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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance




Better body than that goober Chris Hero (Sandwich)
Cool card coming to San Antonio, TX.: LIGER, GEDO, TENZAN, and WANTANABE, along with usual guys like "Showtime Scot Summers, Charlie Haas, Rob Conway, and Lance Hoyt on the 19th.

Have always wanted to see Liger. Hope the guys are bringing t-shirts...



So not worth it
Wow. Smackdown this week features the debut of
Los Locales. Ricardo and someone else.

Has to be Sami right? Hope someone attended this that wasn't an idiot and actually bothered to check or take pictures.

He is joining WWE for the Abu Dhabi tour this week, so it makes sense he'd be with them on their way to the airport.


So not worth it
For the love of God, will somebody please send Bryan to a barber.


It's beyond ridiculous now. At the very least cut your hair.


sometimes I wish WWE wouldn't screw up literally everything

They've basically killed all of Daniel Bryan's momentum

They've locked their other best performer in a neverending feud against a non-wrestler and Paul Heyman.

They saw they had something when people got behind Dolph Ziggler, then immediately dismantled most of what people liked about him and Team Rocket.

The WHC has gone from the second biggest title in the company, considered maybe a tier below the WWE belt, down to IC tier.

This has in turn made the WHC MITB basically useless, and now Damien Sandow has nothing to do.

The Rhodes family stuff was good, but that story seems done.

The Shield is still good, but they have the tag team and US titles sewn up so nothing's happening there.

Bray Wyatt has nothing to do , and his creepiness hasn't gone anywhere.

It feels like they're literally in a holding pattern until Cena comes back. Like they've gotten so used to running WWE as a Cena machine that they can't figure out what to do without him.


Neo Member
sometimes I wish WWE wouldn't screw up literally everything

They've basically killed all of Daniel Bryan's momentum

They've locked their other best performer in a neverending feud against a non-wrestler and Paul Heyman.

They saw they had something when people got behind Dolph Ziggler, then immediately dismantled most of what people liked about him and Team Rocket.

The WHC has gone from the second biggest title in the company, considered maybe a tier below the WWE belt, down to IC tier.

This has in turn made the WHC MITB basically useless, and now Damien Sandow has nothing to do.

The Rhodes family stuff was good, but that story seems done.

The Shield is still good, but they have the tag team and US titles sewn up so nothing's happening there.

Bray Wyatt has nothing to do , and his creepiness hasn't gone anywhere.

It feels like they're literally in a holding pattern until Cena comes back. Like they've gotten so used to running WWE as a Cena machine that they can't figure out what to do without him.


a few weeks ago after SummerSlam at the beginning of the Daniel Bryan story arc they were getting their biggest numbers of the year. ratings seriously shot up whenever CM Punk or Daniel Bryan were on TV. whatever people want to say about their size, marketability etc, you cannot argue with the ratings and the live reaction both guys were getting after SummerSlam. but for some reason they were scared to run with it. they buried Bryan week after week, made him look like a pussy, left CM Punk and Paul Heyman in a never-ending purgatorial feud to enhance hopeless midcarders like Axel and Ryback, they even buried ORTON to put Stephanie and HHH over. then, they shit the bed even more, and made the whole thing about the Big Show. now, the ratings dropped, their last PPV was an mitigated disaster, so they panicked and brought back Cena, and I'm worried the blame will be placed entirely on the shoulders of Daniel Bryan. 'you see, he was too small, he didn't have what it takes'.

who looks good after the last two months? what a clusterfuck. Bryan looks like a spineless geek, Orton isn't good enough to be the corporate champion and can't beat Bryan alone, Big Show is a big blubbering neutered mess, feels like CM Punk is even further away from Heyman than when he started at MiTB. HHH and Stephanie have been so frustratingly inconsistent in how they've been booked and how they've acted in storyline - HHH acting like the fucking #1 face by forcing Heyman into his match with Punk, putting the Shield in a big handicap match with NO FUCKING EXPLANATION.

the product was hot after SummerSlam. people cared, it felt fresh and the wrestling was good, but they handled it like a chimpanzee driving a racing car.
He wrestled the majority of a 20 minute match in ROH with a broken eye socket and detached retina, caused in the early minutes of the match by Takeshi Morishima elbowing him in the face, so yeah, he's pretty tough.
He wrestled the majority of a 20 minute match in ROH with a broken eye socket and detached retina, caused in the early minutes of the match by Takeshi Morishima elbowing him in the face, so yeah, he's pretty tough.

