The Selena Gomez thread proves there's a huge market forAJ LeeDivas gifs.
I'm thinking Drive Club might be a possibility now also.
That also settles whether I'm getting 2 or 3 games at launch for PS4. I was debating on getting AC, WD and Killzone, but now it's just AC and Killzone.
I'm thinking Drive Club might be a possibility now also.
Hmmm. What about free to play on day 1?
Well theres a free version with PS+. And Resogun is something I would bought day 1 but it too is also free on PS+.
I'm stunned YOU didn't get a ban for that thread.
There is NO CHANCE that Sunny comes back from that ban.
I'm thinking Drive Club might be a possibility now also.
Two week ban, apparently. And ya it's about the viral marketing thing :-
I'm amazed that I made it out alive from that Selena Gomez
or without a new tag
I'm amazed that I made it out alive from that Selena Gomez
or without a new tag
Hmmm....Drive Club + Killzone and get AC4 on a Steam sale for PC down the road?
That was totally not PG.
Risky Business
Dragonzord = Ratings
There were a lot of people surprised that AJ Lee was medically cleared so quickly following being sent home from last weeks Monday Night Raw in Pittsburgh. AJ was in really bad shape, with slurred speech and needing assistance to walk. She had significant memory loss and was complaining of seeing fog. There was even concern at one point whether or not she should get on an airplane.
Were also told that AJ has been dealing with an elbow injury that she suffered back in September. AJ is seen as someone that is extremely tough and doesnt mind working through injury. However, it should be noted that she had to pass an Impact Concussion Test before she could receive clearance from a concussion.
Why is Triple H and Big Shoe headlining the shows rather than the main title of the company?
Triple H vs. Big Show is being discussed for the Survivor Series pay-per-view.
Original plans for the WWE Tag Team Titles had Cody Rhodes and Goldust winning them at the Hell In a Cell pay-per-view but Vince McMahon made the decision on Monday afternoon to do the title change on RAW. The Usos vs. Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns vs. Cody and Goldust is currently planned for Hell In a Cell.
I introduced divas to the thread so ur welcome.
As the Russo of wrassle-gaf, I'm in charge of you lot now. There will be no mentions of WWE unless it's about the pretty ladies. You will only talk about NJPW but not Bullet Club.
Too cool for school
nWo Typhoon were clearly the best incarnation of the nWo;
Can I be WrassleGAF co-owner Ric Flair?
I draft strobogo! WOOOOOO!!!!
Can I be WrassleGAF co-owner Ric Flair?
I draft strobogo! WOOOOOO!!!!
no match for the LWO.
So we're clear November is John Cena month right?
So we're clear November is John Cena month right?
Big Show-T and Triple H threads are one thing, but a Cena thread would be unacceptable