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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance

Yeah, Bryan's been gaining viewers for two months. You guys are high.

That said, given how he's been booked, it's unsurprising to me that he's maybe lost some of his drawing power. I know I'm not a tenth as excited for him as I was a few months ago, whereas Cody Rhodes and Goldust - who've both been booked incredibly strong as a result of all this company BS - have me glued to the screen when they're on.

I think they problem is they simply didn't play to Bryan's strengths. If you were gonna do an underdog thing, you really should've kept him OFF the mic. He'd work much better as an intense presence the McMahons just can't keep down, and you can progress the story in backstage segments, where his amateurish acting wouldn't matter as much. And he NEEDED to keep the character that got him popular, i.e. fucked-up angry guy with a goofy streak. Instead, they've made him some weird Punk/Cena hybrid where he gets a CM Punk-style story of being a small indie guy they wanna keep out of the main event while doing the mic work you might expect of John Cena, i.e. being sarcastic, pandering, etc. And the thing is, while he's a better wrestler than Punk, he's not a tenth as dynamic and natural on the mic. What got Punk so big were things like the pipe bomb promo, demanding ice cream bars from Vince, telling The Rock his "arms aren't long enough to box with God", pouring the Undertaker's parents' ashes over him, etc. Bryan's not unpredictable like that on the mic, and he's not had any cool, memorable things to do on the show in a while. I'm not on board with people that say he's gotten TERRIBLE, which is massive hyperbole, but there's no denying he's missing some of that "it" factor he had with Kane.

But in retrospect, I'm maybe coming to the conclusion that he simply needed to win the title at Summerslam without any shenanigans following. The best way to get him over would've been to have him butt up against HHH's new regime, become a "target", and simply beat all comers. Instead, they've made him look like a bit of a putz, made most of the faces on the roster look like amoral pussies, and the only person that's come out of this with any more hype from the crowd than they went in with is Big Show. Contrary to that one article posted a few pages ago, the show's been pretty entertaining since at least Payback or so, maybe even before, but it seems like it was all a house of cards that kinda came crumbling down in the last few weeks when everyone realized that WWE was still gonna WWE.

Edit: I'm still of the opinion that Bryan vs. Corporate Man Punk would be the best angle for the WWE Title picture going into Wrestlemania. John Cena can fight HHH, Brock Lesnar can take on The Undertaker, and the card will still draw. but the limelight needs to go to your two most reliable workers - one of whom has several years on main events in front of him. And Punk deserves it, for all the shit he's put up with and all the work he's done.


Del Rio is anti-viewer material, has been for years. I don't know why the WWE insists still on pushing him, it can't just be the latino thing.

With Rey out, Sin Cara being useless and the other guys hanging out with a little bull guy? Sure it can.
Yes chants are big shows now . lol

Also with Evertone taking a back seat to HHH/big show , hard or anyone to stand out

Tanahashi said that he believed Naito was the best worker in New Japan history.

Dragonzord we did it!


formerly cjelly
lol, the crap some people post in this topic to try to get reactions out of others and then don't join the discussion in why they believe that.

The whole idea of can a person a draw in 2 months is stupid. It took Stone cold 2 years before he became the mega draw that he is now. The rock started in 96 and he didn't become big until 99.

Bryan bring in viewers. If you looked at his gains after Summerslam he was doing very well. It just takes time and right now he one of the few gaining viewers during the football games.

I agree it takes time, and I don't pin it all on Bryan. I think he should've held the title for a couple of months by now. The idea that they've just let the belt sit there vacated when they could be using it to help a new face get over while Cena is gone is beyond stupid.
WWE now has morality clauses included in their newer contracts. What this essentially means is that if the company finds willingly-made nude pictures or other media of its contracted talent on the Internet or in print media while they are under contract, they are allowed to release the talent immediately and blacklist them from the company forever. The talent has to sign a part of the contract stating that no such media exists. Previously, WWE did nudity checks but had no clause to exit a contract if something wasn't found until after they signed a talent. They now can.

Guess that means Maria's never coming back.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA



I agree it takes time, and I don't pin it all on Bryan. I think he should've held the title for a couple of months by now. The idea that they've just let the belt sit there vacated when they could be using it to help a new face get over while Cena is gone is beyond stupid.

Does a belt even serve that purpose any more, though?

[edit ^ Owen was the best]
Guess my swollen face is caused by a cracked molar that got infected.

Gotta get a root canal! Sweet.

As a broken student I love paying a grand for things!
I think he just didn't get new suits when he lost a bunch of weight doing his mountain climbing stuff.

When you sign on to be a GM of a show then you instantly shrink but are not offered a new wardrobe. Teddy Long is actually just time travelling Bobby Lashley.

To me that doesn't make sense. WWE is so gigantic that it's almost impossible to run them into the ground. If they take a hit on one WM buyrate yet make several new stars in the process that can create revenue for years, they will be absolutely fine. It would take years and years of WCW-level management to put down WWE.

They basically own the world of wrestling, but have never been more conservative, safe and prone to cold feet. It's somehow created a WWE that has a monopoly but has no draws.

NJPW isn't a publicly traded is it? The issue with WWE is that if they do a bad earnings for a Wrestlemania quarter then it could really affect the stock price and they are much more interested in having steady growth than taking a risk for the potential of bigger gains.

Basically the main angle carried at the end carried the show. Also, is Meltzer shocked that at 10pm Del Rio didn't do Punk gains? I guess his halftime idea is falling apart.

His halftime idea fell apart the first time he said it. The segment didn't ever line up with halftime which he would have known had he looked into it, but whatever it's not like the dude is paid to analyze TV ratings for a living.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I think the two most charismatic guys in your company being in the same stable would be overkill.

But I'd still like to see it.
NJPW fed of the year.

Top 5 MOTYC are all NJPW.


Pretty much. Boots showed some Observer stuff earlier saying that Tanahashi and Okada were now considered one of the most important, decisive feuds of NJPW's history. And I don't think anyone would disagree. Usually you hear shit like "Batista and Cena had a hell of a feud, it's one of the greats" by someone and everyone immediately rolls their eyes. This is different, this has been earned. NJPW is gold right now and on the hottest streak in a long time.

Now all they need is an agreement with NXT to swap talent like WCW did in the 90s.
If you never saw it, here's The Steiner Brothers vs Sting and Lex Luger from Superbrawl 1, in 1991.


Incredible match on all sides. Steiners were at their best. Sting and Lex Luger were unbelievable. Steiners brought their Japan knowledge, adapted it to American wrestling, and these two teams put on an unbelievably good face vs face match that nobody turned on. Everyone loved it. Amazing show.
Good god, I just stumbled across a 132gb, 32 disc Midnight Express collection. Not sure if I need quite that much Midnight Express, but damn, it's tempting. Gonna need to order another terrabyte HDD at this rate.
I guess that would depend if they actually implement the CAW feature. Or any of the other features that Yukes made and built upon over the years. People would have a hissy fit if they removed CAW alone.

I doubt they'd take that out especially sine they finally got that whole thing working great in recent years. I expect visual improvements next year as well as some new stuff to do in and around the ring


Neo Member
Except for the loading, changing the colour of a dudes eyebrows? wait around for like 20 seconds.

Also, that glitch where patterns would just disappear while making a guy. There was nothing more frustrating with trying to perfect someone only to have your custom facepaint fail to load anytime you tried fixing the small details.
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