HBK and Diesel wrestled at WrestleMania in 1995. Are you sure this wasn't just part of building their feud?
Owen/Yoko weren't a tag team until WMXI, so this one was after that IIRC. Post-Diesel/HBK at WM too. Right?
HBK and Diesel wrestled at WrestleMania in 1995. Are you sure this wasn't just part of building their feud?
You just knowZayn vs Neville is going to end with Zayn winning the belt with help from Steen....I can smell it.....I can see it happening. I.....I can dream can't I?
Better yet...Steen costs Zayn the belt and says something like Zayn can never escape him anywhere, Zayn "loses career", Zayn goes to the main roster and is warmly greeted by fans, Zayn returns to NXT and pulls some Obi Won shit about how he's better than ever now that he's been struck down.
That's some fantasy booker T right there. #canyoudigthat
Guys, there's a PPV this weekend, and the only thing selling me on it is that fan-made poster.
You just knowZayn vs Neville is going to end with Zayn winning the belt with help from Steen....I can smell it.....I can see it happening. I.....I can dream can't I?
If Vince was given that information from the NXT writers he'll be like...You just knowZayn vs Neville is going to end with Zayn winning the belt with help from Steen....I can smell it.....I can see it happening. I.....I can dream can't I?
There's always option 3:
Zayn loses and it just so happens right around that time a brand new superstar joins NXT with the express purpose of getting Sami his job back.
His name is El Generico.
And why not? It's an old school storyline that hasn't been used in a while, and we all know he could pull it off.
I love how everyone is fantasy bookingYou think NXT would reference that history?Steen to debut in Zayn's match.
Remember when Sin Cara Azul fought Sin Cara Negro because Sin Cara Negro felt that Sin Cara Azul stole the name Mistico, so Negro decided to steal the name Sin Cara. That was my favourite Sin Cara storyline
They won't... The rumours of WWE using "Fight Steen Fight" gimmick from his indie days are just somewhat true. Apparently they'll be repurposing his gimmick to fit a breast cancer awareness narrative. So now he'll be fighting breast cancer, but only one month out of the year. He will basically be the new Xanta Clause. Hmmm... That'll teach that indie scum.I love how everyone is fantasy bookingYou think NXT would reference that history?Steen to debut in Zayn's match.
They won't... The rumours of WWE using "Fight Steen Fight" gimmick from indie his days are just somewhat true. Apparently they'll be repurposing his gimmick to fit a breast cancer awareness narrative. So now he'll be fighting breast cancer, but only one month out of the year. He will basically be the new Xanta Clause. Hmmm... That'll teach that indie scum.
Owen/Yoko weren't a tag team until WMXI, so this one was after that IIRC. Post-Diesel/HBK at WM too. Right?
Dissapointed that the stip for Neville vs. Zayn pretty much guarantees the outcome, shouldn't have done that.
The thing I liked the most about the NXT Live Events so far is how I couldn't predict the winners at all, it could go either way in most of the matches they've had.
Remember when he And Ice-T were in concert at the Big T Theatre?Almost as good as Booker vs Big T for the rights to the letter T.
It could be what finally makes the WWE universe forget about CM Punk.
They can do it so he loses and goes to the main roster, but I imagine this is his big win. Even without the stip, I would have fully expected him to finally win the big one, that's been the story since early 2014 after he ended his feud with Cesaro.
Wouldn't it be amazing if Kevin Steen just came in as Kevin Steen? Same Mr. Wrestling and FIGHT STEEN FIGHT gimmick in tact.
It could be what finally makes the WWE universe forget about CM Punk.
If the spoilers are correct, and they very well might now be, it's specifically his WWE career, not his NXT career that's on the line though.
Wouldn't it be amazing if Kevin Steen just came in as Kevin Steen? Same Mr. Wrestling and FIGHT STEEN FIGHT gimmick in tact.
It could be what finally makes the WWE universe forget about CM Punk.
Man the steen / generico fued was so damn good.
Wouldn't it be amazing if Kevin Steen just came in as Kevin Steen? Same Mr. Wrestling and FIGHT STEEN FIGHT gimmick in tact.
It could be what finally makes the WWE universe forget about CM Punk.
Someone with too much time on their hands found this.
The music group CFOS are a part of. Searching either of their names under Writers (WATTENBERG GREGG STEVEN and SALTMAN THOMAS SAMUEL) gives a list of all the NXT or WWE themes they've done, including the generic library themes. Amusingly, the address for "Screech Music" is still listed as World Wrestling Federation.
The main point is this one:
A song "Fight" for Kevin Steen. Also gives Finn Bálor's theme song as "Catch Your Breath".
Yet another case of ROH raiding PWG and using their shit to keep them afloat.
Not sure of the timeline, but were Steen and Generico also tagging in PWG? I only really know of their Steen Wolf match. Otherwise, the stuff they did in ROH was gold. I was lucky enough to see one of their matches live. Mega intense.
Just heard an interview with AJ where she said that everyone gathers around backstage to watch Cesaro when he has a match, so that's sort of encouraging, I guess.
Charlotte's ready for prime time, goddammit. I just hope she fits in at a good spot. That's really the concern. I know she can deliver like FUCK in the ring, but if she's put in a shit program, well.
This armchair NXT booking is reaching tumblr levels, guys. Terrifying depths we've sunk.