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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance


Hogan didn't start bulking back up until 1998. By 1999/2000, he was massive, but he had a few years where he was pretty small. Even in his last few WWE appearances, he was pretty deflated.









I regret going over there due to morbid curiousity

i lost interest after cancelling my PS4 pre-order. will eventually get one but not for now.

my neighbour gave me his PS2 with hundreds of... let's call them "goodies". it's a good word. that will keep me busy for a while, since i never had a PS2.


i lost interest after cancelling my PS4 pre-order. will eventually get one but not for now.

my neighbour gave me his PS2 with hundreds of... let's call them "goodies". it's a good word. that will keep me busy for a while, since i never had a PS2.

That's good man. Old games are the best.

Man Hogan looked fucking weird at times. Definitely deflated since the 80's but looked ripped as hell in 99 and looked alright in 2002.

and my god he's got such tiny nipples

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
My friend has a Wii U. I'll just borrow his when he's finished and when he doesn't have anything else to play on the console


If I get this job, I might get Wolf Within or whatever it's called.


I'm a little worried about getting a job in a new place.

But I need one so I gotta get over my fear.

I'm probably going to cancel my phone plan and sell my iPhone.


Does anyone ever think about why Wrasslin GAF is the only GAF that has an unemployment stable?

I don't want to delve too deep into this because it might hurt me.
Does anyone ever think about why Wrasslin GAF is the only GAF that has an unemployment stable?

I don't want to delve too deep into this because it might hurt me.

Because it's like the WWE lower/mid card, we all want our shot but keep getting passed over until we lose all motivation and are begrudgingly take on the role of jobbing.

My interview never actually got to take place earlier, I was run down to the point where I could barely speak which isn't exactly a good way to sell oneself, fortunately they rebooked the interview for a later date.


I really want to play 3d world
I really don't want to buy a WIi U

I'm in the same situation. Might pick one up around the holidays if it gets cheap enough. Luckily I'm in the UK so I'm assuming retailers are going to go for each others throats and undercut like crazy.
1. Wii U is the best. I hate you guys.

2. I'm a few weeks behind on NXT
and haven't watched Smackdown in weeks
but I just wanted to pop by and say Aiden English is my new favorite wrestler.

NXT Fave Five:
1. Aiden English
2. Tyler Breeze
3. Sami Zayn
4. Emma
5. Paige
6. Bayley
I have a job, but it's part-time like Jericho.
any reason the new wwe game isnt coming to wii u? i tend to enjoy wrestling games on nintendo systems. :/
Normally I'd take this time to laugh at the Wii U, but in this case it's a good thing that WWE14 is going on less systems.



WCW Monday Nitro 6/7/99

TO THE BACK. A white limo arrives. It's Team Madness! Savage makes the driver get a bucket out of the trunk. It's a big bucket of shit. BUT WHO WAS LIMO?! "OHHHHH mmmaaaannn, that's fermented. YEAH!" Savage went looking for Nash.


YO! Fuck me, Bischoff is on color from the start. Sandman is smoking, which the guys talk about as a violation of policy and they can't believe it. I guess they don't remember the few months when The Giant was smoking every week or all the times Hogan has been on TV with a cigar. Sandman stood in front of Bischoff with his smokes. JoJo comes out to say the match will not start with a lit cigarette. Sandman blows smoke in his face. I hope he gives JoJo a cane shot. Bischoff gets in the ring. Mr. Badass. Bischoff gets smoke to the face! And a shove. Security hits the ring, but Bischoff tells them it is okay. Then he slaps Sandman. The bell rings, but Bischoff says to let Sandman wrestle after taking the cigarette and flicking it back at Sandman. Sandman attempts a senton through a table. It's from Japan. He tries one more time to throw Prince through a table and it didn't break again, so he just made the pin instead. Hugh Morrus and Knobs came out to attack Sandman. Kidman came out for a save/revenge. Hugh powerbombed Kidman. Someone dropped beer on Bischoff. YO!



