the matches for HiaC are basically set up already so are we just gonna get mostly trash talk and filler fights to bide time?
4 lyfe
Bret Hart book is getting really engrossing. Key moments from what I read yesterday include Bret ranting on Ultimate Warrior for not seeing the Make-a-Wish Kid and staying cooped up in his dressing room all day. Bret having to carry British Bulldog in their summer slam match at Wembley Stadium because Bulldog forgot all the spots. Bret winning the World Championship belt. Bret talking about all his great matches with Curt... I love the segments about Mr. Perfect. Bret puts him over like no tomorrow, borhterjackdude!
Then Bret ranting on and on about Hogan not wanting to relinquish the belt to him after Hogan said he would pay the favor back. Bret wondering whether Hogan and/or Vince are playing him, etc.
I just can't get over it. The further I get with the book the more Bret thinks he's the shit... which I guess is fine. I actually found it rather amusing how much Bret is putting himself over. How highly he thinks of himself. Real talk, it actually makes me question whether I should adopt an approach serious to Bret. I can see where the confidence comes from. He really did work his tail off to get to where he was at that point.
After Bret's book I think I'm going to read all of Jericho's books.
I'm sorry. Let me get all by Krishna/Vishnu/Shiva toys up on my wall and I'll make a video of my thoughts.
Oh noes, new Total Divas cast members...
Oh noes, new Total Divas cast members...
Here I thought Paige was the chosen one. This is a sad day, friends.
Paige is just a regular diva now. She'll never be the "anti" diva now.
Someone is climbing the cell tonight. You can see the missing pieces of metal on the cell.
I can't wait!"put an end to the heated rivalry"
They always have those, so the crew members can climb it while assembling.