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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance

I missed the finish to the Bryan-Orton match. It was like SummerSlam '97 except less awesome and not a heel turn. I wonder how long they can go with Bryan getting screwed out of everything. Seems like people are starting to get turned off by it.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I hope Axel gets punished for ruining Big E's moment.

Yeah, you got 'injured', sure. Just like Shad had the shits when he was supposed to job
I guess I wasn't being clear. I don't think Punk could ever have become as popular as Stone Cold. He's not good enough for that (on the mic or in the ring), but he could have been more popular than Cena, but they ruined that.

I agree with that for sure. He beat Cena in merch sales by a big margin that month if I remember correctly. In end though, I still think Punk is seen by most fans as being a level above most guys, face or heel, on the roster, but lower than Cena.


Kane and Big show going to do a Over the hill match.

Big Show is here and he's raising heck, and Kane is going to use all his h-e-double hockey sticks fire to burn big show.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Gold Rush: Gold Rush is the King of the Ring tournament with a championship awarded to the winner. What’s even cooler is that you can inject this into your Universe modes to determine championships.
It's ridiculous that it took this long for it to get in the game, tbh.
she takes commissions now. You can have your own personalized piece of Bo Dallas Art, and you can put it on your walls for everyone to see.
Saw the last hour of the replay. Trips ruined The main event. Was hoping for sweet chin outta no where.

Also I was really impressed with AJ tonight.


I finally got decent internet at my place and watched the PPV tonight.

Where does the WWE go from here? Cena unifying the titles? Bryan vs Orton STILL?

Now that I have fast internet, is anyone playing GTAV on PS3? I just started the online stuff a couple days ago.
Where does the WWE go from here? Cena unifying the titles? Bryan vs Orton STILL?

I see the only options as:

Cena vs Orton (unifying the belts under Cena)
Punk vs. Orton
and Cena vs random monthly challenger (such as Mark Henry)

Mix in some HHH/Big Show, and you have a good idea where this is headed. I have no idea what they do with Bryan at this point though, putting him against Orton is a non starter


So im watching the replay of HITC and lmfao at Brie Bella going Brie-Mode. It's totally going to be a "thing" once her solo career takes off.


So not worth it
There was a PPV tonight? What were the results?

Cody & Goldust retained, Punk GTS'd Heyman on top of the HIAC. Big E won over Ambrose by count-out so Ambrose retained. AJ retained, Cena won WHC, Bryan knee'd Trips, Michaels superkicked Bryan, Orton became WWE champ.

Was yesterday Summer Rae's in-ring debut on the main roster?
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