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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
When's Brock coming back?

Though I do like the idea of pretending he could just show up at any moment. I just don't want it involving Ryback, Curtis Axel, Triple H, Randy Orton, or John Cena.



WCW Monday Nitro 3/1/99

A 10 bell salute to The Renegade, who committed suicide.

TO THE LIMO. David and Torrie are listening to voice mails from Ric.

Ric Flair will have an extremely important announcement tonight.

Buff and Steiner come to the ring. A lot of heeling on the Carolinas. They're calling Goldberg and Rick Steiner out TONIGHT! This will be Buff's first match in nearly a year.

. Fuck you, Riki.

Nash, Disco, Lex, and Liz come to the ramp. Lex forgives Rey for injuring him. Kevin Nash also forgives Rey. They'd like him to come out and offer him a spot in the Wolfpac. Nash calls Rey up. Rey isn't interested.

Recap of Bret/Booker. All of it, from last Summer to last week.

Psychosis vs Kidman WCW Cruiserweight Championship

It's about time Hypno got a title shot since he's defeated pretty much everyone besides Kidman in the last 3 months. Standard cruiser opening. Kidman gets sent to the floor. Baseball slide. Rebound DDT on the floor from Kidman. They go back in the ring just for Hypno to get sent right back out. Kidman does a crossbody to the floor. Kidman gets caught going up one more time and Hypno does a hanging DDT. YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB KIDMAN! Actually, he didn't even turn it into a facebuster. Hypno does a hanging guillotine with Kidman hanging towards the floor. Too bad the camera shot made it impossible to tell what it looked like. Kidman does a diving rana off the guard rail. Sitout gourdbuster. Kidman slips trying a superplex. BK Bomb. Super rana from Hypno. Tornado bulldog. YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB KIDMAN! For real this time. SSP for the win.



Recap of Horsemen being poor sports after Superbrawl.

TO THE BACK. Arn confronts David. He wants to know if David is really throwing his family for Torrie. I probably would. I don't even like my family. Torrie was pretty hot. I can see turning away from my family if I got to bone her whenever. The nWo is just using David to get at Ric and when they're done, they're going to throw him away.

TO THE BACK. Hogan is telling VINCE that he needs to get Stevie Ray in check.

TO THE NITRO PARTY. Fuck you, Riki.

Bam Bam Big Yellow vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

Bam Bam throws Rey around like a baby. Rey's speed only works for a few seconds before Bam Bam squashes him. He holds Rey up for seemingly minutes in a press slam. He throws him over the ropes onto security guards. One armed stalling suplex. Enziguri. Dominator. Bammer is killing poor Rey. All until he misses a diving headbutt, and now Rey is totally cool. Diving X-Factor. Tons of pyro goes off DURING THE MATCH because it's the start of hour 2. That's ridiculous. Like full on pyro on the stage and at the ring. How is that safe? Rey wins with a victory roll. Da Giant Killa!


Gene caught up with Rey as he came to the back. Nash and Lex attacked him. "STOP THE INSANITY!" Lol, Gene was so pissed. On the other side of the backstage area, Raven and Bam Bam got into a fight. Hak shows up and hits both guys and the camera man with his cane.


Ric Flair arrives in his limo. BUT WHO WAS LIMO?!?!

TO THE BACK. Lex, Nash, and Disco are convincing Stevie to fuck VINCE up.

Jerry Flynn vs The Cat

Oh fuck, Jerry got promo time. He also has his mullet in a pony tail and called Cat out. TO THE BACK. Norton calls Cat a pussy for not heading out to face Jerry Flynn right away. Cat now has his James Brown music. He gets almost to the ring and turns around. Now he's mad about something. He slides in the ring and misses Jerry. Boring chants start up. Karate dudes working headlocks. You'd think they'd be knocking the shit out of each other, but they aren't. Both guys hit a kick at the same time and the ref declares that the first person to get up wins the match. They both got up at the same time, but Cat distracted the ref while Sonny kicked Flynn. Cat wins. Flynn chased Sonny after the match. Cat is fucking terrible at making his kicks look like they made contact.


