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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance




Just like how you don't have to get violent in a Hell In A Cell match. In theory you could have an entire HIAC match without leaving the ring. But that's like saying the climactic fight scene in a movie doesn't have to involve the surrounding area the hero and villain are fighting in.

Just once I want them to book a classic mat wrestling contest in a Hell In A Cell that doesn't leave the ring. It will have to be a five star wrestling match for this to work.

I just want to see the reactions of people who are torn between "That was an amazing match....but they didn't use the Hell In A Cell at all....but that was an amazing match!"
Just once I want them to book a classic mat wrestling contest in a Hell In A Cell that doesn't leave the ring. It will have to be a five star wrestling match for this to work.

I just want to see the reactions of people who are torn between "That was an amazing match....but they didn't use the Hell In A Cell at all....but that was an amazing match!"

I'd probably say something like "That was a great match, but what was the point of the Cell?"

You don't book a HIAC if you won't use the HIAC. It's just dumb to do otherwise.


I'd probably say something like "That was a great match, but what was the point of the Cell?"

You don't book a HIAC if you won't use the HIAC. It's just dumb to do otherwise.

The whole point of it would be to show that they can book these extreme matches, but wrestlers can choose to do otherwise.

A match should be able to go any way it wants to, regardless of how the promoters see it happening.
All the next gen shit tossing the last few weeks has made me miss the monday night wars.

WWE really needs direct competition so we can get company shit talking back and forth like we did back in the day.


So not worth it
PREDICTION TIME! WWE has something to prove, after putting on two months of crap TV and bad PPV's, one of them being so bad it might be considered one of the worst WWE produced PPV's ever, so I'm expecting quite a few title changes on Hell in a Cell, so lets get on with it...


Pre-show Intercontinental Title Match: Curtis Axel (c) vs. Big E Langston
As said before, I expect a title change here just because WWE desperately wants people to know that Hell in a Cell with not be the dud’s the two previous shows were with no title changes and nothing interesting happening. Big E finally getting his face push is great and, speaking of duds, I expect Curtis Axel to be gone from WWE when WM is over and they have their yearly purge. So Big E wins the belt and hopefully gets his Five-Count gimmick back.


Los Matadores vs. The Real Americans
I don’t even care who wins, as long as the El Torito gets Big Swung at least 50 full rotations. That said, Los Matadores wins because Vince hasn’t put them in the comedy tag-team jobbing spot yet, they’ll join Brodus and Tensai soon enough I’m sure.


Divas Title Match: AJ Lee (c) vs. Brie Bella
Since Daniel Bryan didn’t win last PPV, neither did Brie Bella. Now is there second chance to have the fairy tale Total Divas ending where the dual champs get married, squeeeeee. I don’t think they should put the belt on Brie though, because honestly, I’d rather see the belt on someone that can work better. Then again, Brie isn’t the bottom of the barrel, so whatever. Brie Bella becomes the new Divas Champion.


Tag-Team Title Triple Threat Match: Cody Rhodes and Goldust (c) vs. The Shield vs. The Usos
This might be the match of the night. Although I’m not the biggest fan of triple threats and esp. of tag-team triple threats, this is gonna be a great match just because of the three teams involved. Goldust is doing his best work yet, Cody has always been a good worker, The Usos are very impressive as always and The Shield goes without saying. I can’t see Cody and Goldust losing the belts so soon, so they’ll retain.


Hell in a Cell Handicap Match: CM Punk vs. Ryback and Paul Heyman
WWE has a big problem, as we all know, their midcard is so far removed from their top talent they have absolutely nothing to do for their top talent when they’re not in the WWE Title picture. So that’s why we end up with a feud that goes two months longer than it’s supposed to. I hope to God this HiaC match will be the end of this, so CM Punk wins and cleans house.


World Heavyweight Championship Match: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. John Cena
So this is a strange one. Cena is returning, so it’s hard to believe he won’t get the win here, but I also can’t see Cena holding the WHC match. So I’m gonna assume Cena wins through DQ or count-out or whatever. He’ll get his revenge on Del Rio and then…

MITB WHC cash-in: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Damien Sandow.
Sandow, turning face without actually turning face, will cash in his briefcase and become World Heavyweight Champion. Cena will be there to celebrate and steal the spotlight.


Hell in a Cell WWE Title Match: Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan w/ special guest referee Shawn Michaels
So I can think of scenario’s where Orton wins the belt over Bryan, shenanigans with Michaels turning heel for instance, though it’s unlikely since a legend like that will never be accepted as a heel. Still, he’s Hunters buddy, so it’s not unthinkable. Or maybe we’ll see Kevin Nash getting a text or X-Pac coming out or whatever. Bryan going over on both Raw and Smackdown has me worried, because in typical WWE fashion it means he will lose this match. But in the end Daniel Bryan just really needs this win, because if he loses this match he’ll never be a main event talent. It’s as simple as that, they made him look so weak in the past 2 months of TV and even though he clearly came out on top every PPV, it’s TV that matters for perception. So Daniel Bryan will leave as champ, just because he has to. I’m not convinced of this though, because WWE must WWE and find a way to fuck this up.


Michaels turns heel on anyone he's ever been partners with or grouped with in any way....no need to stop with Bryan.

We'll get a best for business speech from HBK on Monday.
The whole point of it would be to show that they can book these extreme matches, but wrestlers can choose to do otherwise.

A match should be able to go any way it wants to, regardless of how the promoters see it happening.

