I watched it last month.
What combo of Cesaro, Ziggler, Sheamus, and Miz fought for no reason?
I watched it last month.
Seth Rollins returned home to WWE NXT after this week's TV tapings at Full Sail University. Rollins was there as a babyface but mocked fans for always trying to get themselves over. The NXT crowd chanted "you bought in" at Rollins instead of "you sold out."
What combo of Cesaro, Ziggler, Sheamus, and Miz fought for no reason?
They all just blend together. Mizdow did some funny things, Ziggler oversold every move, Sheamus teased about 100 brogue kicks until one hit and the crowd gave no fucks about Cesaro.
Id like to see one match between Mysterio and Cesaro just to see how high he can toss him up for the uppercut.
Grain of salt, but this is the second story I've seen in the last day or so that's said that Cena may be getting ready to step away from WWE and go Hollywood like his one true idol, friend Dwayne "Rocky 'The Rock' Maivia' Johnson.
Grain of salt, but this is the second story I've seen in the last day or so that's said that Cena may be getting ready to step away from WWE and go Hollywood like his one true idol, friend Dwayne "Rocky 'The Rock' Maivia" Johnson.
Guys, there's a PPV this weekend, and the only thing selling me on it is that fan-made poster.
Grain of salt, but this is the second story I've seen in the last day or so that's said that Cena may be getting ready to step away from WWE and go Hollywood like his one true idol, friend Dwayne "Rocky 'The Rock' Maivia" Johnson.
http://www.fpwuk.com/events-pages/Just thought i would share this, I was just on the phone to my wife while she was going to the morrisons near her work in croydon and she suddenly says "Christopher Daniels and kaz are here!", seems they were shopping there for some reason. Must have a show I'm assuming near but thought it was pretty crazy.
Cool, thanks for that.
Cool, thanks for that.
I would actually think about going but we wouldnt have the time to get there on time after work, shame.
Same, they've got ADR coming over closer to Christmas if that's your bag.
That Alexa Bliss news makes me sad.......
wwe needs to embrace this instead of fight it every time. Any time a wrestler goes home and the crowd cheers him they always try to take a cheap heel shot at the crowd but I would just use it as a positive. Be like "these people know...." blahblah. It just seems sooooo lame when they go home and try to get their home fans to hate them.Seems Rollins worked a Dark Segment on the latest NXT tapings, like Wyatt was basically a face because the crowd love him so much.
Cool armor.ply
The real question is whether Cena will be in Marvel-verse or DC-verse and who would he play.Grain of salt, but this is the second story I've seen in the last day or so that's said that Cena may be getting ready to step away from WWE and go Hollywood like his one true idol, friend Dwayne "Rocky 'The Rock' Maivia" Johnson.
Leaving Reigns to be top dog.I really don't care if Cena does well in Hollywood or if he has the acting ability of a piece of cardboard (didn't stop David Duchovny). I just want him to go Hollywood so it gets him off of WWE TV.
Leaving Reigns to be top dog.
Hey at least they'd have to try to make a new top talent again.
I don't think Reigns is going to work out though.
How was NXT last night? I'll definitely watch, but I heard no Enzo so...that makes me frown.
He had a backstage skit last night.How was NXT last night? I'll definitely watch, but I heard no Enzo so...that makes me frown.
There was an interview with Enzo, Big Cass and Carmella though and there was a fun Sasha Banks vs. Bayley match. Also, The Vaudevillans new "heel theme", entrance and shenanigans are quite good.
What happened to Alexa Bliss?
HA HA... You know what's up.Reigns has the brightest future in WWE. He's got that politicing veteran instinct. He got his solo run, saw Cena wanted to mooch his heat and was like 'oh shit i'm injured. Injured until Cena is gone'
the only problem is that Cena doesn't have .5% of the charisma Rock has
I really don't care if Cena does well in Hollywood or if he has the acting ability of a piece of cardboard (didn't stop David Duchovny). I just want him to go Hollywood so it gets him off of WWE TV.
Quit being such a drag!
What happened to Alexa Bliss?
Let me get this straight: At In Your House, it was supposed to be Owen/Yoko vs HBK/Diesel for all the titles. Owen doesn't show up, so Bulldog is allowed to replace him for one night only. At the end of the match, Owen shows up and gets pinned. Diesel and HBK are the new champs. However, the next night on Raw, the titles are given back to Owen and Yoko since Owen wasn't the legal man in the match. And they immediately drop the titles to the Smoking Gunns. The fuck? Russo, in 1995?