Nitro Girls dance. This is followed by a recap of last week's Nitro.

DJ Ran just wastes time to introduce pyro. Bischoff is the most annoying announcer I can imagine. He also feels he needs to cup the mic on his headset when he talks for some reason. He was announcer for years. He should know how to do this. He also spoiled the Higher Power angle by saying the guy under the hood was someone with the initials VM. You know, another rehashing of that crap. Bischoff really had the nerve to say that after 3 straight years of nWo shit. He also brought up a large lawsuit Vince had against him at the time and laughed about it.

Scotty Riggs vs Lenny Lane

Bischoff immediately buries Scotty Riggs for stealing his gimmick from Paul Orndorff. Once he got done talking about Vince, that is, which took up all the entrance time. Lodi came out to watch Lenny again. Lenny has a regular spot where he does an air plane spin and just happens to fall on his opponent's balls by coincidence. Bischoff is atrocious at bringing up story points he wants to get across. He's so clumsy about it. As clumsy as WWE APP WWE APP WWE APP WWE APP SONIC WWE APP WWE APP. This sucks. Why are they booking two low card heels against each other in a long match? Riggs wins with a fameasser.

TO THE OVAL OFFICE. Ric Flair is trying to convince Benoit to be a Horseman again. Flair talks about how hard it was when he and Arn had a feud a few years ago, but they patched it up. Flair just wants one more chance. Benoit will consider it. Saturn came in. He and Kanyon want a tag title rematch tonight. Oddly enough, Ric was planning to book himself and Benoit in a tag title match tonight. Benoit reluctantly agrees.

Team Madness come to the ring. Savage has his bucket of shit and a furry pink jacket on. Nash is no where in the building. Savage is the king of the game playing. The bucket of shit is from last week. But Nash has no huevos. He holds everyone in the building and in WCW responsible for what happened to him. I don't know what the fuck he's talking about now. Something about 30 men and "symboliccccly" getting the bucket dumped on them. Sting comes out to the ramp. Sting says Savage is pretty in pink while doing the limp wrist thing. He challenges Savage to a match tonight. "Macho Madness is on VIAGRA!"


Nitro Girls dance and then we get to see the shit bath from last week.

Kevin Nash comes to the ring with his belt and gear bag. He gets a chair out and puts his bag on it. Some asshole by a camera is screaming SHAWN MICHAELS over and over. Nash makes fun of Savage until Macho comes out with his bucket o' shit. Nash exits the ring and says he'll get back in when Savage puts down the bucket. He does so. Nash then says he'll get in the ring when Savage gets on his knees and begs. Savage begs to the big Macho Man in the sky. The bag starts to move. A woman gets out of it and dumps the bucket on Savage. Bischoff gives THE WORST fake laugh of all time and Savage runs after Nash. So far, this entire feud has revolved around shit and gay jokes. It's like Cena took his career inspiration from this feud. Then we get to see the ring crew cleaning up the ring and the announcers stalling for time. Bischoff tells a story about working in a dog kennel as a teenager.


DDP/Bam Bam Big Yellow vs Ric Flair/Chris Benoit WCW Tag Team Championships

Benoit takes out the champs on his own right away and almost wins with a diving headbutt within the first 3 minutes. Iron Crossface. DDP made it to the ropes. The ring is still dirty and looks to still have chunks of shit on it. Flair locks on the the figure four on DDP. Bam Bam drops a head butt to break it, but missed. Flair broke the hold voluntarily, but the announcers called it as if Bam Bam hit the headbutt. He didn't and it was obvious he didn't. Double chops. The champs double team Benoit for a while. DDP is a terrible heel. In the "I don't want to watch this guy" kind of way. They spend much of the match right on the shit stained area. The only guy to sell it is Nick Patrick. Just as Benoit is about to make the hot tag, Flair slowly backs off. SWERVE! Arn decides to take Ric's spot in the match. Saturn also comes out and takes Arn's spot. The ref allows it. Saturn is tagged in an throws the champs around. DVD on DDP. New champions! Kanyon comes out to celebrate. Flatliner! SWERVE! BANG! Super Kanyon Cutter. BANG! Kanyon Cutter to the ref. BANG! Botched Super Kanyon Cutter to Saturn. BONG! This match had a two SWERVES, Arn replacing Flair, and Saturn replacing Arn, yet the ref still allowed a title change. But when someone interferes in a hardcore match, it's a DQ.



