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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance

Curved screen? How's that work?

I should sue for name infringement

Do they even try over at Yuke's?
Two notes from the observer

Kurt angles rehab is being payed for by WWE(Nothing new but pretty neat regrdless)

also finally

The character of Ricardo Rodriguez is right now written off with the idea he will become a regular on NXT and in theory, return as a trained wrestler as opposed to a gimmick non-wrestler who can take bumps in angles


While Miz is getting raped in Kane's rape closets by the family, Bo puts them in their place like a real FACE OF THE COMPANY would



Stro-----------What are you saying?

Ill put Heatwave 98 up against anything ever of all time.


Edit: Boss walked in so I typed thanks like I was sending an email. Lol.

I'm saying ECW is so dated to the 90s, and RVD is STILL that guy from 1999. There aren't a lot of things that hold up from the late 90s. ECW is definitely one of those things. And I blame RVD/Lynn matches for creating people like the Young Bucks.



I marked out for all that wrestlemania stuff in 2K14 :(

I marked out hard.

Seeing Mr. Perfect escort Flair to the ring was probably the nail in the coffin
Does Jerry Lynn even have a gimmick? Is he just some dude who ended up being a broke, drug-addicted conman who followed RVD to TNA to have ONE. LAST. MATCH?


Lego Marvel is pretty fun. I liked Batman 2, but I think with in the first 2 missions they captured the spirit and look of Marvel better than they did for the entire game of Batman2. I DID really like the Batman/Superman dynamic and the Burton/Donner themes.

I like that the Marvel one pretty much immediately interlocks the movie universes. All of them. Mostly the MCU, but also the Oscorp building from ASM, same groupings from the X-Men movies. It makes me wish Sony, Fox, and Disney could pool together for the sake of ultra profits later and have a full scale inter-studio MCU.


And add in a stroke, lots of personal problems, and a few concussions for Bret. A few years of meth for X-Pac, 15 years of booze and jail for Hall. The worst Nash had to deal with was TNA.



WCW Thunder 6/24/99

It is going to be quite a culture shock to go from golden era WWF to a Thunder from 1999. The crowd is hot, but Thunder crowds always START hot and then peter out by the end of the first match.

Recap of Master P and the No Limit Soldiers taking up a ton of screen time on an angle that will help no one get over. Hennig peaked years ago, it was dragging Rey down, Konnan sucked anyway, and the rest of the Rednecks wouldn't get any kind of push after this.

The West Texas Rednecks come out to sing a bit of their hit single. Tomorrow, they'll be filming the music video. It was an even worse lip synch job than Master P and TRU did on Nitro.

Psychosis vs Eddie Guerrero

Hypno wants a handshake with his buddy, but Eddie elbows him in the face like a dick head. Eddie was a real dick the whole match. Maybe he's mad that the luchadors disbanded the LWO without much argument. Eddie won with a frog splash to the back.

Ric is convincing Evan Karagias to do the job for David tonight. David is set to break Goldberg's record. Evan's not very comfortable with it, but Arn and Asya are going to knock the shit out of him if he doesn't do it. The Cajun Screwjob!

Recap of Sid laying out cruisers, Nash confronting Sting, and the end of Sting vs Sid from Nitro. I hate that WCW purposely uses a weird choppy video style for recaps.

Kevin Nash comes to the ring. He talks about how 3 years ago, he and Scott Hall walked out of MSG and on to Nitro. Even after 3 years and being the champion, Nash is still an outsider. "World Championship Wrestling does not want me to have this title and that's a fact." Lol. He's the booker. He knows that Sting is on the side of Savage and Sid. SSS!

Dave Taylor/Fit Finlay vs Saturn/Chris Benoit

This could be fun if it is more than 5 minutes. Dave and Benoit do some nice chain wrasslin. Tags are made. Saturn does the deepest squat for a belly to belly that I've ever seen. Superkick/Rolling Reich combo. Benoit is FIP for a while. Finlay accidentally hits Taylor and Saturn gets the hot tag. Finlay hit him with the Finlay Roll right away. DVD on Taylor. Fit broke it up. Flying headbutt. Benoit makes the pin, but he definitely wasn't the legal man. Steven Regal comes out after the match to broker a peace deal between Taylor and Finlay. They all hug.


Recap of Dean/Buff vs Piper/Flair from Nitro.

