Does this make AJ Lee the only non TD Diva?Oh noes, new Total Divas cast members...
Does this make AJ Lee the only non TD Diva?Oh noes, new Total Divas cast members...
Does this make AJ Lee the only non TD Diva?
Does this make AJ Lee the only non TD Diva?
Watch biff Busiek vs zack Sabre jr from evolve 35
Diva =/= crookEmma, brah
Does this make AJ Lee the only non TD Diva?
Rock looks like Abobo.
I thought Rock was playing Black Adam, not Martian Manhunter.
I need to cheer up and have a better day - and so do the rest of you.
Smile, and live de life.
Remember when Paige and Emma were putting on MOYC?
lol durning Suzuki vs Kasai, Suzuki tries to throw Kasai into the merch table and the merch guy throws himself on top of it, trying to get Suzuki to not ruin the merch table
This match is really funny.
A fan tries to save Takagi's life from Suzuki with the event sign. Look at that crowd too. DDT is really getting big.
Remember when Paige and Emma were putting on MOYC?
Oh noes, new Total Divas cast members...
lol durning Suzuki vs Kasai, Suzuki tries to throw Kasai into the merch table and the merch guy throws himself on top of it, trying to get Suzuki to not ruin the merch table
This match is really funny.
A fan tries to save Takagi's life from Suzuki with the event sign. Look at that crowd too. DDT is really getting big.
Good one, I wonder why.No Layla tho
I imagine she's too busy with NXT and other random things they have her appear in.Renee Young
Things up next for Stro's Spectacular Spiritual Sojourn:
The Satanic Bible
Tao Te Ching
Thinking about hitting up the Book of Mormon for lulz. The Bhagavad Gita is really all my liburied has for Hindu/Buddhist texts.
Is that the match were Suzuki runs dudes over with a bike?
Tao te Ching is pretty interesting and really short. It won't take you long to read. May want to throw Confucianism in there also. How was the Koran? I have always wanted to read it.
Does anyone else think WWE should've tried to make the Network broader like having tv shows like Hulu or exclusive set time movie deals like Netflix? They could've been all HEY WE KNOW YOU LOVE WRASSLIN, BUT IT ALSO INCLUDES, etc, etc.
Does anyone else think WWE should've tried to make the Network broader like having tv shows like Hulu or exclusive set time movie deals like Netflix? They could've been all HEY WE KNOW YOU LOVE WRASSLIN, BUT IT ALSO INCLUDES, etc, etc.
I found a book of "essential" Buddhist sutras and after finding Tao Te Ching, I found a book that includes it, Confucius' Analects, the Chuang Tzu, and Menicius.
The Koran is like the Old Testament if Yahweh was some how 3 times as big of a cunt, with an added psycho cult leader who kills people all the time and just happens to have every decree from god benefit him personally in every situation that he needs them to. Do you enjoy the story of Moses? You'll read it in full at least 10 times. Do you enjoy Jesus? You'll hear about him a lot. Do you enjoy Solomon and his super powers? You'll hear about those a lot. Do you enjoy about hearing about the torment of hell that Allah will put upon you for not fearing him? You'll hear about that for about 60% of the book.
It's not nearly as poetic as the Bible and definitely not anywhere near..anything from India.
Things up next for Stro's Spectacular Spiritual Sojourn:
Tao Te Ching
As of this morning, the plan for tonight's Raw included the announcement of Usos vs. Goldust & Stardust tag title for Hell in a Cell. Also as of this morning, no decision on whether it'll be John Cena vs. Randy Orton or Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose in the final match on Sunday.
The current season of Total Divas ends with the show this coming Sunday, which goes head-to-head with the Hell in a Cell show. They will return with a new season on 1/4, with Paige and Alicia Fox added to the cast. The reason A.J. Lee can't be added to the cast is because she's married to C.M. Punk.
Does anyone else think WWE should've tried to make the Network broader like having tv shows like Hulu or exclusive set time movie deals like Netflix? They could've been all HEY WE KNOW YOU LOVE WRASSLIN, BUT IT ALSO INCLUDES, etc, etc.
I really need to read the bible. I say I am a christian and never have read the damn thing. You have an suggestion over a modern day version? And from what you said the Koran sounds interesting from a scholarly standpoint. How many texts have you read so far? I am in World Religions right now, but we are not actually reading the whole sacred text of each religion, just parts of them.