DJ Ran and Nitro Girls bullshit.

La Parka/Silver King vs Damian/Ciclope Falls Count Anywhere Mexican Hardcore Match

I don't know why Tony is so amused with this match. Brain also laughs. Guys are stiffing each other with weapons and they're laughing because it's a MEXICAN hardcore match. Mexicana are hilarious, you know? I really don't know what they're laughing about. They don't laugh during normal hardcore matches, but because this is a MEXICAN hardcore match, it's the funniest thing they've ever seen. Whoever is running the headsets is clearly telling them to keep saying MEXICAN hardcore match while laughing. A lid went flying out of the ring all the way to the announce table. Parka won after a gross powerbomb on two open chairs. MEXICAN LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. What the fuck.





DJ Ran puts on a cowboy hat and scratches some country music.

TO THE BACK. Scott Norton wants to know why the rest of the B Team didn't come out after Cat hit him in the head with tire iron. They try to claim they left because they thought Scott had things under control. That didn't help, since Scott was supposed to ride with them and they were supposed to go out after the show.

The Cat vs Horace

Cat shook up the world, so he must be the greatest. God, why do they have Cat come out and stall for 5 minutes every week? It's terrible. Horace ran out while he was talking about bullshit. Cat again used a crowbar to win. The crowbar was in the god damn ring. The ref no doubt looked right at it more than once and didn't question it. The B Team were pissed and came to the ring. Cat and Sonny run to the back.

Nitro Girls.

TO THE MEAN GENE. Roddy Piper. Just what this shit show needed. He's going to make Flair bleed to death. If he were serious about offering reality checks, he would admit the shows suck. Apparently the match with Flair is again for the control of the company. Piper then goes in on all the young guys complaining about not being the main event. He's sick of it and calls Buff out. Piper gives shit for Buff not wrestling in MSG, which seems like bullshit since WCW weren't even allowed to run the Garden. Piper wants to know what "The stuff" is. Buff admits he would scam anything and anyone to be the world champion. After Piper beats Flair, he is going to give Buff the ball. At no time has anyone said the Piper/Flair match is for control of WCW again. Just Piper in this promo, 6 days before the PPV.


TO THE BACK. Macho's dames try to get Nash to get in their limo. They want him to open a bottle of champagne for them. Nash is pretty sure it is a trap, but gets in the limo once he finds Savage isn't in it. The girls shut the door and SWERVE, Randy Savage is the driver! WHERE TO, STEPHANIE?! A white hummer repeatedly rams the limo. BUT WHO WAS LIMO?!? BUT WHO WAS HUMMER?!? There were two cameras in the limo, both of which were definitely controlled by a camera man. So, did they die, too?



Bobby Duncum Jr. vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

Konnan and Rey come out wearing gas masks. Fuck. Perfect is on color at the booth, but Konnan is on color up at DJ Ran's area. I'm sure the match is fine, but I can't handle Konnan and Perfect jabbing at each other the whole match. Curt caused a DQ. Konnan made the save.

Replay of the entire Hummer/limo segment.

DJ Ran again.

The Steiners come to the ring. They both ramble a bunch of nonsense. Rick says it is now "rules of the fittest". They are the best tag team ever and are going to prove it by biting people or something. Who gives a fuck.

Recap of the bucket of shit from earlier.

