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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance

So basically, this particular run of Bryan's, is dead in the water thanks to these four screwjob PPV endings in a row. Best bet is to mix it up for the next two months, then have him win the Rumble and take the title at Wrestlemania from whoever, and start a new run at the top there.

Just draw a line under this one. Whatever they were trying to go for, they failed miserable and ruined his enormous momentum.

Too many damn PPVs. This would have worked if it had been 1 PPV in between not 3 PPVs that are weeks apart from eachother. Its alright though Cena is back to save the WWE


There is no line here. Bryan's time as a main eventer is cooked. He's stuck at midcard status for life now. Maybe they'll put him in a feud with Ambrose for the US Championship.

God, posts like this are stupid. The man has overcome worst than this. The man was made into a main eventer by losing in 18 seconds.
When someone is super hot, you have to take advantage of it. You simply cannot job them out, and/or made someone else the star of his storyline because you want to milk his hottness until your yearly big PPV which is still eight months away. WWE got greedy and it's biting them in the ass.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
God, posts like this are stupid. The man has overcome worst than this. The man was made into a main eventer by losing in 18 seconds.

Yes and now he's actually been main eventing as the show has spiraled into a pile of shit over that same time period.

Somebody is going to get blamed for the sagging ratings and buyrates. It's not going to be Triple H.


Yes and now he's actually been main eventing as the show has spiraled into a pile of shit over that same time period.

Somebody is going to get blamed for the sagging ratings and buyrates. It's not going to be Triple H.

He hasn't been main eventing. Big Show and Triple H have been.

*tackle of orton to hbk*


*knee to the face to hhh*


*Superkick to bryan*


Ohhhhh, now I get it.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
He hasn't been main eventing. Big Show and Triple H have been.

The main storyline revolves around Bryan and Triple H. Show wasn't even on the PPV tonight. Bryan is going to get the blame thrown his way. People expecting him to win the rumble or headlining WM in any capacity are in for a shitty surprise.
Come Monday night, If Bryan is still YES'ng to the crowd and totally not becoming the pissed off wrestling machine ala Malenko/Angle, then he has truly lost it.

It would be getting to Cena-smirking levels of fuckery if he did that.




This was def the best of the last 3 PPVs. Good ending that will make people want to tune in tomorrow. Bryan still looks great.


Come Monday night, If Bryan is still YES'ng to the crowd and totally not becoming the pissed off wrestling machine ala Malenko/Angle, then he has truly lost it.

It would be getting to Cena-smirking levels of fuckery if he did that.

But Cena is back now. Now the writers that only know how to write for Cena can write for Cena again, and Bryan can actually be himself for the first time since Summerslam.
Where was Bootaaay? Where's Strobogo? Where's Sunflower? Where's Mr. Sandman?

These are our top posters? Are greatest contributors? Our MVPs?

They can't even show up for a WWE PPV?

Are they too good for WWE or something?

They ain't nothin', man.

show was boring as fuck (bar the great intro 3 way tag match). i left mid way through the Punk match and boy oh boy, reading the last few pages now...

folks saying they're quitting will be watching RAW in 21 hours. marks just can't quit this shit, even when it buries their favourites.

highlight of what i saw was Katelyn's bust and Ziggler demoted to analysis.
So, why does HHH want someone who needs like 3 pay per views and needs a 3 on 1 situation at the end of a 3rd pay per view to be the face of the company anyway?


Michaels is the least impartial special guest referee since the attitude era. He can't stop super kicking people.

Even Laurinitis called that Punk/Ziggler match straight down the middle!


It amuses me that you're all actually disappointed when you know damn well to never invest emotionally in the baseless, predictable "screw you Internet, I know better" stale, saccharine WWE product until Vince McMahon is dead in the cold, cold ground.

Your problem is that you care. You should never, ever do that. It only leads to disappointment.
It's a better use of your time to post diva pics and to speculate over whether AJ has a tongue stud.


Ah well for all the complaining and disappointment and whatever junk we're served on a PPV Dish.

It's STILL far less bitching than gaming side will do in a thread.

I don't see Bryan whining on twitter that his whole career may be in jeopardy
The show was better than NoC and Battleground (not saying much) but was still pretty boring. Finish basically killed it though. You can only screw a guy over so many times before it stops being interesting, and it stopped being interesting a while ago.

Yea it's getting to that point isn't it.

Forgot Hell In a Cell was tonight, first news I see is that John Cena OVERCAME THE ODDS AND WON, and AJ OVERCAME THE ODDS AND WON.

Ugh. I'm sick of those two. I'll be happy when AJ becomes irrelevant in a year and she becomes just another Diva who comes out to job, and no one cares.

the fuck you 2 talking about

AJ loses non-title matches all the time and hardly wins clean. And she's only been active for the last like 5 months as opposed to Cena's decade

miz fans smh


Where was Bootaaay? Where's Strobogo? Where's Sunflower? Where's Mr. Sandman?