Also for your Hindu quote earlier I came away thinking that one had to die in their caste in order to move up? Like the only ones who can reach Nirvana are the Brahmin class, whilst the Sutra will have to wait through 4 lifetimes in order to reach nirvana (if they come back as a Human that is). Maybe I am wrong, but that is what I came away with. The caste system I believe was the reason many flocked to buddhism as there was no class structure.
Does anyone else think WWE should've tried to make the Network broader like having tv shows like Hulu or exclusive set time movie deals like Netflix? They could've been all HEY WE KNOW YOU LOVE WRASSLIN, BUT IT ALSO INCLUDES, etc, etc.
I figure Ambrose and Rollins won't go on last, even if it's much more meaningful and has been building for months and months, because of the star power of Orton and Cena. Maybe there's hope, though?Some notes
No idea on a modern Bible to read. I'll get to that eventually but I'm not very interested. The BG said to disregard the Vedas and the commentary said it seemed to be quite influenced by Buddhism at the time. In the BG, the caste system is determined on types of work instead of skin color or wealth. It is also said to be unnatural and nonspiritual.
"I have the same affection for all creatures, and whosoever remembers the Lord, resides in the Lord, and the Lord resides in him." This includes people of other faiths, because all love and tribute to a god goes to Vishnu, being the Supreme Spirit.
Basically, anyone that does what is assigned to them well and concentrates on Brahman can reach enlightenment. I don't recall seeing any part that says only the Brahmin class can reach nirvana and everyone else will have to go through 4 life times. I believe it says that anyone can become a Brahmin with hard work and devotion. I don't think it literally meant jump up in the caste system, and if it did, the system as a whole isn't the same as what it is today. It also says that you can do the work of other castes so long as you have the ability to do them well, even if you aren't born into them.
Hmm I may have been taught the older version then. Religions do change with the times, so maybe the Hinduism now is not the same as the version we were taught. And yes, Hinduism decided to incorporate aspects from Buddhism into their religion because it seemed like a no brainer, they are very similar except the old version of Buddhism had no god. Todays version does, but when it first started it did not.
I think the BG wasn't totally in line with the main stream Hinduism of the time. Especially since it says to disregard the Vedas and says the dudes who went to extremes in their devotion were silly and you should just do everything in moderation. Don't sleep too much, don't sleep too little. Don't eat too much, don't eat too little kind of stuff. I would imagine the reason the BG is studied on its own is because it is different than the traditional Vedas and is more streamlined and easier to understand. But idk. I took my world religions/humanities class in high school about 8 years ago. I'm just going off of what I've read in the last 2 days. This particular translation is from 1979, includes the whole poem in Sanskrit, world for word translation, and the transliteration.
I think the BG wasn't totally in line with the main stream Hinduism of the time. Especially since it says to disregard the Vedas and says the dudes who went to extremes in their devotion were silly and you should just do everything in moderation. Don't sleep too much, don't sleep too little. Don't eat too much, don't eat too little kind of stuff. I would imagine the reason the BG is studied on its own is because it is different than the traditional Vedas and is more streamlined and easier to understand. But idk. I took my world religions/humanities class in high school about 8 years ago. I'm just going off of what I've read in the last 2 days. This particular translation is from 1979, includes the whole poem in Sanskrit, world for word translation, and the transliteration.
So what exactly is the point of tonights raw? All the matches for HiaC are basically set up already so are we just gonna get mostly trash talk and filler fights to bide time?
I really need to read the bible. I say I am a christian and never have read the damn thing. You have an suggestion of a modern day version?
Totally with you on that one Bass, I'm not 100% sure what direction we're going tonight. Prepped to be underwhelmed, but would love to be pleasantly surprised.
I know I'm not Stro, but...
My recommend is the English Standard Version, it's one of the more 'readable' version that doesn't lose too much of the more traditional "flow" that New International does. Full disclaimer, it's the one I use.
Totally with you on that one Bass, I'm not 100% sure what direction we're going tonight. Prepped to be underwhelmed, but would love to be pleasantly surprised.
I know I'm not Stro, but...
My recommend is the English Standard Version, it's one of the more 'readable' version that doesn't lose too much of the more traditional "flow" that New International does. Full disclaimer, it's the one I use.
This is gonna bug me now, who's the current WWE linear champion? Is it Sheamus?