It just comes off as anticlimactic. If these 2 technical beasts are going to put on a traditional 5 star clinic, that's a feud that didn't need a HIAC gimmick in the first place. The whole point of the HIAC is to try and contain a feud-ending mess of a match. Putting 2 guys in there only to have them not leave the ring just kills the luster of the gimmick, much like they've been doing over the past few years (on top of overusing it)


Some TNA News:

So he will defend at wrestle-1 and AAA though will TNA show the footage of those matches because no will know when he does the matches.

Also, the Ryback push seems about to end:

Seems like Heyman feud is going to end Sunday. Also, Ryback didn't start off good when he botched that power bomb on Bryan before his Summerslam match.

I'm down with the AJ title situation if that's the route they decide to go. 2 or 3 defenses in Japan would be great (maybe more)...as long as AJ sends video promos talking about why he's doing it. They could even compile a DVD of his matches outside of TNA and sell it to the North American and European markets.

When AJ comes back, he needs to have some demands. Maybe ask for a change in company philosophy, and ask for the company to bring back some guys. Pretty sure Matt Morgan will end up being a part of this angle somehow.

*crossing fingers that TNA doesn't screw this up like WWE did with Punk*
I'm down with the AJ title situation if that's the route they decide to go. 2 or 3 defenses in Japan would be great (maybe more)...as long as AJ sends video promos talking about why he's doing it. They could even compile a DVD of his matches outside of TNA and sell it to the North American and European markets.

When AJ comes back, he needs to have some demands. Maybe ask for a change in company philosophy, and ask for the company to bring back some guys. Pretty sure Matt Morgan will end up being a part of this angle somehow.

*crossing fingers that TNA doesn't screw this up like WWE did with Punk*

Yeah, looking at how TNA is taping multiple shows in one location I think we would not see AJ for the rest of the year.
I feel like sandow hasnt been on the show in weeks
The old booking for MitB winners was to make them losers therefore making their inevitable cash in that much more of a surprise.
But that's old hat now, the new booking for MitB winners is to leave them off tv entirely so we'll forget that there's even a briefcase floating around in the first place for added surprise when he returns to cash in.

See in WWE logic this makes so much sense, note that WWE logic is not of standard variety.


Big E
Los Matadores
CM Punk
John Cena via DQ, Sandow cash in.
Daniel Bryan

Some additions made, but yep. If they have a Mania angle in mind for Bryan and the title, they need to shine him up some more because they've tarnished the hell out of this story. Also why I think Sandow's going to cash in--his absence has given the audience time to forget that he's been jobbing more than Ziggler lately. They might be able to take him seriously as a contender now.


I'm down with the AJ title situation if that's the route they decide to go. 2 or 3 defenses in Japan would be great (maybe more)...as long as AJ sends video promos talking about why he's doing it. They could even compile a DVD of his matches outside of TNA and sell it to the North American and European markets.

When AJ comes back, he needs to have some demands. Maybe ask for a change in company philosophy, and ask for the company to bring back some guys. Pretty sure Matt Morgan will end up being a part of this angle somehow.

*crossing fingers that TNA doesn't screw this up like WWE did with Punk*

The thing with Japan is that he wrestle for only wrestle 1 and I don't know how many shows they run.

The problem is that TNA is doing two tapings. One in November and one in December that will cover shows that run into the British tour in the end of January. The big problem is AJ real contract is up December 31. So they need to sign him up by the December tapings or the whole angle is dead and AJ might just show up in the WWE to dump the title in the garbage.
But Sandow is basically always jobbing, and I don't think anyone has forgotten that. Hell, has he ever beaten anyone higher ranked than him? At least last year Dolph went over on Jericho eventually
Ryback has never been anything other than sloppy in the ring, it's weird it took them this long to figure that out.

I think they hoped that by working him often with quality opponents like Bryan and Punk, he'd eventually "catch on" and improve. He hasn't, though, as he simply doesn't have "it". Big E is just as limited, in some ways, but he's got a lot more energy and seems a lot more eager to improve. I thoroughly enjoyed his recent series with Alberto del Rio, for example, even if 5 matches in 3 weeks was pretty silly booking.

...does anybody notice any similarity between Big E challenging Punk with the "I'm your man" thing a few weeks ago and John Cena's debut against Kurt Angle (which I still remember as a quality match, ten years later)? Young up and comer challenges established star and loses, but gives a good showing? Granted, it wasn't Big E's debut, but it may as well have been, given that he seems to be getting a bit of a reboot.


more money than God
Just once I want them to book a classic mat wrestling contest in a Hell In A Cell that doesn't leave the ring. It will have to be a five star wrestling match for this to work.

I just want to see the reactions of people who are torn between "That was an amazing match....but they didn't use the Hell In A Cell at all....but that was an amazing match!"
Kane/Taker was essentially this. A very good match that hardly used the HIAC at all.

meanwhile, in 1998...


The Road to Power Struggle show should be out there somewhere, but no, there hasn't been much in the way of new content recently. Watch this instead;

Tatsumi Fujinami, Yoshiaki Fujiwara, Keiichi Yamada, Kengo Kimura & Shiro Koshinaka vs Riki Choshu, Super Strong Machine, Hiro Saito, Kuniaki Kobayashi & Masa Saito - (NJPW 12/09/88)

Boots, the live saver.

as a gift back:

AJPW: Jumbo Tsuruta vs Curt Hennig - 1985


Ryback is one of the most incompetent motherfuckers I've Seen.

I pity punk for having to face him at HIAC .

Don't get killed by that moron Punk

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Ace Attorney is probably the series where people spend the most time being legit shook. Sometimes people will go from being legit shook to saying something that makes everyone legit shook.
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