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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance

Injuries again, probably. Dude is always gone right when new guys need someone to feud with.

Reminds me, I noticed a horror movie on Hulu called Night of the Wolf that has both Christian and Test in it. I only watched like a few minutes of it in the middle, apparently Test is like some mental patient who goes crazy when he sees red or something. And Christian is a cop. It's like 2 hours long though


RVD's deal is so crazy. Work for 90 days, beat pretty much everyone, take as much time off as you want, working anywhere without TV (lol, like RVD is going to work anywhere besides WWE), then come back for 90 days and do the same thing.
RVD's deal is so crazy. Work for 90 days, beat pretty much everyone, take as much time off as you want, working anywhere without TV (lol, like RVD is going to work anywhere besides WWE), then come back for 90 days and do the same thing.

You could say that he's.....one of a kind.



RVD's deal is so crazy. Work for 90 days, beat pretty much everyone, take as much time off as you want, working anywhere without TV (lol, like RVD is going to work anywhere besides WWE), then come back for 90 days and do the same thing.

But did they print his T-shirt right this time?

googlin pics of lufisto

I think she needs to see Doctor Love AKA me ;)
RVD's deal is so crazy. Work for 90 days, beat pretty much everyone, take as much time off as you want, working anywhere without TV (lol, like RVD is going to work anywhere besides WWE), then come back for 90 days and do the same thing.

So will he be a surprise Royal Rumble entrant? I hope he comes back for TLC.

Also......fuck Pokemon......I've played for 8 hours today. I hate my life.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
RVD got screwed so many times

on track for the ECW title and face of the company then the company died
won the WWE Undisputed title on a random Raw then had it taken away
won the WWE title AND ECW title then got it taken away by meddling cops
won the TNA title and lost it because his contract ran out


RVD got screwed so many times

on track for the ECW title and face of the company then the company died
won the WWE Undisputed title on a random Raw then had it taken away
won the WWE title AND ECW title then got it taken away by meddling cops
won the TNA title and lost it because his contract ran out

yeah but is he jean claude's brother or not?


I'm watching Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing. The Shakespearian English is still hard for me to grasp, even in a contemporary setting....hell, especially in this setting. It's almost like I'm watching New Japan. I know what is going on, and can follow the action, but they might as well be speaking a foreign language.

It's also a weird conglomeration of all of Whedonverse....very weird.
I'm watching Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing. The Shakespearian English is still hard for me to grasp, even in a contemporary setting....hell, especially in this setting. It's almost like I'm watching New Japan. I know what is going on, and can follow the action, but they might as well be speaking a foreign language.

It's also a weird conglomeration of all of Whedonverse....very weird.

The combo of Whendonverse + modern setting + Shakespeare = So strange. The New Japan comparison is spot on.
I just watched that Will Ferrell and Zack Galifianakis movie, "The Campaign", and The Miz is in it for like 2 seconds. I think his performance was cut.

Poor guy.


I just watched that Will Ferrell and Zack Galifianakis movie, "The Campaign", and The Miz is in it for like 2 seconds. I think his performance was cut.

Poor guy.

2 seconds too long.





I just watched that Will Ferrell and Zack Galifianakis movie, "The Campaign", and The Miz is in it for like 2 seconds. I think his performance was cut.

Poor guy.

Stephanie: When they make mediocre comedies or episodes of psych and want a wrestler cameo? We call the Miz


The combo of Whendonverse + modern setting + Shakespeare = So strange. The New Japan comparison is spot on.

I did like that Whedon was able to include cast members from every show he's ever made in that movie. I felt like it was a love letter to Whedon fans.

and now I'm watching This is The End.
I did like that Whedon was able to include cast members from every show he's ever made in that movie. I felt like it was a love letter to Whedon fans.

and now I'm watching This is The End.

Yeah, it felt like watching a big rehearsal for the fans at Whedon's house or something, which is basically what they did.

I enjoyed This Is The End.


Slaughter had a pretty good crowd going when I passed by. Saw him put a few guys in the cobra clutch.

Certainly doing better than the combined might of Tito Santana, Brutus Beefcake, and Greg Valentine that was in the autographing area near the Batmobile.



WCW Monday Nitro 4/26/99

The show opens with a graphic mentioning the death of Rick Rude. He actually died on 4/20/99, which was two days before Thunder (which had no mention of the death since it was pre-taped) and the same day as the Columbine school shooting.


Recap of Flair's mental issues and the end of Nitro last week.

TO THE MENTAL HOSPITAL. Flair is still stuck in a mental hospital in Central Florida. A nurse and doctor say he's been trying to run the place, so they're not allowing Nitro to be shown tonight. Someone plays Flair's music and he struts out, still in his boxers and robe. He sexual harasses the nurse and dances with her.


