Oh shit, this is tonight? Im off tomorrow! Gonna watch! We chatting in here or shiuld we do something ofsitte as to not spam stuff about wrestling?
Get your weaboo wrestling out of our wrasslin' thread!
Oh shit, this is tonight? Im off tomorrow! Gonna watch! We chatting in here or shiuld we do something ofsitte as to not spam stuff about wrestling?
Strobogo, wanna see something weird? find Monster Brawl. Has a lot of wrasslin' folks.
You know reading the incarnation and general debut of TNA is horrifying and terrible.
Stro you should start reviewing the first HORRIBLE year of TNA.
I don't even understand HOW THE FUCK DID IT LAST THIS LONG?
Oh my god, this movie keeps getting worse. 70% of the movie is made up of music videos. Including the way this girl summons the demon, which is standing in her underwear and playing a blazing metal solo for 3 minutes. It was clear the "actress" had never played a guitar in her life.
I think you guys need to see this. I sent the suggestion to Red Letter Media. I DESPERATELY want to see their faces while watching this movie.
Actual Demonic Solo
That's an actual scene from the movie.
You can see how it could really cause some problems to an already depressed guy.
Don Harris wore a shirt featuring the Nazi SS symbol during PPV #9. The Jarretts apologized for this on the TNA website and Harris was placed on probation. Upon returning he never wore the shirt again; however, his SS tattoos were still clearly visible.
Remember Stro, Raws in 1995 were only ONE hour.
WWF is too played out, i vote for WCW 1992. such a great year.
The next recap should be WWF 1995.
Wow, was there any wrestling at all?
I was 5 in 1995, I'm saying this because I want people to feel old.Remember Stro, Raws in 1995 were only ONE hour.
Believe it or not, we would actually get multiple wrestling matches in that one hour. And storylines (shitty ones) would actually progress, and PPVs were actually developed (poorly) in that one hour.
Everything may have sucked, but it was at least organized.
I was 5 in 1995, I'm saying this because I want people to feel old.
TNA was probably at its best when impact was one hour
I don't think I ever want to watch another episode of iMPACT. That page traumatized me.
this segment was better than anything WWE did all 2013
last thing WWE ever did awesome was Del Rio beating Big Show for the title on a random Smackdown last December.
It's really a shame those two are in TNA. Their shenanigans and ridiculous shit needs to be seen by more people. Such a waste![]()
At first I thought that people were exaggerating how weak Ryback was because people were deadweighting him/they were exaggerating at how blown up he looked whenever a feat of strength was required. But then I started watching the matches more and every snarky person was right on the money. Dude is really not that strong.
Oh my god, this movie keeps getting worse. 70% of the movie is made up of music videos. Including the way this girl summons the demon, which is standing in her underwear and playing a blazing metal solo for 3 minutes. It was clear the "actress" had never played a guitar in her life.
I think you guys need to see this. I sent the suggestion to Red Letter Media. I DESPERATELY want to see their faces while watching this movie.
Actual Demonic Solo
That's an actual scene from the movie.
It's really a shame those two are in TNA. Their shenanigans and ridiculous shit needs to be seen by more people. Such a waste![]()
Those four really can't do what they're doing in WWE, though.
Yeah sure DM.
Then what, Jeff Hardy pops up with a unexplained reason for attacking Daniels then no shows for 4 months?
Or Vince Russo is hiding somewhere?
No thx
Impact also gives you women almost being paralyzed.
How strange, an episode of Thunder that wasn't a complete waste of time. Nash, DDP, Goldberg, and Savage were on and all had actual matches. Nash gave Sandman a ton of offense. I excepted a quick squash, but it wasn't at all.
Impact also gives you women almost being paralyzed.
That's amazing. I wish I would have seen that
I miss Sarita. She got so hot once she started doing heavy squats and deadlifts.
What happened to her and Rosita?I miss Sarita. She got so hot once she started doing heavy squats and deadlifts.
Terry Taylor asked Daffney to allow Abyss to chokeslam her off the ring apron and onto a barbed-wire board. Daffney reluctantly agreed to perform the stunt, and for her trouble, she suffered a concussion. Since Spike TV refuses to allow TNA to show any form of man-on-woman violence, TNA ended up cutting the stunt from broadcast. To complete Daffney's humiliation, TNA refused to pay for her medical costs -- and the company sent Terry Taylor to tell her.
What happened to her and Rosita?
Impact also gives you women almost being paralyzed.