Heh, apparently Quack's pissed that people (very easily) figured out that Janiya was Saturyne unmasked on WSU's iPPV last night;
Just another excuse to mention my all-time favourite Quack story; when he made his girlfriend sleep on the couch because she revealed the identity of Darkness Crabtree to her parents. Kayfabe lives!
Wait, he's pissed that we figured that out now? I thought we knew that 2 years ago when we found her facebook
Is Kevin Nash doing anything right now?
I am sure they could actually do something good with him.....He would be a fun GM.
Would WWE be crazy enough to let him be a announcer?
I demand November to be Nash OT
Is Kevin Nash doing anything right now?
I am sure they could actually do something good with him.....He would be a fun GM.
Would WWE be crazy enough to let him be a announcer?
I demand November to be Nash OT
When did TNA slide from competitor to nothing in your eyes?
When did TNA slide from competitor to nothing in your eyes?
When did TNA slide from competitor to nothing in your eyes?
Worst part is I don't even know why I'm blocked.
I'm heart broken.
Worst part is I don't even know why I'm blocked.
Nash lurks here, this is proof.
When did TNA slide from competitor to nothing in your eyes?
Probably watched your stream
I think it's cause I trash talked a lot of CM Punk.
If Nash followed him that's why.
Maybe? I honestly don't remember tweeting to Nash at all.
Ah who cares.
Did he choose TNA or was WWE never interested?No matter how much people complain about WWE not pushing people right
Nothing, NOTHING can compare to TNA's treatment of Samoa Joe. Literally the most popular guy on the independent circuit becomes the main attraction to the X Division. Becomes the most popular guy in your company despite being a heel. And you wait a year to give him the main title.
Joe destroying the X Division with his dirty towel was magical.
I hope you learned your lesson about bad mouthing Punk!
When Samoa Joe got abducted by ninjas.
What a magical moment in TNA history.
I hope you learned your lesson about bad mouthing Punk
Did he choose TNA or was WWE never interested?
Aiii doesn't like Nash because he makes fun of Aiii's reality tv
They've never been a competitor and I never felt they were one. The A8 storyline is when I gave up even on glancing over results and watching a PPV every now and then. Before that, Immortal killed most of my interest. The last 3 years have been terrible for TNA.
I remember John Pollock interviewing him and his last question was about the storyline. He laughed and pretended that his phone was breaking up and ended the interview. lol
Also, here for all the bad TNA moments:
Another bad one was the real early version of it when AJ Styles went into S.E.X locker room with a chainsaw and called the disco inferno an anti gay slur.
I think the moment TNA showed their true colors is when they went head to head, live, with Jeff Hardy against Bret being back on WWE TV for the first time in ages. What was that, 2010? That's when they went from a curiosity to naaaaaah, not even gonna bother.