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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance


Actually, I'm not. I saw you turn down a prime opportunity to defend wrasslin' in the FootyGAF thread, but you was all like "oh no, I barely watch it", lol. For shame :p

I'm removing Lambda from my fave five. spindashing goes back in.
Okada's going to use v.1 of the Rainmaker against Tanahashi because Tana's got too good at countering v.2, or something...meh.

He only ever used the Rainmaker v.1 once, mostly because it lacks impact and looks like the sort of finisher WWE would give to a guy these days;


So that's where Wade Barret got that finisher from.
I actually used the phrase "doing what is best for business" in an essay pertaining to the oil and gas industry that I turned in yesterday for my communication class. I was so proud of myself for organically including it, I had a grin just like this:


Actually, I'm not. I saw you turn down a prime opportunity to defend wrasslin' in the FootyGAF thread, but you was all like "oh no, I barely watch it", lol. For shame :p

i do barely watch it.

we should get Aii there to argue AJ legs are more shapely than Ronaldo's.



WCW Thunder 4/22/99

Flair is no longer president because he's now in a loony bin. However, he still has a match at Slamboree against Piper for control of WCW. I'm not sure how that works since he isn't in control of WCW right now. Tonight, we'll have Goldberg and Raven/Saturn vs Benoit/Malenko. And Buff!

Hugh Morrus vs Hak

YO! Hugh goes right to work with Sandman's own cane. Trash can. It goes to the floor. Sandman flip bump into the railing and another cane shot. Dude is getting his ass kicked. Sandman comes back with a bulldog on a chair. Hanging leg drop. Here comes a table. And another. Are they from Japan? And now a ladder.Hugh stops that spot and the fans hate it. Moonsault. The tables are stacked. Sandman is put in between them. Hugh climbs the ladder. Sandman follows him up and knocks Hugh through the tables. One was Japanese. VERY-VERY-VERY BREAKY-BREAKY-BREAKY BISHI-BISHIIIIIIIIIIII!! White Russian leg sweep for the win. YO!


DDP/Nash hype video

Recap of the B Team beating up Konnan

Konnan vs Scotty Riggs

Fuck both of these guys.

Recap of Hypnosis winning the Cruiserweight Championship

Al Greene vs El Vampiro

The main event is now Kidman/Benoit/Malenko vs Saturn/Raven/Rey. Flair did this. But he's not in charge. He's at a mental hospital and a court found him mentally unsound to be in control of WCW. Al Greene sucks. I'll assume Nash was just doing his old buddy a solid. Vamp won with a leg lace roll up.

Booker T. vs Bobby Duncum Jr. WCW TV Championship

Booker never played any organized sports in school. Tenay said this was the most amazing factoid he had ever presented on WCW television. Why, because a black dude didn't play sports? Are you fucking serious? Dude liked to play the tuba. He was a band geek. Tenay just can't believe Booker wasn't playing football or basketball because black guys MUST play sports. Fucking prick. Bobby used to have to lift a baby cow every day and as it got bigger, he ended up carrying cows around the farm. Book won with the missile dropkick. Remember when he said he was bringing the Harlem Hangover back? He used it once, against Disco, and hasn't even teased it since.

Recap of Buff challenging Steiner and Scotty's homophobic promo in response.

Fit Finlay vs Buff Bagwell

Finlay spends the opening moment being a dick head. Buff responds by being a dick head. A guy in the front row looks like a dick head. Dick heads everywhere. Buff makes a brief comeback that ends in the Blockbuster.

Recap of Piper getting David to sign paper work to send his dad to the funny farm. Then Piper serving the papers to Flair. Then Flair being loaded in the white van.

Disco Inferno vs Rick Steiner

Rick is mean to Disco. I don't like that. Steinerlines and punches to the back of the head. Just a big meanie. Disco makes his come back, but it doesn't last very long. Bulldog and a deathlock/chinlock combo for the win. Almost a complete squash. That makes me sad.

Recap of the end of Nitro.

The Cat vs Goldberg

Cat cheap shots during his 5 count. Once Goldberg recovered, he fucked Cat up. Sonny gets in the ring. He is press slammed into Cat, and then Goldberg does a double spear. Damn. I was hoping to see Sonny get speared by himself. Probably would have legit shoot killed the guy. Jackhammer for the win.


Kidman/Chris Benoit/Dean Malenko vs Rey Mysterio Jr./Raven/Saturn

These three teams will face each other for the titles at Slamboree. Dean and Rey start out. Rey gets the better of the exchange and tags Kidman in. Rey tags out to Raven. Kidman is put on the ropes and Saturn drop kicks him off. Rey prevents Saturn from diving on Kidman. Horsemen double team Saturn and tag Kidman back in. YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB KIDMAN! Raven prevents the SSP. Gargoyle superplex. Rey is getting double teamed as we head to break. Saturn stole a wig from someone in the front row. Rey is still being double teamed. Kidman tries to help Rey up, but inadvertently pulls him back into the Horsemen corner, and is then tagged out. Rey reverses a back superplex. Saturn gets the hot tag, only to tag right back out to Rey. Kidman attacks his own tag partners to save his real partner. Arn comes in and gives Rey a spinebuster. Dean knocks Kidman on top of Rey and Charles Robinson gives a fast count. Dean/Kidman/Benoit win.