TO THE MEAN BY GOD GENE. Ric Flair and Asya come out. He's gonna jack slap some punk in the front row. Dean and Buff will face Sid and Savage tonight. "Kid, I'm gonna take your mother home and make her scream, 'Castro'." I don't know what that means. Like, Fidel? Why would someone scream his name while getting fucked? He says that Nash isn't leaving Nitro as champion and then starts screaming for someone to turn the power on. You know, if Piper had him committed again, he'd be president.


Lenny Lane vs Curt Hennig

DDP/Bam Bam vs Saturn/Benoit has been booked for BATB. Shouldn't the Rednecks be booked against faces? Maybe Rap is Crap and Gays are Fays. Perfect easily wins. Lodi comes out to check on his friend and Hennig lays him out as well.

Team Madness come to the ring. The driver of the Hummer may or may not be revealed at BATB. It may or may not have been Scott Hall. Sid rambles something about pulling people out of cars if they were nice or something.

Evan Karagias vs David Flair

Who the fuck books a match where Evan is the ring general? Arn gave the signal, but Evan decided to double cross the boss. Arn gives David Mountie's old Shock Stick, which David uses on Evan. Figure Four for the win.

Hugh Morrus vs Van Hammer Hardcore Match

Future Misfits EXPLODE! The only highlight was Hugh slipping off the ropes into a trash can lid shot and then doing a Flair Flop. As Hugh was about to do a moonsault through a table, Ric Flair came out and stopped the match. There will never be another hardcore match in a WCW arena again. Hugh and Jimmy turn around into a table shot. Hugh is put through a table, but it doesn't matter, since they match ended. I guess it is a no contest.


Randy Savage/Sid vs Buff Bagwell/Dean Malenko

Savage and Buff start. It sucked. Sid and Dean pair off. He tagged out pretty quickly. Chokeslam to Buff. It's sad when I'd much rather see Sid vs Buff than Savage against anyone. Madusa got hit by Savage on accident. Molly did a top rope sunset flip, which Dean rolled through and put on the the Cloverleaf. Dean is powerbombed and as Savage goes for the elbow, Nick Patrick stops him. But the ban on the elbow was lifted by Nash I thought. They beat up Nick and then give a stuff piledriver to Mickie Jay. He also got powerbombed.

DQ Count: 1 out of 6 matches, with 1 no contest.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I finished Lego, but now it's unlock central. So I didn't really finish it.

I thought about Arkham Origins, but I saw someone playing it and could have sworn it was Arkham City. Like, I get reusing the engine, but that shit looked the exact same, down to the assets in the sewer with the electric water gimmick.


After seeing Origins and seeing reactions to it, I'm not really interested even in a Gamefly rental. Eventually I'll play it. I'm legit shoot now more interested in WWE 2K14. It feels like such a soulless money grab sequel instead of something crafted to make a good game like the first two Arkham games.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
And man 1994 Spring Stampede is one stacked card

Regal vs Pillman
Steve Austin vs The Great Muta
Rude vs Sting
Steamboat vs Flair
Vader vs Bossman


It's one of the GOAT PPVs of all time. It also had a fucking gnarly Nasty Boys vs Cactus/Maxx Payne brawl and Dustin vs Bunkhouse Buck. It was the last one before Hogan in WCW started up, even though there was another PPV before he would actually get in the ring. Slamboree had Hogan teased as Flair's challenger, only for it to be Barry Windham, who hadn't been around for like a year.

The Hogan came in and a few months later you had Austin jobbing to Duggan in 30 seconds, a bigger push for Pretty Wonderful, Honky Tonk Man, Evad Sullivan, and Brutus Beefcake main eventing Starrcade.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Marc Mero's one of those special kind of wrestling jackasses that pops for their own moves. Like when dudes hit drop kicks and hold their arms out like YEAH IM AWESOME I DID A DROPKICK

DDP's real fat in 94


Marc Mero's one of those special kind of wrestling jackasses that pops for their own moves. Like when dudes hit drop kicks and hold their arms out like YEAH IM AWESOME I DID A DROPKICK

DDP's real fat in 94

DDP was also a dog shit wrestler until some time in 1996. The best story I've heard on Mero was that Vince was a big mark for Johnny B. Badd, but didn't realize until he hired Mero that Mero didn't know how to work as anything BUT Johnny B. Badd, and couldn't use the gimmick since WCW owned it.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
It's funny because Nash and Hunter had the best hair of the Kliq and they're the ones who cut theirs first.

