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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance

you guys made 6000 posts, never drew a dime.

go back to high school gyms, wrestling in front of 200 rednecks.


man why are we so amazing.

we all are moving to japan to live in a dojo and become big time stars.


Yeah, but early 90s WCW Dustin Rhodes was excellent. I can't pretend that didn't happen. I can pretend Seven, The American Nightmare, and Black Reign didn't happen.


But this thread hasn't broken 10k yet, and last year there were multiple wrestling topics with 20k plus needing an OT2. Ratings are dying. Call in a McMahon or Cena to boost.

Our projected numbers are low for this month due to wellness policy violations and it's fucking October....the month filled with 2 B PPVs.

We have also been doing PPV threads for the bigger PPVs so that explains why our normally high post count months have been low.

I'm also trying to be pro-active and if I think a Raw has potential to push us over to 20k, instead of hitting that mark, I'll go ahead and make the next month's thread if it's the last week of the month.

Finally, monthly themed threads are a new thing as a regular feature. We are still working out the best way to incorporate themes to keep it fresh. The current idea of using current events to drive the theme is popping a good post rate, and we will continue with this until something other idea presents itself.


Goldust trolling Razor, Ahmed, and other faces is a treat looking back now. And his team with Booker T was one of the most enjoyable duos in the past 13 years for WWF/E.


shit, you gotta include Dustin tag stuff with Windham. it's mandatory.

Precisely. 1991-1994ish Dustin was great.

Goldust trolling Razor, Ahmed, and other faces is a treat looking back now. And his team with Booker T was one of the most enjoyable duos in the past 13 years for WWF/E.

The first year and a half of Goldust was so good. The first face turn was the end of that version of the character and I thought he mostly sucked from then until 2002. BookDust/Black Gold was so fun.


Our projected numbers are low for this month due to wellness policy violations and it's fucking October....the month filled with 2 B PPVs.

We have also been doing PPV threads for the bigger PPVs so that explains why our normally high post count months have been low.

I'm also trying to be pro-active and if I think a Raw has potential to push us over to 20k, instead of hitting that mark, I'll go ahead and make the next month's thread if it's the last week of the month.

Finally, monthly themed threads are a new thing as a regular feature. We are still working out the best way to incorporate themes to keep it fresh. The current idea of using current events to drive the theme is popping a good post rate, and we will continue with this until something other idea presents itself.

Also, 99% of people in this thread not giving a damn about TNA has lead a decrease in thread posting.
Ambrose/Ziggler on Main Event was pretty much the match they should've had at Night of Champions. Dolph still didn't do the awesome sell everyone wanted him to do when he took the headlock driver. The rest was your standard Main Event episode. Damien Sandow even looks like a jobber now. They took away the pink trunks and the robe, now he just has like a towel and generic black. The full nelson slam thing is a better finisher than anything else he's had, though.

And NXT was aight. Tag team match was kept short thankfully. Glad to see Neville/Graves split, they were way better on their own. CJP should be a jobber, he sucks. Main event was good with JBL coming out for Bo but not for Sami, so the feud should be fun though. Sucks that Zayn is totally gone for the next 4 weeks, he's my favorite/the best guy in NXT. And fuuuuuuuuuuck that guy on commentary is the worst this week. He referred to the spinning doctor bomb (i'm not sure if that's what it was either) as a "suplex" and Bo's corner springboard bulldog as a "DDT." No wonder this guy got released. At least there was no A-Ri on color this week. Renee and Regal are good at least.


Booker T and Goldust at the movies is a Top 10 Raw segment of all time.
We need a top ten Golddust moment section in the OT. Or have ten members pick a moment and do a writeup of why its so good

Whats the favorite for OT title right now? Im partial to a A dream of Golden CrossRhodes
I'm also a huge fan of Goldust showing up with Tourette's syndrome a few years after that was a relevant plot point, I'm actually a little bit bummed that he didn't bring it back again this time around.

But Darth Mauldust has been fun so far.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The entire history of gay wrestling heels in North American wrestling is fascinating. The Mexican take on it is particularly great, especially when they started getting over as faces.


Billy and Chuck got over as faces. They started as ambiguous heels, but once they got near the wedding, they were totally faces. Late era Rico was supposed to be a face, I think. I don't remember any other gay gimmicks for faces.


No. That was the only appearance as the character. Dustin Rhodes became Dustin Rhodes right after that. I'll be coming up on it pretty soon.
Colt Cabana has a great podcast with Cassandro

We once got a Lucha Vavoom show up here, Cassandro wrestled in a Canadian women's figure skating outfit and was one of the most badass/awesome wrestlers I've ever seen. It was a mostly non-wrestling crowd but he got everyone super into it.



WCW Thunder 5/27/99

Rick Steiner vs Sting in a cage has been booked for Nitro. The best thing about the announcers being in the position they are is that if a brawl heads up that way, you see that they're staring ahead into an empty part of the arena.

Kaz Hayashi vs Lash LeRoux

Lash is such a step down from all the lucha guys. Kaz has some kind of People's Elbow knock off now.

TO THE BACK. Savage is mad and looking for Buff. He attacks Disco and Scotty Riggs.

No one cares about this match. I don't care about it. Kaz won with a top rope senton.

WCW had collector cups for...Church's Chicken. If you figured, "Nah, they wouldn't use Booker T. in an ad for a fried chicken place", you'd be wrong.


Hammer now has an anti-peace sign on his singlet. Tank Abbott was sitting in the crowd. I wish Tank would step in the ring and end this garbage. Hammer won with a cobra clutch slam.

GAB promo.

WCW logo t shirt ad.