Hugh Morrus vs Saturn

This starts in the aisle. Hugh dominates until Saturn can come back with a Gargoyle suplex. Superkick. Fameasser. Jimmy gets involved and they brawl on the floor. Hugh does a terrible Cactus Elbow. Now we get a long chin lock. Hugh goes up top for a double ax handle. Saturn catches him with a Northern Lights suplex. T-bone. Hugh hits a powerbomb out of the corner. Super rana from Saturn. Way too many guys do a super rana in WCW. ALL of the cruisers, Saturn, Steiner, sometimes Jericho. Speaking of, Jericho hit Saturn with a chain while he had Hugh in the DVD. Hugh wins with the moonsault.

TO THE nWo EXPRESS. Buff and Scott were traveling and found a girl to fuck. I guess they are going around in the bus on the way to Spring Breakout.

Meng was a guest star, fighting against Kung Lao. Lol, Meng doing powerbombs in a MK fight.

Bret Hart vs Chris Benoit

Hopefully this is as good as their first match, which was one of my favorite matches from 1998. Their second match wasn't impressive at all. Actually, that first match was the last decent match Bret was in. Everything since then has been mediocre at best. Canadian chain wrasslin to start it out. Benoit goes to work with chops, but Bret come back with an eye rake. Benoit's knuckles are bleeding. DDT. Piledriver. Benoit tries a come back with a small package. Didn't really work. Backdrop drivaaah. It's like Bret is trying to cause Benoit brain damage that would make him kill his family. Sharpshooter is countered into the Iron Crossface. Bret gets to the ropes. Benoit is in a figure four when we come back from break. Bret with some European uppercuts in the corner. Benoit comes back with chops, headbutts, and kitchen sink. Front suplex on the ropes. Initially, it looked like Bret landed on his face, but he didn't. It just looked rough. Snap suplex. Diving headbutt. Double lariatoo. Both guys go over the ropes with a back suplex. Bret takes a scary and nasty bump right on his head. Windham and Hennig ran out and attacked Benoit. They throw him back in the ring. Bret locks on the Sharpshooter. Benoit is in the ropes. Bret wouldn't break it, so he was disqualified. Dean runs out and levels Bret. The tag champs jump in the ring and choke Dean out with a belt.



The MEGA nWo come to the ring. Most of them, anyway. "nWo slash ala WCW" what the fuck does that even mean, Hulk? He rambles about Flair and says Ric owes it to them to announce his retirement. During Hogan's rambling, VINCE and Stevie got into a fight.

Konnan's new music video.

TO THE MEAN BY GOD GENE. Ric Flair comes out to make his big announcement. Everyone keeps asking him how David could join the nWo. He doesn't know. He talks about meeting a blond 20 years ago and David was the price he had to pay. That sounds like an insult to David, not some "I love my son" kind of thing. His big announcement is that at Uncensored, he and Hogan will have one more match in a cage with barbed wire at the top. It's gonna be like 1985. I think that was code for "excessive blading".

Scott Steiner/Buff Bagwell vs Goldberg/Rick Steiner

This is Rick's first match since October and Buff's first match in a year. Rick and Buff start out. Steinerline. Buff comes back with an eye rake and drop kick. Powerslam. Tags are made. Shoulder block takes Scott down. He comes right back with a t-bone. He unloads in the corner only for Goldberg to do a multi rep press slam. Rick comes in and gets hit with a belly to belly. Rick undoes the turnbuckle pad in his corner. Rick gets whipped into it. Blatant low blow from Scott right in front of the ref. But as I mentioned before, that's totally cool in WCW now. Goldberg gets the hot tag. He leapfrogs Rick, who then hits a double Steinerline. Spear to Buff. Diving clothesline from Rick to Buff for the win.


DQ Count: 1 out of 6 matches.

Decent show. Bret vs Benoit shouldn't ever be anything less than "really good", but it was another decent match between the two. 6 matches on a 3 hour show is ridiculous.


Christian at the top of any list that isn't "Ugliest Wrestler" or "Creepiest wrestler" is ridiculous.

E&C weren't even together that long. The best WWE tag team of all time was clearly The New Blackjacks.

Fave Five Tag Teams;

1. Holy Demon Army
2. The Road Warriors
3. The Miracle Violence Connection
4. The British Bulldogs
5. The Young Bucks.

Also, Dragon/DMZ/anyone else who likes to lol at indy wrestlung, check out this highlight video of TYB's vs Monster Mafia, it's sure to make you blood boil;

The Young Buck's vs Monster Mafia



So not worth it
Aiii... what about the tag team of Kaitlyn and AJ?