DQ Count: 0 out of 8 matches.

I'm confused on this Flair stuff. He was put in a mental institution for 72 hours of observation. But he was also deemed unfit to stay on control of WCW. But he still is in control of WCW and is making matches. They way I took it, Flair was incompetent regardless of the 72 hour observation period. They were separate, though over lapping issues. He also fired Roddy Piper, but Piper is still booked to face him in a match for control of WCW anyway. Even if the 72 hour observation period went well, Flair was still removed from power. However, Tenay and Larry both referred to Flair as president and Piper as commissioner. At Superbrawl, a fired commissioner vs and out of power president for the control of WCW.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I have never played a Pokemon game in my entire life

You'll be ok without it. It's for kids, kind of like when adults REALLY like Disney shit. It's acceptable, but odd. It doesn't hurt to try it though.
The last pokemon game I played was Silver on the gameboy colour. I was 11.

How many pokemon are we up to now? Have they broke 1000? Is Squirtle still the best?


I have never played a Pokemon game in my entire life

same. I don't think I want too either. Too many fanboys and legit weird folks.

It's the same thing with DBZ or any "anime". Not going to touch that stuff with a 12 foot Singapore cane


same. I don't think I want too either. Too many fanboys and legit weird folks.

It's the same thing with DBZ or any "anime". Not going to touch that stuff with a 12 foot Singapore cane
Too many fanboys and legit weird folks like Pokemon? You know you're posting in a wrestling thread right?


The Associated Press published an article on Friday covering Hulk Hogan's current standing in the professional wrestling industry. The famed wrestler is a free agent after his contract with TNA Wrestling expired on October 10th, and there is a strong chance he could return to WWE.

Even at 60-years-old, Hogan considers wrestling again a possibility.

"Let me put it to you this way, brother," Hogan said. "With the right guy, the right situation, with a big enough event, big enough storyline, you're damn right I have one more left in me."

While "The Hulkster" was written out of TNA storylines due to the expiration of his contract, he is not ruling out a return to the promotion.

"We couldn't figure things out," Hogan said. "We're talking, but I'm wide open right now."

Hogan returning to the promotion could hinge on Triple H, who is leaving the door open for his return to WWE. The six-time WWE Champion says he was warmly received by Vince McMahon's son-in-law at a recent charity function.

"He just welcomed me with open arms. He said if ever I decide I get the itch to come back home," the door's open," Hogan said.

This follows Triple H recognizing Hogan's place in wrestling history during an interview in August promoting SummerSlam. The WWE executive stated to NBC Sports Radio, "Hulk Hogan will forever be the face of a generation of WWE Superstars. I don't know that there's a more recognizable guy—there's Rock, there's Hogan, there's Cena, and there's these recognizable characters that become household names. And Hulk Hogan is one of the biggest of all-time—a true legend in our business. No matter what, he will always have that place in the WWE Universe. Always."

Hogan says he has "been going crazy the last couple of weeks trying to figure out the best thing to do" as he feels he "[owes] it to the fans at this point."

"That's where I'm having the toughest time in my head," said Hogan. "I owe it to those fans that have been loyal to me for 35 years for this Hulkamania thing to probably not end, it will probably go on forever after I'm dead and gone, but, what's the logical extension? What's the right direction right now?"

Elsewhere in the interview, Hogan admits to letting his ego get in the way of his post-WCW run(s) with WWE.

"Listen to the crowd. Don't you guys hear what I hear? Even though I passed the torch to The Rock, I kept feeling there was more gas in the tank," said Hogan. "Maybe I couldn't see what everybody else saw. Maybe I was going out there and embarrassing myself when I wrestled The Rock, I don't know. I just wanted something different for the character."


Okay fine, but aren't you a furry too? I thought you'd be cool with Pokemon!

I renounced furrism since I don't like the community anymore. Oddly enough that's the same reason I don't like the resident evil speedrun community.

Plus soka, huge difference between rouge from sanic and like some mouse like pikachu.

P.S. Beef loves Renamon

Royal Rumble is around the corner...





This song makes me miss the greatest wrestler in the history of the sport.

So FWE is in 45 minutes.

...Note: I usually get paid like 2-3x my normal deal to do those shows.

I am fucking over the moon I am staying home instead.

Fuck doing these shows


I like how this thread has slowly turned into a wcw time capsule. We just need some more ICP and South Park avatars, and it would be complete.
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