As that the one Vince said looked like a fat Asian lady?
For the love of God, will somebody please send Bryan to a barber.


It's beyond ridiculous now. At the very least cut your hair.[/QUOTE]
He'll cut it off when his push ends and he's jobbing to Bo Dallas every week on Main Event.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I remember everyone hating Morishima winning the title at the time. Man, now you look at modern day ROH and you'd happily accept Morishima or Nigel McLariat with the title again.
Not everyone, just the Homicide marks - anyone with an ounce of sense could see that an extended Homicide title reign was going to suuuuuuuuck, the only dodgy thing about Morishima's win was that he'd lost to Samoa Joe on his debut the show before. And Joe was on his way out, so dumb. He really should have put Morishima over. The actual title reign for Morishima was pretty great, you had a real good sense that a whole bunch of people had a legitimate chance to beat him, Nigel, Bryan, Claudio, Stevens, Strong, Steen, Albright *shudder*.

Also, the current champion isn't the problem, it's just the show overall. Feels very lacklustre and dated, it's hard to care at all, despite the wrestling being, on the whole, of a good standard.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
It wasn't just the Homicide marks. People thought he was only going to show up like once every 3 months or something since he was an international talent. They didn't expect Morishima to actually be there for nearly every show.

Honestly, the only memorable ROH title reigns were Joe's first, Punk's sellout reign, and Danielson's heel reign
It wasn't just the Homicide marks. People thought he was only going to show up like once every 3 months or something since he was an international talent. They didn't expect Morishima to actually be there for nearly every show.

Well, that notion was disproved pretty quickly, and I'm pretty sure ROH & NOAH noted at the time that Morishima was on an extended excursion to the US, like Go Shiozaki the year before.

Dragonzord said:
Honestly, the only memorable ROH title reigns were Joe's first, Punk's sellout reign, and Danielson's heel reign

Yeah, I'd agree with that, although Eddie's title win was memorable, even if the actual reign wasn't. Nigel's became memorable for all the wrong reasons.
sometimes I wish WWE wouldn't screw up literally everything

They've basically killed all of Daniel Bryan's momentum

They've locked their other best performer in a neverending feud against a non-wrestler and Paul Heyman.

They saw they had something when people got behind Dolph Ziggler, then immediately dismantled most of what people liked about him and Team Rocket.

The WHC has gone from the second biggest title in the company, considered maybe a tier below the WWE belt, down to IC tier.

This has in turn made the WHC MITB basically useless, and now Damien Sandow has nothing to do.

The Rhodes family stuff was good, but that story seems done.

The Shield is still good, but they have the tag team and US titles sewn up so nothing's happening there.

Bray Wyatt has nothing to do , and his creepiness hasn't gone anywhere.

It feels like they're literally in a holding pattern until Cena comes back. Like they've gotten so used to running WWE as a Cena machine that they can't figure out what to do without him.

I told y'all. I told all y'all.

"Oh N_W, why you so negative?"
"Oh N_W, you just hate everything."
"Oh N_W, just give the angle some time."
"Oh N_W, you get mad when they rush angles, but now you're mad because they're taking their time."
"Looks like you guys forgot what *leans in* SLOW BURN ANGLES FEEL LIKE, HUH /Aiii"

Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope. I told y'all. They screw up everything without question. Keep living life like a mark, or join me at the cynics winners table and yell obscenities every time they start a new feud. Inevitably it will crash and burn.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I don't need to be a cynic.