And both look a lot better with short hair.



WCW Monday Nitro 6/28/99

Show starts with a recap of last week's show.

TO THE JORDAN. A limo arrives in front of a Michael Jordan statue. It's Ric and David Flair and the owner of the United Center. David Flair will leave Nitro as WCW Champion tonight! He's going to build a statue of David 10 times bigger than the one of Jordan. BUT WHO WAS LIMO!?!

Fit Finlay/Steven Regal vs Saturn/Chris Benoit

In addition to David vs Nash, we'll have Bam Bam/DDP vs Buff/Dean, and a dance off between Disco and Cat. This is Regal's first match in WCW since he tried to make Goldberg look like a punk and got fired. He had that super short run as a Man, Such a Man in the WWF and addiction to pain killers, got clean, and then came back to WCW. Benoit and Finlay start out. They soon go to a break and Finlay is dominating Saturn when we come back. Regal comes in and looks to be in much better shape than he was the last time he was on WCW TV. Hot tag to Benoit. Diving headbutt to Regal. Iron Crossface on Finlay. Regal breaks it up and then puts Saturn in the Regal Stretch. It breaks down. DVD on Regal for the win.


DJ Ran got in my area.

TO THE OVAL OFFICE. The whole group is having fun talking about David when Hammer comes in. He says that he's been on a roll lately and would like a title shot. They give him Rick Steiner at BATB.

TO THE MEAN BY GOD GENE. Arn, Asya, Ric, Roddy, and the returning Charles Robinson come to the ring. Arn is wearing a completely different outfit from the last segment. He was wearing a white polo and Bermuda shorts with loafers. Now he's wearing jeans and a sleeveless denim shirt. Piper shits on Howard Stern, saying he's hung like a pimple. I guess Stern said something about him on his show and Piper took offense. Ric calls Randy Savage down to apologize. Team Madness come to the ring. Ric wants Sid and Savage to be lumberjacks in the title match, and he'll reinstate the elbow if Savage agrees. Robinson strongly objects and had to be pulled away from the mic. Savage doesn't even care about being champion. Oh really? Since when? Sid and Savage agree to let the madness run free tonight. There were only 11 people in the ring for this promo segment.

TO THE BACK. Lenny is painting his nails. He's worried about what WCW will do when they find out about he and Lodi. Lodi says they aren't the only ones in the company and to relax.

Lodi vs Eddie Guerrero

There is a ref bump in the first 20 seconds. Eddie takes both guys out with ease. As he goes up for the frog splash, Lenny covered Lodi 69 style, begging Eddie not to do the frog splash. He did it anyway and wins in a complete squash.



Flair and Piper are going over the game plan for David. They've added the Jersey Triad to the lumberjacks.

DJ Ran can STICK IT, brother. The Nitro Girls do their thing.

Hak vs Bam Bam BAGAlow

YO! Sandman called Ric Flair out for banning hardcore matches. Instead, Bam Bam came out. Sandman's voice is completely shot. Sandman wrestles without his shirt and what's really weird is that he's in pretty decent shape. He kind of has abs. He dropped a solid 30 pounds since he started with WCW. This is a straight match between these two. After a few minutes, Sandman hit a big spinning DDT. The rest of the Triad came out. All three men got cane shots, but DDP hit a Kanyon Cutter. BANG! Bam Bam made the pin. YO!


Kevin Nash came to the ring. He again says that WCW doesn't want him as champion and his only ally is at home in Orlando. Nash agrees to the match, but he wants Torrie for 72 hours if he wins. He doesn't need a week or 30 days, because Torrie will be ruined after 72 hours of Big Sexy.

DJ Ran is still in my fucking area.

nWo B Team vs West Texas Rednecks

Tony kind of likes Rap is Crap. An all heel 8 man tag. Makes total sense. Duncum and Kendall hit a double bulldog on VINCE for the win.

TO THE DANCE OFF. Two heels having a dance off after an all heel 8 man tag. Remember that Disco is the one who kicked off the young guys vs old guy story. Cat threatens the fans before he dances. Cat dances first. Disco was clearly the fan favorite, and Cat attacked Disco. However, this wasn't shown because instead the camera was focused on the Nitro Girls watching it.