TO THE OVAL OFFICE. JoJo and Charles Robinson are discussing the legality of paper work that Flair signed. Charles Robinson is officially the vice president. He's in charge. He has power above everyone, including Piper.

Roddy Piper comes to the ring. He says that since Flair is gone, he's the sole man in control of WCW. Well, we just saw right before he came out that Charles Robinson is the one in charge. He reinstates Randy Savage. He books Scott Steiner against Randy Savage for the title TONIGHT! He brings up DDP. Before he can say much, the champ comes out. Piper wants DDP vs Sting tonight. DDP wants to, but not tonight. Piper says he's going to do it anyway and it will happen at 9 PM! DDP must have a short reign planned since they've burnt through his two big money matches in 2 weeks and on TV. Hm.

Brian Adams vs Konnan

Fuck both of these punk ass mark busters. The rest of the B Team hit the ring and the match was thrown out. They beat Konnan's ass. Good. Sucka.

Sting hype video.

We were supposed to have some tag matches, but the Horsemen put both Kidman and Saturn in the hospital earlier today.

The Armstrong Brothers vs Raven

If this is Raven's rules (which it is), why would the brothers even bother with tags? Raven out smarts these schmucks and now they can't get along. Raven with the arm drag based offense. Scott goes face first into a chair. So does Steve. Lots of brotherly miscommunication in this. Superkick stops Raven's flurry. Then Scott accidentally super kicks his brother. Evenflow. Steve breaks it up with a chair shot. The Armstrong curse has been broken! The last time they won, it was in a handicap match against Kanyon. Before that, it was sometime in 1993.

Split screen of Flair on a pay phone with Charles Robinson. He wants the National Guard to put Piper in jail. He hits on a super jacked up nurse. Her arms were bigger than Flair's legs. It was Asya, who has yet to be named.

Charles Robinson is the guest. He's in charge. This brings Piper out. Piper calls him a leprechaun and says he can eat soup off his head. What the fuck does that mean? Robinson slaps Piper! Security and police get Piper before he can do much damage. LOL "CHARLES IS IN CHARGE!!!!" Fucking great. Robinson fires Piper. This is amazing that some random ref is now in charge of WCW for a week at least. He ranted and went crazy just like Flair, but kept his clothes on.


Sting vs DDP WCW Championship

Not only is this really stupid to have with no build or hype, it's offensive to have it at 9 and not even the main event. WCW seems to be freaking out about the ratings since they've been hot shotting a ton of money matches in the past month or so. They get into a strike battle, which Sting wins and sends DDP to the floor. They lock up and DDP takes a cheap shot in the corner. He slaps on a head lock and pulls Sting down by his hair, then bails. Sting follows him out. DDP takes another cheap shot as Sting is getting back in the ring. Series of lariatoos from Sting. Stinger Splash. DDP wriggles away from the Deathlock and again bails. A series of reversals ends in a lariatoo. Sting shoves off a Kanyon Cutter. DDP decides to just leave. Sting follows him out. They spend quite a while aimlessly brawling near the ramp. Back to the ring. 10 count punches is countered with a low blow and stun gun. Back suplex. Sting with his patented "I'm worn out so I'm going to fall right into your cock and balls" spot. DDP goes back on offense and controls for a while. DDP goes for the ring post figure four. Sting gets out of it. He also blocks a Kanyon Cutter. Sting Hulks up. Face buster. Superfly Splash. Batista bomb from DDP. Roll up almost gives us a new champ. Another lariatoo from DDP. Ganso bomb! Tombstone! DDP kicks out! He comes back with a diving DDT. They do the Kanyon Cutter into Deathdrop spot. New champion! This place is literally coming unglued!



. Flair tells Robinson to book Sting vs Goldberg for Slamboree.

Psychosis vs Rey Mysterio Jr. WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Rey spins and does all kinds of lucha stuff. It ends with him getting dropped throat first on the ropes. Powerbomb stun gun. Rey blocks a tornado DDT, but doesn't block getting reversed suplexed on the ropes. Rey does a diving rana from the top off the apron which Hypno sells by falling face first off the apron. He comes back with a super falcon arrow. The Horsemen come out and take Rey's tag title. He dives on them. Hypno then baseball slides Rey, sending the belt back in Rey's face. Batista Bomb. Rey barely kicks out. Hypno tries again, but it is countered into a DDT. New champion! The Horsemen attack both men and do a crazy tossing flapjack to Rey.




Kevin Nash comes to the ring. He isn't happy about being informed of the main event getting changed for Slamboree. He suggests Sting vs DDP vs Goldberg vs Nash for the title TONIGHT!