TO THE MEAN GENE. Randy Savage and Team Madness are the guests. Was Madusa trying to look as trashy as possible or was she just not used to being able to wear outfits like that with her new tits? " I don't step in crap, I step over it, if you know what the Mach is cookin'." I don't, actually. Madusa says something implying blowing Savage. He's going to hurt Buff bad tonight, but not too bad.

The Cat vs Vampiro

"Don't tell me the Japanese bought soul, now." Probably the best unintended pun Larry ever said. Cat calls out Scott "Yogi Bear" "Flapjack" "Flash" Norton. No more "El" for Vamp. Vamp is over even though he's on one show a month and has no momentum. Cat won with a Feliner after Sonny kneed Vamp in the back.

TO THE OVAL OFFICE. DDP and Flair are talking when Benoit bursts in to say he's sick of Flair. He offers to take it out side when DDP attacks him.

TO THE NASTY GENE. Gross. Brian Knobs promo time. I love all these ex WWF guys who always say "The WCW". The World Championship Wrestling doesn't make sense. The World Wrestling Federation does. He shit talked Bam Bam when Jimmy Hart comes out. Jimmy wants to be his manager again. "It's like deja vu all over again" has been said at least 300 times this year already. Jimmy invites Knobs to join the reformed First Family. Knobs wants to do things on his own.

Recap of Hennig/Konnan fighting. Tenay had to throw to it 3 times because nothing happened. This is on a taped show, mind you.

Konnan vs Kenny Kaos

Yes, the initials for this match are indeed KKK. There will probably be a botch in this so I can have at least have one gif for the show. That means I have to watch a Konnan match, though. Konnan is such a pussy. Dude is so scared to take a punch or clothesline. Konnan won. It sucked. Konnan is so terrible. How was this fuckhead over?

Lenny Lane vs Evan Karagias

What the fuck. Is this a Saturday Night from 2000? Lodi came out to check Lenny out. Evan wins with a twisty splash in a terrible match. This whole show has been garbage.

Recap of Sting and Lex reuniting.

Mean Gene caught a word with Tank Abbott from the "Ultimate Fighting Challenge". Tank says it looks like a bunch of cherries have fallen into the ring. Gene says the Sting/Steiner cage match is a SHOOT cage match. Rick Steiner came out and punches were thrown. Tank was taken out by security. Rick invites Tank to Nitro.


Recap of Flair giving DDP/Bam Bam a tag title match and then Benoit/Malenko having a problem with it and leaving the Horsemen.

Chris Benoit vs DDP

Benoit came out to Dean's music instead of his own solo music. Benoit locks in the Iron Crossface right away. DDP got to the ropes. DDP bails only to have Benoit do a suicide dive as soon as he turned around. Benoit randomly hops over the ropes right into an atomic drop. They lock up and roll to the floor. Suplex on the floor as Smackdown rolls on. They were still on the same place on the floor when they came back, so count outs don't count during commercials. Low blow and stun gun from DDP. Canadian backbreaker gut buster, which was more of a sternum breaker. DDP tries it again and drops Benoit on the ropes on accident. You could tell it was a botch because DDP makes it very clear when he blows a spot. Rolling Reich. DDP countered the last one with a low blow. Batista Bomb. Benoit locks on the Iron Crossface again. Bam Bam ran out and DDP was disqualified. Ric Flair also joined in on the fun. A Greetings from Asbury Park/Kanyon Cutter combo was ruined by the shot changing to an angle where you couldn't see Benoit taking the impact at all.


Randy Savage vs Buff Bagwell

This is the Thunder main event two weeks in a row. It only had about 6 minutes before they did two minutes of stalling. Macho worked over Buff's neck. Molly Holly did a missile drop kick. For the second week in a row, Savage was disqualified. Nick Patrick actually went after Savage with a chair to protect himself.

DQ Count: 2 out of 7 matches.

Typical garbage Thunder.
Unsurprisingly, Dave Mastiff's broken hand hasn't healed enough in a week for him to face Michael Elgin at the Revolution Pro show on Saturday, instead, it'll be Elgin vs Noam Dar!

A good replacement, but I hope Elgin vs Mastiff happens again sometime, as that's one of the best big men matches I can think of.


Does this possible Hell in a Cell card interest anyone?

Bryan vs Orton
Punk vs Ryback and Heyman
Cena vs Del Rio
Shield vs Rhodes Brothers vs Usos
Real Americans vs. Los Matadores
Axel vs Big E
Divas Match
Miz vs Wyatt if he recovers in time or Miz and Partner vs Wyatt Family

This card is a hell a lot better than the last two pay per views combined.
I'm probably in the minority, as I've complete tuned out of the main event storyline, but the only things I'm looking forward to are the tag 3-way and Real Americans vs Los Matadors. I'm sure Bryan vs Orton will be good, but, eh...I really don't care.
Unsurprisingly, Dave Mastiff's broken hand hasn't healed enough in a week for him to face Michael Elgin at the Revolution Pro show on Saturday, instead, it'll be Elgin vs Noam Dar!

A good replacement, but I hope Elgin vs Mastiff happens again sometime, as that's one of the best big men matches I can think of.

Sorry Boots. At least Noam Dar hasn't killed himself yet - you may witness it though!

Does this possible Hell in a Cell card interest anyone?

Bryan vs Orton
Punk vs Ryback and Heyman
Cena vs Del Rio
Shield vs Rhodes Brothers vs Usos
Real Americans vs. Los Matadores
Axel vs Big E
Divas Match
Miz vs Wyatt if he recovers in time or Miz and Partner vs Wyatt Family

This card is a hell a lot better than the last two pay per views combined.

and yet, I cna't be interested in any of this. Dammit WWE...
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