The Cat vs Disco Inferno

I didn't realize they were having a dance off AND a match. Not only does Nick Patrick look like Kenny Powers, he sounds like him, too. Poor Disco hasn't been able to get started. Last Dance OUTTA NOWHERE! Disco does Cat's dance. Sonny tried to break the pin, but ended up kicking Cat on accident. Cat hit a kick with the ruby slipper. Jerry Flynn came out, which made Sonny run into the ring and on top of Cat. I guess that broke the pin. Regardless, Flynn kicked Cat, causing a DQ. Flynn makes a challenge for a kick boxing match on Nitro. As he was walking back, he said "That's the way you take care of Ernest fucking Miller", and then realized what he said directly into the camera.



They replay the opening with the Flairs and Uncle Bruce.

DJ Ran scratches Living Dead Girl.

Buff Bagwell/Dean Malenko vs DDP/Kanyon

I don't think this is a title match. Arn and Flair are at the announce table. Arn will be the ref in the title match instead of Charles Robinson. Dean and DDP start out, with Dean showing DDP up repeatedly. Tags are made. Kanyon did some of Buff's poses. Bam Bam takes some cheap shots and Dean is FIP for a bit. Buff gets the hot tag. Blockbuster attempt is stopped by Bam Bam. Bam Bam is now in the match because Triad Rules are even more advantageous than Freebird Rules. DDP and Kanyon attempted the Power Plex, but Kanyon missed the splash. There was a ref bump. Super Kanyon Cutter to Dean. BANG! Kanyon made the pin.


We're shown the world premier of the I Hate Rap (Rap is Crap).


DJ Ran spins Bang Your Head. Kind of defeats the rap is crap angle when the DJ is playing rock and metal all night.

Scott Putski vs Sid

Putski has a new look. He's still a jobber. One of the longest entrances I've ever seen with no music and no reaction. Then the match starts and for 2 minutes has no action at all, with the girls on the apron distracting Putski and Putski backing away. 2 full minutes. The entrance was 2-3 as well. Zero reaction for any of it. Powerbomb for the win in the least energetic squash I think I've ever seen. Savage did the laziest top rope elbow after the match. He didn't even jump. He just stepped off the ropes. I don't think I've ever seen a segment that had such weird and negative energy to it.

Nitro Girls dance to Van Halen knock off music.

TO THE BACK. Nash makes his way out of his locker room. David Flair does the same on the opposite side of the arena. He's wearing one of Ric's robes.

David Flair vs Kevin Nash WCW Championship Lumberjack Match

Arn is the ref. Sid, Savage, Flair, Robinson, Piper, Mona, George, Madusa, and the Triad are lumberjacks. The bell rings and David drops to the floor as the lumberjacks hit the ring and attack Nash. David puts the figure four on Nash. Arn makes the pin, but Nash gets his shoulder up and easily gets out of the hold. Nash takes Mountie's shock stick and starts jabbing everyone with it. As he walks out, he takes George with him. Torrie leaves with him voluntarily and happily. They go straight to Nash's waiting limo. The black Hummer is out there, and Sting's face is seen in the side mirror. WE'RE OUTTA TIME!


DQ Count: 1 out of 7 matches.

Why yes, Kevin Nash did book himself to lay out 8 guys and leave with the two hottest women in the company. Eat your heart out, brother.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I can see these two doing very well in NXT. Shame the WWE seems to have ended its binge of hirings for now.
I wasn't the one to come up with it, but I agree completely with it. Nicole and Portia are old school Memphis heels reborn as women. They're exactly what WWE needs in their division if they actually wanted to try to push it as anything other than the AJ pedestal.
I wasn't the one to come up with it, but I agree completely with it. Nicole and Portia are old school Memphis heels reborn as women. They're exactly what WWE needs in their division if they actually wanted to try to push it as anything other than the AJ pedestal.

AJ is the most popular woman at the moment by far, it makes sense that they build the division around her. The issue is them putting Total Divas at the forefront when they have far more talented girls in development. Anyway didn't Nicole Mathews get a try out recently?
AJ/paige/emma/summer/kaitlyn and sasha backs should be the Smackdown 6 of the divas division


No, no, no.

The first 3 are good, the last 3 are pretty bad. Summer is passable. Kaitlyn needs to improve a lot, she only gets decent matches with AJ, and only because AJ sells really well her offense. And Sasha is awful
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