I just don't watch WWE. I haven't watched more than 30 minutes since Cena won the rumble.
I told y'all. I told all y'all.

"Oh N_W, why you so negative?"
"Oh N_W, you just hate everything."
"Oh N_W, just give the angle some time."
"Oh N_W, you get mad when they rush angles, but now you're mad because they're taking their time."
"Looks like you guys forgot what *leans in* SLOW BURN ANGLES FEEL LIKE, HUH /Aiii"

Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope. I told y'all. They screw up everything without question. Keep living life like a mark, or join me at the cynics winners table and yell obscenities every time they start a new feud. Inevitably it will crash and burn.

The best part is that the majority of them keep watching, even after complaining.


So not worth it
I told y'all. I told all y'all.

"Oh N_W, why you so negative?"
"Oh N_W, you just hate everything."
"Oh N_W, just give the angle some time."
"Oh N_W, you get mad when they rush angles, but now you're mad because they're taking their time."
"Looks like you guys forgot what *leans in* SLOW BURN ANGLES FEEL LIKE, HUH /Aiii"

Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope. I told y'all. They screw up everything without question. Keep living life like a mark, or join me at the cynics winners table and yell obscenities every time they start a new feud. Inevitably it will crash and burn.

That doesn't sound like me at all! You suck at quoting!

Just because WWE sometimes isn't good, doesn't mean you're correct because you shit over everything regardless of quality. That just means you keep kicking the ball in random directions and just happen to hit the goal every now and then out of sheer chance.
We really need our own version of the Sonic Cycle;

A new angle begins, people are shocked and excited, debating the implications and proclaiming the product to be on the rise > tell-tale signs of bad booking begin slowly creeping in as a whole team of creative personnel struggle to fill month's worth of weekly programming with a coherent storyline > as things become muddled and convoluted, a false sense of hope arises, people tell each other to have some patience and wait to see where things are headed, long-term booking, lol > reality is at last hammered home, despondency, anger and apathy soar as another once promising angle dies a mediocre death.
That doesn't sound like me at all! You suck at quoting!

Just because WWE sometimes isn't good, doesn't mean you're correct because you shit over everything regardless of quality. That just means you keep kicking the ball in random directions and just happen to hit the goal every now and then out of sheer chance.
Is it sheer chance if he keeps being right?
We really need our own version of the Sonic Cycle;

A new angle begins, people are shocked and excited, debating the implications and proclaiming the product to be on the rise > tell-tale signs of bad booking begin slowly creeping in as a whole team of creative personnel struggle to fill month's worth of weekly programming with a coherent storyline > as things become muddled and convoluted, a false sense of hope arises, people tell each other to have some patience and wait to see where things are headed, long-term booking, lol > reality is at last hammered home, despondency, anger and apathy soar as another once promising angle dies a mediocre death.

Needs more crappy friends.
I knew this was going to happen, hell, I even called that they were going to draw this out until possibly Wrestlemania and that Bryan was going to be damaged in the process. What I never expected was the ridiculous inclusion of Big Show, having him be the focal point over Bryan. Turns out that even in my pessimism, I underestimated how bad they would fuck things up. Now we are looking at Cena and Vince returning soon, with whatever Cena does and the Vince vs HHH/Steph storyline overshadowing everything. Bryan will just be a pawn in the Vince/HHH story.


That's pretty much every WWE angle. Sonic Cycle can be renamed WWE Cycle. Officially. They are interchangeable. Have there been any angles in the last 6 years that lasted 3 months without dying and turning to shit?


So not worth it
That's pretty much every WWE angle. Sonic Cycle can be renamed WWE Cycle. Officially. They are interchangeable. Have there been any angles in the last 6 years that lasted 3 months without dying and turning to shit?

Maybe the problem is that you can't do angles that last longer than 2 or 3 months in this day and age.

We are in the age of short attention spans and instant gratification after all.
He wasn't right for most of the year, I'd say WWE has been good since WrestleMania, and is only now going through a bad string of shows.