To be honest, I don't even think they even ever won a match together.

The most loathsome thing WWE does is how they misuse their female talent. How you can even sit backstage and book a 10-man Diva tag that goes 2 minutes, has 4 people not even tag-in and has your champion lose after taking a single offensive move on a 3-hour show full of recaps, WWE App and Twitter trending bullshit is beyond me. Especially since Strob is illustrating just how damning not having wrestling on your wrestling progam is to your product.

WWE RAW on Monday, September 30th scored a final cable rating of 2.68, for the WWE Battleground “go-home” edition of the show.


Hey i'd be proud to sport a credit card with goldberg, ddp , or the NWO on it.

*spears dragonzord*


There's this weird myth that the one Bella is totally ok because she's dating the IWC darling

It needs to stop.

It's actually true, though. She's improved dramatically over the past few months. That may or may not have anything to do with Bryan, but it's noticeable to me. Watch anything of hers before and after their return to WWE and it's hard to argue there isn't a marked improvement.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Is it just me or did Macho Man never really get any kind of push whatsoever in WCW? Like he was always just sort of there.

I remember he came back to help Sting win the title and vanished again and that's all I remember about him in WCW.


So not worth it
is it really misusing your talent when your 'talent' is cameron, the bellas, aksana, etc?

There's bad male talent too that's still employed for one reason or another.

They have plenty of good female talent. But you can't expect anyone to be a standout in 2 minute tag matches where every person gets one or two moves and then needs to get the fuck out. For one, they can't showcase anything in that time. For another, how can anyone improve if they wrestle maybe half a minute every three weeks?

I mean, Paige and Emma are fan favorites now and people enjoy their matches in NXT, but they won't look even remotely as good when they're on the main roster working 2 minute matches. Not to mention that aside from AJ and The Bellas, not a single female wrestler has any kind of persona. I'd much rather see every decent female on the main roster "demoted" to NXT than the other way around right now. How sad is that?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
You're acting like they're singling out AJ and making her specifically look bad

EVERYONE but the WWE champ is poorly booked.
No one even remembers that Ambrose has the title
Curtis Axel is a joke
The tag champions are the same way as Ambrose
The WHC is Alberto Del Rio who has taken the 'piss break' match crown from the Divas.

For all its improvements, WWE does NOT know how to book titles anymore unless it's the WWE title. They occasionally get it back for a little while, but for every Cody Rhodes, Cesaro, Santino with the IC, Rey Mysterio(midcard), etc reign there's a thousand Kofi Kingston, Kane and Big Show, who cares reigns.


You're acting like they're singling out AJ and making her specifically look bad

EVERYONE but the WWE champ is poorly booked.
No one even remembers that Ambrose has the title
Curtis Axel is a joke
The tag champions are the same way as Ambrose
The WHC is Alberto Del Rio who has taken the 'piss break' match crown from the Divas.

For all its improvements, WWE does NOT know how to book titles anymore unless it's the WWE title. They occasionally get it back for a little while, but for every Cody Rhodes, Cesaro, Santino with the IC, Rey Mysterio(midcard), etc reign there's a thousand Kofi Kingston, Kane and Big Show, who cares reigns.

There's no WWE champion, therefore no one is booked well at the moment?
AJ should be WWE Champion. She's paid her dues, and she knows how to wrestle! She's tired of being held down, according to the fan mail that is sent out!


So not worth it
You're acting like they're singling out AJ and making her specifically look bad

Not my intention, just a recent example that came to mind. WWE does indeed go to the "champion loses, so other person gets title shot"-well way too much.

EVERYONE but the WWE champ is poorly booked.
No one even remembers that Ambrose has the title
Curtis Axel is a joke
The tag champions are the same way as Ambrose
The WHC is Alberto Del Rio who has taken the 'piss break' match crown from the Divas.

For all its improvements, WWE does NOT know how to book titles anymore unless it's the WWE title. They occasionally get it back for a little while, but for every Cody Rhodes, Cesaro, Santino with the IC, Rey Mysterio(midcard), etc reign there's a thousand Kofi Kingston, Kane and Big Show, who cares reigns.