These are our top posters? Are greatest contributors? Our MVPs?

They can't even show up for a WWE PPV?

Are they too good for WWE or something?

They ain't nothin', man.


I showed up, but my internet didn't. It crapped out after Punk escaped from the pocket verse.

I didn't miss much it seems. I called both Cena winning and HBK turning.

Next Step: Vince comes out, claims H has gone too far, sides with Bryan, they set up Team Corp H vs Team Vince for Survivor Series....if Bryan's team wins he gets a title shot.

Bryan gets title shot at TLC and losses due to shenanigans because it's a TLC match.

Bryan wins the rumble and goes on to Mania to have his big moment.

My fantasy booking from months ago is still on schedule.
Ah well for all the complaining and disappointment and whatever junk we're served on a PPV Dish.

It's STILL far less bitching than gaming side will do in a thread.

I don't see Bryan whining on twitter that his whole career may be in jeopardy

Jeff Gerstmann had this post on his blog a few days ago comparing the current state of next gen rumours to wrestling dirt sheets. It makes sense.

It would be great if there was a wrestling version of gaf with a mix of fans and people in the know occasionally dropping info.


Jeff Gerstmann had this post on his blog a few days ago comparing the current state of next gen rumours to wrestling dirt sheets. It makes sense.

It would be great if there was a wrestling version of gaf with a mix of fans and people in the know occasionally dropping info.

no kidding? He did a comparison? Neat.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Probably. Who else could do it?

I expect Cena/Bryan at WM. It's the only thing that makes sense after SS, and they want to continue to pimp Total Divas.

Bryan already beat cena cleanly though. There's not much of a rivalry because Cena said Bryan deserved a shot because he was the best wrestler in the company, Bryan said he could beat cena, and went out and did it.

There's no rivalry. Cena has already acknowledged Bryan as better than him, in kayfabe
This PPV set up a Nikki Bella heel turn, meaning we're getting AJ vs. Nikki vs. Brie, meaning WM is gonna be Punk vs. Cena vs. Bryan. Obviously.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Remember when Jericho was the hell in the HBK feud even though he should have been a face for calling out HBK for cheap shotting people all the time

also, why are non-wrestlers even HAVING heel turns
Even more concerning, who DIDN'T see this coming as soon as HHH got involved.

I really thought Trips would GET how he fucked over Punk and not make the same mistake. He hasn't, technically, in that he's not the protagonist, and Bryan still is, but he's fucked it up in a different way by diluting it with The Big Show (instead of, y'know, a young guy) and having the same thing happen with Orton a billion times in a row.

I'm thinking D. Bry gets fired/suspended tomorrow for kneeing HHH, he goes a way for a little while, comes back hot either at Survivor Series or the Rumble and gets a REAL push. Ratings have still been pretty good with Bryan, so I have to hope they'll see the buyrates were shit because they booked shit PPVs. I still think corporate sellout Punk vs. Bryan is the obvious, best feud for both for 'Mania, as Punk is at the point where he could come back from basically ANYTHING and still be mega-over, but I have little faith in WWE to execute good ideas at the moment - though I have to think that they'll put more effort into Survivor Series, since it actually matters to their bottom line, unlike these glorified house show fall PPVs.


I'm not sure what's been worse... Punk's run post MITB 2011 or Bryan post SS 2013.

The fact that I don't know is kinda scary. fucking haitch man


more money than God
BTW, the problem with the finishes isn't that they're screwjob finishes, it's that they're done badly. Attitude Era had these finishes every PPV, but they were mostly done right.
I'm not sure what's been worse... Punk's run post MITB 2011 or Bryan post SS 2013.

The fact that I don't know is kinda scary. fucking haitch man

Bryan's definitely because at least with Punk they jumped ship in October and basically decided to make up for it by giving him the title for a year. There is no way Bryan comes out of this and gets extended time with the belt.


more money than God
Bryan's definitely because at least with Punk they jumped ship in October and basically decided to make up for it by giving him the title for a year. There is no way Bryan comes out of this and gets extended time with the belt.
He's winning RR. He'll face Cena at WM. You really think Cena/Bryan at SS was the end?
BTW, the problem with the finishes isn't that they're screwjob finishes, it's that they're done badly. Attitude Era had these finishes every PPV, but they were mostly done right.

I think that's the gist of it. The title being in abeyance for 2 months means absolutely nothing when Orton wins it on a screw job as the conclusion. They should have had Orton win with a screw job at NoC then have the storyline actually move forward.


more money than God
I would be worried about doing Bryan/Cena again. Mainly because who is the last guy to get 2 wins over Cena without Cena getting one inbetween.
Cena will win, duh.

Bryan's character is terrible now. He's so uncool, it's ridiculous. I find myself rooting for Orton to just beat this wimp.
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