Do we need to have bean breath go through the threads and list all the detractors?

In fact, can you even name a memorable episode of Raw since then? Because every episode of Raw is completely forgettable.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Do we need to have bean breath go through the threads and list all the detractors?

In fact, can you even name a memorable episode of Raw since then? Because every episode of Raw is completely forgettable.

All that quality buildup of Randy Orton standing over Daniel Bryan with the title over his head for about 6 weeks straight



Maybe the problem is that you can't do angles that last longer than 2 or 3 months in this day and age.

We are in the age of short attention spans and instant gratification after all.

I don't think that's true at all. WWE have somehow stopped knowing how to extend an angle without doing the same thing for 8 weeks in a row.


I think the problem is more that no one expects HHH to actually end up putting Bryan over. That and no one can really get one over on Stephanie since she doesn't wrestle.

This is basically the Zack Ryder push in that Bryan's not going to end up being better off. It was all downhill after his match with Cena. Just like it was all downhill after Ryder won the US title.


So not worth it
Do we need to have bean breath go through the threads and list all the detractors?

In fact, can you even name a memorable episode of Raw since then? Because every episode of Raw is completely forgettable.

Entire episodes? Of course not, I couldn't do that in 1999 either. Memorable moments though? Sure I can, here's three:
-Ziggler cashing in.
-Cena picking Daniel Bryan as his challenger for Summer Slam
-AJ's promo on the Total Divas.

Raw is bad right now, but it doesn't ALWAYS suck, it's as simple as that.


So not worth it
I don't think that's true at all. WWE have somehow stopped knowing how to extend an angle without doing the same thing for 8 weeks in a row.

Fair enough, but they produce 3 hours of Raw, 2 hours of Smackdown, an hour of Main Event (not counting the hour of Superstars and the hour of NXT) a week, alongside twelve PPV's a year). So, what used to be a 3 month program played out over 2 hours of Raw and a PPV/In Your House is now a 3 month program over 6 hours and a full-length PPV.

It's still WWE's fault for overexposing their product for short-term cashflow, but I can understand how a 3 month program now is different from back in 1999.
He wasn't right for most of the year, I'd say WWE has been good since WrestleMania, and is only now going through a bad string of shows.

Pfft, "good." Yah okay. They've been "good" for like 5% of this year. The rest of the time I'm struggling to stay awake. 3 hour Raws were the straw that broke the camel's back. Through 15 months of 3 hour shows, there have been MAYBE 3 good episodes. 5 if I'm being generous.

They can't book, they can't write, they can't push guys, they can't sustain good feels, they can't sustain momentum, they can't complete feuds to satisfaction. What are they good for? Nothing pans out. Nothing.

To top it off, now they've exposed the entire roster as punks who are poor and need the job to skirt bankruptcy, and cry, and they all suck.


Pfft, "good." Yah okay. They've been "good" for like 5% of this year. The rest of the time I'm struggling to stay awake. 3 hour Raws were the straw that broke the camel's back. Through 15 months of 3 hour shows, there have been MAYBE 3 good episodes. 5 if I'm being generous.

They can't book, they can't write, they can't push guys, they can't sustain good feels, they can't sustain momentum, they can't complete feuds to satisfaction. What are they good for? Nothing pans out. Nothing.

To top it off, now they've exposed the entire roster as punks who are poor and need the job to skirt bankruptcy, and cry, and they all suck.





Fair enough, but they produce 3 hours of Raw, 2 hours of Smackdown, an hour of Main Event (not counting the hour of Superstars and the hour of NXT) a week, alongside twelve PPV's a year). So, what used to be a 3 month program played out over 2 hours of Raw and a PPV/In Your House is now a 3 month program over 6 hours and a full-length PPV.

It's still WWE's fault for overexposing their product for short-term cashflow, but I can understand how a 3 month program now is different from back in 1999.

Main Event and Smackdown really don't count for story purposes. At least, not for main stories.
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