Disco Inferno vs Buff Bagwell

Disco cuts an angry promo on Buff, saying that Buff already dropped the ball by not telling Piper he stinks. Buff's got not guts or stuff. He calls Buff out to prove that Buff can be the man. Bischoff was on WCW.com with information on Nash. Buff comes out. He took offense to Disco saying he got kicked out of the Wolfpac, since Disco was never even IN the Wolfpac. Yes, he was. He was an official member. Buff won an uneventful match with the Blockbuster.

Nitro Girls. Nitro Girl, actually. It was a solo spot.

Randy Savage vs Sting

The match starts with George jumping on Sting's back, allowing Savage to attack. Savage is wearing street clothes and his sun glasses. The other girls attack on the floor. Macho's street clothes are a see through shirt and leather pants. Still shit covered leather pants. A bag of coke came into play. Super rana from Molly Holly was blocked when Sting just shoved her off the ropes. Savage then piledrives the ref and attacks the second ref who was calling for the bell. Molly is pulled in the way of a Stinger Splash. He didn't give a shit about her, but checked on Madusa when he did it to her. Rick Steiner hits the ring. Scott hobbles his way out. US Championship to the face. Lex Luger makes the save.

DQ Count: 2 out of 8 matches.

Another awful show. Eric Bischoff is like Michael Cole at the peak of his heel character, but as a face. He shits on everyone, points out every flaw, and says all these sarcastic remarks that he clearly thinks are hilarious, but are stupid. And now he's a bad ass who went in the ring and slapped Sandman in the face.

Then you have the entirety of the Savage/Nash feud, which might be the most ridiculously escalated feud ever. In 3 weeks, they went from lip stick, to shit, to attempted homicide. There is NO reason for Savage to be that pissed at Nash. Nash would haven given him a title shot at any time. He didn't have to do any of this stuff. Their entire feud has revolved around Savage calling Nash gay and Nash dumping shit on Savage.

Piper continues to be out and apparently in some kind of control despite being FIRED TWICE. He kind of went heel on the young guys tonight. DDP is totally cool being a tag team champion instead of going after the WCW Championship. WHERE THE FUCK IS GOLDBERG?! He hasn't even been mentioned on screen in weeks. Instead, we get Lex Luger taking his place. Scott Hall was injured months ago, was never mentioned on screen to be injured, showed up for a cameo at the mental institution, and his name has not been said on screen since. Scott Steiner is clearly injured since he can barely walk to the ring. Tank Abbott was no where on the show, despite Tenay on Thunder saying he'd be at Nitro. In fact, he wasn't even mentioned, nor was him punching Sting in the back of the head talked about. Chris Jericho hasn't been on TV in about 2 months.

The most offensive thing on the show was Tony and Brain laughing hysterically at MEXICAN over and over. I don't know what the fuck that was all about, but it sure came off as "lol, let's laugh at these stupid Mexicans killing themselves". There was a line at the end of the match when Tony said they were super human for taking punishment like that, and Bobby said ,"They aren't human". Now, in the context of the rest of the match, that took on a pretty nasty tone to me.

It really bums me out that Randy Savage, probably my all time favorite wrestler, is in the middle of such an awful, awful angle. Never would I imagine that Randy Savage is my least favorite part of a show, but he definitely is right now.


I have a job, but it's part-time like Jericho.

Normally I'd take this time to laugh at the Wii U, but in this case it's a good thing that WWE14 is going on less systems.

Nintendo systems have always had the best wrestling games, WCW Revenge, Wrestlemania 2000, No mercy, Day of Reckoning etc. Wii U isn't meant to be my main console, it's there for Nintendo games.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Nintendo systems have always had the best wrestling games, WCW Revenge, Wrestlemania 2000, No mercy, Day of Reckoning etc. Wii U isn't meant to be my main console, it's there for Nintendo games.

King of Colosseum 2 and Fire Pro Returns are on the PS2 therefore PS2 wins
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