TO THE OVAL MENTAL OFFICE. Flair is pretty stoked about the main event. Two inmates are amateur wrestling while Ric is on the floor. Flair breaks it up so he can wrestle with the jacked nurse. The other nurse puts a stop to it.

DJ Ran scratches for us.

Erik Watts vs Bam Bam Big Yellow

I hope this is a squash. It was, but they do one of the worst rana spots I've ever seen. Greetings From Asbury Park for quick win.


He brings out the new champion. He already has fresh face paint. Sting agrees to the 4 corners match.

DJ Ran and the Nitro Girls are all up in my area.

Meng vs Booker T. WCW TV Championship

Bleh. There was a ref bump. Stevie hit Meng with a slapjack when he had the Deathgrip on. Booker retains. Rick Steiner ran out and attacked Stevie. Booker pulled him off and Stevie bailed.

Recap of Hogan's knee injury and then we hear from his surgeon. Hulk and Bischoff headed into the hospital. Hogan didn't really want to do it until he took care of DDP. Bischoff was convincing him to fix his leg before he does anything. Then we see the surgery. Definitely not as graphic as Superstar Graham's surgery.

TO THE OVAL MENTAL OFFICE. Flair wants Rick Steiner vs Booker T. at Slamboree. He also wants the main event tonight to be no DQ. He dances with some of the inmates when Scott Hall randomly walks up and throws a tooth pick at them. The announcers didn't mention any of it when they came back.


Horace vs Hak vs Brian Knobs vs Mikey Whipwreck Hardcore Match

YO! Two 4 corners matches on the same show? Cane shots fucking everywhere. Knobs is fucking dangerous with a ladder. Just random plunder being thrown around, including a giant SURGE container. Knobs is such a fucking asshole. He's hitting people full force in the head without any warning or time to prepare. Knobs pins Mikey after slamming a ladder on him. But fuck Knobs. It looked like he spent the entire match intentionally trying to injure the other 3 guys. YO!


Scott Steiner vs Randy Savage WCW US Championship

Before the match, Steiner ran down Piper and said he'd get Gorgeous George if he won. The best part was this little kid on his dad's shoulders who was flipping the hard cam off with both hands the whole promo. And when his dad figured it out and told him to stop, the kid had one up over his head anyway. He couldn't have been more than 5. Charles Robinson came out and decided he was going to ref this match. Robinson disqualifies Savage for incidental contact about 40 seconds in. Madusa ended up kicking him in the head for it. George took his clothes off. I fail to see how that would be embarrassing unless he got a boner. What would have made more sense is for Robinson to over rule Piper and not have reinstated Savage in the first place. Also of note was Miss Madness being with Savage. Miss Madness is Molly Holly.

Tony totally heeled on some fan trying to get on TV and then threw to a Gorgeous George training montage.

DDP vs Kevin Nash vs Goldberg vs Sting WCW Championship

I don't know where DDP went, but Goldberg is fighting Nash and Sting off by himself. Suplex to Nash. Sting breaks the pin. Powerslam to Sting. Tape quality suddenly got atrocious and jittery. This is like watching a 1080p Youtube video on a 56K modem. I had to find it on Youtube in much lower quality and size, so any gifs may look different. Sting is going Stinger Splash crazy. Nash then goes Big Boot crazy. Some aimless brawling. Powerslam to DDP. Nash tries to sneak in a pin. Stinger splash on Goldberg. Nash tries to sneak another pin. Everyone is trying pins. Poor Pee Wee doesn't know who to count for. Deathlock on Nash. Spear to DDP. Spear to Sting. Jackhammer to Sting. RANDY SAVAGE breaks the pin. Goldberg is knocked to the floor. He throws an international object to DDP. He decks Nash with it and hits a Kanyon Cutter. BANG! New champion! DDP runs off into the crowd. I think there was a fire or something in the front row.


DQ Count: 2 out of 9 matches.

This show was pretty awesome. It was crazy and chaotic, but not in a Russo way. Sting/DDP was boss, fans were super into the whole show, and Slamboree is looking like a pretty good show. Having looked up what went down on Raw that night, Nitro looks SIGNIFICANTLY better. But WCW has blown through so many big money matches in the last month or so.

Hogan vs DDP. Hogan vs DDP vs Flair vs Sting. Sting vs DDP. DDP vs Goldberg. Nash vs Flair. Steiner vs Goldberg. All on Nitro with no hype.
One of my coworkers got a promotion and is transferring to another store. On her farewell card that everyone was signing, I wished her well in her future endeavors.

I felt like Big Johnny saying the same to Morrison.
I saw Davey Richards in 3 matches over the last 2 nights and he was surprisingly awesome each time with hardly any repeated moves and genuinely entertaining each time


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
when does NJPW start? I might as well stay up since this NBA game isn't going to end any time soon.
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