Mr. Enigma
What game was delayed?
Watch_Dogs got delayed to spring 2014.
What game was delayed?
Oh, I thought he was talking about something else since it was posted earlier today. Watch_Dogs is a PC game anyway!
Oh, I thought he was talking about something else since it was posted earlier today. Watch_Dogs is a PC game anyway!
From the time I was able to, until I was about 6 or 7, I went to every local WCW show with my dad from Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama. Id go to the WCW offices in CNN Center and sit in on my dad and Tony Schiavone doing the voiceovers for WCW Saturday Night.
I found out via Blockbuster Video how special my dad was in the sports-entertainment world. I didnt know, because I wasnt old enough. I wasnt able to form a thought when he won the World Heavyweight Championship, or when he brought the WarGames, or when he was battling The Four Horsemen. That was all stuff I rented on VHS tapes at Blockbuster Video.
As a young kid, I just wanted to shake everyones hand, shake it in a certain way and to look people in the eyes when you speak to them. With those two things, I was way ahead of the curve. Especially when I was like 7 or 8, I had a firm handshake and knew how to talk to somebody. My dad taught me that. He always does this thing, he does it to this day, where hell walk into a room and somebody wants to shake his hand and they dont get up. My dad always says, Is something wrong with your legs? Its horrible, because its ego-based. But its been instilled in me that I never shake anyones hand without standing up.
Mr. Nobody said:I want to shake your guys hands
I want to shake your guys hands
I want to shake your guys hands
Im all for this. The technique partIt would be pretty cool if the Young Bucks end up getting shot in the ring. Shooted on. Shot. Either way. Gun or technique.
I can only hope that when it does release, it'll come with a server browser of sorts. I despise random matchmaking when it comes to searching for online games. But at least the game will have a cut down PS+ edition for me to try that out.Drive Club also very likely delayed. Those were the two next gen games I was looking forward to most. I'll probably grab a system in either Feb or March now.
Wrestling Observer Newsletter said:Total revenue from corporate sponsorship's was $7.4 million in 2008. Now, after five years of pushing PG publicly, and promising all sponsors that there would be no more risque TV, the number is expected to hit $20 million this year.
Drive Club also very likely delayed. Those were the two next gen games I was looking forward to most. I'll probably grab a system in either Feb or March now.
* shakes hand*
Now get my bags !
Good grief.A leaked memo from a few years ago stated a few things. Vince has said that nobody going forward can use the phrase Granddaddy of them all for WrestleMania. He feels it makes WrestleMania feel old and dated. Also, nobody is allowed to use the phrase choke for a submission move. Undertakers Hells Gate has also been named the Triangle Submission hold even though its a gogoplata, which is not a triangle although it looks sort of similar. Kevin Dunn stated announcers can no longer use the phrase title changes hands. Vince has banned the use of terms Five star match and Match of the Year. Its funny, because when Arn Anderson does agent reports, he loves to use the five star match phrase for a match that tears down the house. As part of the memo banning those terms he also wanted all announcers to stop reading the dirt sheets with the idea it influences what they say. Funny, when they book for inside fans. Stephanie McMahon sent a memo for announcers to never use the phrase the referee didnt see it when a heel is doing something behind the referees back. She wrote that it makes it seem like the announcers are treating the fans like they are in grade school. She would prefer the referees vision was impaired or the referees vision was blocked. Also, never use the word hatred or hate when describing a feud. Also, the announcers should never say a talent doesnt care about winning a match. Also, when somebody is bleeding, never make references to it or use the word blood.
Ah perhaps.Striker, it says it was a leaked memo from a few years ago. King and Cole were saying match of the year like a month ago, also. Maybe they backed off that rule?
Good grief.
Commentary doing to be more watered down and lifeless than ever before.
I never thought Drive Club looked that good. That Need for Speed game though, now that looks fun!
Reading Strobo's recaps.. and it seems like the nWo (at least proper) just stopped one day
No major angle. No break up.
Just everyone stopped doing the nWo thing.. weird for such a large and long-term angle.
The real REAL payoff was actually Stevie Ray's singles "push", sucka.
A few months back, I had the chance to talk with the man formerly known as the Ultimate Warrior but have just put the video online. I was the last guy he was supposed to talk to that day and he was sick of hearing the same questions over and over again ("how did it feel to win at WrestleMania VI?") so I tried to ask him some new questions. In the end, we were both pretty happy with the interview (I got a few "that's a good question"). Here it is:
It's only 10 minutes long but I like how it turned out. Please tell me what you think about it.
TRIPLE POST? What are you doing!?
There's an edit button, pal!
All of the recently endeavoured. RIP In PeaciesThis place sure has slowed downWho to blame? Who killed our ratings?
Was it Mr. Sandman? Was it Sokantish? Who killed our ratings?
Because G-Fex isn't making a post every other post also, I mean...stro says he's the boss now. Look what happens!
This place sure has slowed downWho to blame? Who killed our ratings?
Was it Mr. Sandman? Was it Sokantish? Who killed our ratings?
The first problem we have is that we don't know who are wrestlers and who is corporate.
Dragonzord, Bootaaay, tm24, mechashiva, slightconfuse, and myself are obviously the wrestlers. We carry this thread.
I run this place. I know what's best for business. Triple H month was best for business. strobogo month is good for business.
Goldust month will be good for business.
This is really true.The first problem we have is that we don't know who are wrestlers and who is corporate.
Dragonzord, Bootaaay, tm24, mechashiva, slightconfuse, and myself are obviously the wrestlers. We carry this thread.
The first problem we have is that we don't know who are wrestlers and who is corporate.
Dragonzord, Bootaaay, tm24, mechashiva, slightconfuse, and myself are obviously the wrestlers. We carry this thread.