I run this place. I know what's best for business. Triple H month was best for business. strobogo month is good for business.
Goldust month will be good for business.
I agree with this move. Goldust is awesome!
I run this place. I know what's best for business. Triple H month was best for business. strobogo month is good for business.
Goldust month will be good for business.
you guys made 6000 posts, never drew a dime.
go back to high school gyms, wrestling in front of 200 rednecks.
But this thread hasn't broken 10k yet, and last year there were multiple wrestling topics with 20k plus needing an OT2. Ratings are dying. Call in a McMahon or Cena to boost.
I don't even know what Black Reign and Seven are
Yes to this!shit, you gotta include Dustin tag stuff with Windham. it's mandatory.
shit, you gotta include Dustin tag stuff with Windham. it's mandatory.
Goldust trolling Razor, Ahmed, and other faces is a treat looking back now. And his team with Booker T was one of the most enjoyable duos in the past 13 years for WWF/E.
Our projected numbers are low for this month due to wellness policy violations and it's fucking October....the month filled with 2 B PPVs.
We have also been doing PPV threads for the bigger PPVs so that explains why our normally high post count months have been low.
I'm also trying to be pro-active and if I think a Raw has potential to push us over to 20k, instead of hitting that mark, I'll go ahead and make the next month's thread if it's the last week of the month.
Finally, monthly themed threads are a new thing as a regular feature. We are still working out the best way to incorporate themes to keep it fresh. The current idea of using current events to drive the theme is popping a good post rate, and we will continue with this until something other idea presents itself.
We need a top ten Golddust moment section in the OT. Or have ten members pick a moment and do a writeup of why its so goodBooker T and Goldust at the movies is a Top 10 Raw segment of all time.
Remember when Goldust kissed Ahmed and Vince said that was the most revolting thing he's ever seen?
Remember when Goldust kissed Ahmed and Vince said that was the most revolting thing he's ever seen?
man why are we so amazing.
we all are moving to japan to live in a dojo and become big time stars.
The sight of Ahmed Johnson kissing anyone is probably really revolting.
I'm clearly Yujiro
This is just like a japanese anime.I'm clearly Yujiro
Big E. took his inspiration of having his hams out from Ahmed.
Colt Cabana has a great podcast with Cassandro
This is just like a japanese anime.
No, those girls are over 18.
Unsurprisingly, Dave Mastiff's broken hand hasn't healed enough in a week for him to face Michael Elgin at the Revolution Pro show on Saturday, instead, it'll be Elgin vs Noam Dar!
A good replacement, but I hope Elgin vs Mastiff happens again sometime, as that's one of the best big men matches I can think of.
Does this possible Hell in a Cell card interest anyone?
Bryan vs Orton
Punk vs Ryback and Heyman
Cena vs Del Rio
Shield vs Rhodes Brothers vs Usos
Real Americans vs. Los Matadores
Axel vs Big E
Divas Match
Miz vs Wyatt if he recovers in time or Miz and Partner vs Wyatt Family
This card is a hell a lot better than the last two pay per views combined.