ooooooooooooooooooSignature Move: Lariat
During this time, Bruno was involved in a shoot with Dr. Bill Miller. In a tag match with Tony Parisi against Miller and Baron Scicluna, Miller (who had a long amateur wrestling background) decided he would shoot on both Parisi and Bruno. After taking a beating in the ring, Parisi tagged out to Bruno. When Miller attempted to shoot on him, Bruno immediately snapped on a front facelock until Miller bled from his nose and passed out in the middle of the ring. Afterwards, Miller approached Bruno in the dressing room, shook his hand and profusely apologized.
While in Japan, Bruno had a confrontation with an up-and-coming Antonio Inoki in an Osaka tag match. At the urging of noted "shooter" Karl Gotch, Inoki attempted to slap a real submission hold on the World Champion and make him quit. Bruno immediately powered out of the hold, pounded Inoki unmercifully and pitched him out of the ring. Inoki ducked Bruno for the rest of the match
I wish shit like this happened nowadays. Especially if it happened on TV.
gaming side should be removed from gaf
You can just not click it you know.
Plenty of people want WrassleGAF to be future endeavored.
You can just not click it you know.
Plenty of people want WrassleGAF to be future endeavored.
It wasn't future endeavored, it split off and tried to compete against Wrassle-GAF... and was put down like a dog due to general indifference.The bad part of WrassleGAF was future endeavoured a long time ago.
(Midnight WrassleGAF)
Just for that things are gonna go bump in the night again.The bad part of WrassleGAF was future endeavoured a long time ago.
(Midnight WrassleGAF)
Kaze Ni Nare is such good theme. i cant stop lisitning to it
The bad part of WrassleGAF was future endeavoured a long time ago.
(Midnight WrassleGAF)
How did you know that Albany Fun Facts are my favourite pieces of weird wrestling trivia?
Today i found out there is a force stronger than Hulkamania in the universe.
And that is the Sony Defense Force...right here on NeoGAF.
Piper never wanted the Intercontinental title or any titles. He thought titles were for people who couldn't get over without them. The story behind what happened is that Bret Hart was being heavily courted by WCW...but he was the Intercontinental champion. So they yanked the belt off of him while WWF and WCW fought over him. Bret wanted to stay because he was loyal to Vince. The new guy who took over WCW in January 1992, Kip Allen Frey, was throwing a ton of money to WWF people (WWF didn't do guaranteed contracts back then) to get them to jump. They were also trying to nab Randy Savage and The Rockers. Vince got Savage to stay by telling him he'd put the belt on him at WM8. Marty fucked up the whole Rockers thing and Shawn didn't want to leave anyways.
They put the belt on The Mountie at a random house show two days before the PPV. They knew the idea of the Mountie beating Bret Hart for the title was such a joke, they came up with this idea that he had a 104 (!!!) degree fever and had Bret work the whole match like he was half dead. So Mountie easily won the title and the PPV match became a title match. Piper agreed to hold the belt until they figured out what was going to happen with Bret. Had Bret signed with WCW, Piper was going to drop the belt to Shawn Michaels at WM8. Bret ended up agreeing to stay with the WWF, won the belt back at WM8, and continued on as normal.
Sid was meant to replace Hogan if you can believe that. Warrior was too limited.
1992 RR is probably my all time favorite PPV.
gaming side should be removed from gaf
Am I on everyone's ignore list?
Sometimes it feels like that around here.
You can just not click it you know.
Plenty of people want WrassleGAF to be future endeavored.
I did not know that Suda51 worked on Super Fire Prowrestling Special.
You can just not click it you know.
Plenty of people want WrassleGAF to be future endeavored.
I get ignored all the time in here. Maybe my contributions are not big enough.
I get ignored all the time in here. Maybe my contributions are not big enough.
Gaming side is the cancer of GAF, needs to be removed.
Those guys are not capable of just enjoying their hobby. They need to feel their election is the superior.
You need a gimmick.
Maybe do nothing but post about one wrestler. Kane, AJ etc. One of the down-and-outs.
All complaints should be kept to reasonable things. LIKE SPORTS!
I think sports fans are more sane than "gamers" as they call themselves.
sports fans don't make up 8 page essays on why japan is far superior to the west and how they're experts at japan.
I think sports fans are more sane than "gamers" as they call themselves.
sports fans don't make up 8 page essays on why japan is far superior to the west and how they're experts at japan.
I had a rant some weeks/months back about how I don't waste time hating on games, tv, movies, wrestling, anime etc. Hobbies are there for me to enjoy. That's it, they serve no other purpose. I don't see what the fuck all the complaining about it. People can't enjoy anything.
But they do make up 10 hours of television a day asking if one person will move to Miami or if some religious guy should get to throw a football.
The thing about sports is that there is legitimate real life losing and winning involved.
All my other hobbies don't have that aspect. They are just meant to be consumed and enjoyed.
edit: I realize there is competition in gaming, but that's a whole other deal.
Because they get off on it for some reason. All those people on gaming side are the biggest marks in history.They worship these spokesperson dudes and put them in their avatars and it's ridiculous and kinda weird.
Plus they'll never ever be happy. With anything, ever.
Hence why I'm happy megaman is dead, and they'll constantly bring him up with every goddamn capcom thread.
Almost got crucified for saying DMC was good. Shit.
it wasn't bad, it looked really nice too. I traded it in though cause I don't play DMC games anymore. Newer Dante guy grew on me instead of old animu one