Agreed, though the big difference is at the very least the other champions get matches to showcase themselves. Ambrose in particular has looked great lately in his various matches with and without The Shield. Same goes for Rollins and in particular Reigns, who nobody seemed to like when The Shield debuted and now everyone pretty much loves.

Same goes for Curtis Axel, but he's just falling short due to a combination of just not being that impressive and the way he's been booked throughout his career, it seems there's no redemption there. But yeah, valid point.

Del Rio is not clicking at all, title or no, but gets shot after shot because of his appeal to a certain demographic. He's been pushed too hard and nobody cares, to be honest, I find myself tuning out of most of his matches as well.

I agree about WWE not caring about any belts, but that's not my point. The women in particular are not given any chance of getting over. They get no time, most of them dissapear for no reason from TV (Kaitlyn literally dropped off of the face of the Earth after her feud with AJ, right after they gave her a shirt no less, which indicates that there is interest from viewers in her), no personality, no promo-time... They get no chance at all.

At least Curtis Axel gets to go 15 minutes with Punk on PPV. He might lose, but he gets a chance to showcase what he can do to crowds.


He got various pushes, but was always overshadowed by whatever Hulk was doing, even when Savage was the champion. It was such bullshit. The only times he got a legitimate top billing over Hogan was with the DDP feud and the dreadful Summer months of 1999 that I'm about to come upon. And even then, Hogan would show up right when Savage won the title and win it from him the next night, just like he did in 1998.


So not worth it
He got various pushes, but was always overshadowed by whatever Hulk was doing, even when Savage was the champion. It was such bullshit. The only times he got a legitimate top billing over Hogan was with the DDP feud and the dreadful Summer months of 1999 that I'm about to come upon. And even then, Hogan would show up right when Savage won the title and win it from him the next night, just like he did in 1998.

As you probably know, I'm reading the Death of WCW right now and if that book illustrates anything it's how good Hogan was at manipulating whoever was in charge of WCW at the time at how much of a draw he was, purposely leaving TV during football season, just to return when ratings would automatically go up to prove that he was a draw for instance. The guy really knew how to work the right people backstage so he could always be the top guy, long after he was even remotely a legit draw. It's quite insane.

Especially when you consider it's 14 years later and he still manages to do it in TNA.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Hogan is a brilliant businessman. You gotta give him that. Unlike Bret, he didn't let personal rivalry get in the way of getting paid when he could (ie the deal with him being in WWE 2k and All Stars)
At least Curtis Axel gets to go 15 minutes with Punk on PPV. He might lose, but he gets a chance to showcase what he can do to crowds.
They let AJ 'shoot' on the other divas. If you are specifically talking about AJ, she's gotten a ton of shots. If you make a list of people who get to say 'real shit' on a mic in all of WWE's history you get, Joey Styles, CM Punk, Bret Hart, AJ Lee, and Paul Heyman.

If you're talking about Kaitlyn, then she got plenty of matches. She barely showed any improvement, and she'll likely get to the point like Natalya where they'll just stop caring about getting better because they know they'll never get a chance. But AJ is probably better seated in her position than any other diva, even Trish, Lita, Chyna, etc.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
All I remember from Savage in WCW is a great feud with DDP with a hell of a pop for that victory, and disappointment for everything else. Which, really, is most all my memories of WCW in the last half of the 90s.

Fave Five Tag Teams;

1. Rock and The Undertaker. Due to the fact it was a win simply because mistakes happened and they couldn't do anything but have Undertaker go for the pin. Favourite one day title reign as well
2. Hollywood Blondes Steve Austin and Brian Pillman
3. The Brain Busters, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard.
4. Taiyō Kea & Keiji Mutoh
5. Ted Dibiase and Dr. Death Steve Williams.
(In case #1 doesn't count)
6. The Rockers.

Honorary mentions.
The Wild Samoans, for all those stories outside the ring and often dealing with police.


What's really strange to me is that Hulk stole Savage's thunder at every opportunity he had for a decade and Savage went along with it every time. This is despite Savage clearly being the better worker and more over (especially in WCW).

I loved the WCW Flair/Savage feud and it did much better business for WCW than the Flair/Hogan feud(s).


AJ should be WWE Champion. She's paid her dues, and she knows how to wrestle! She's tired of being held down, according to the fan mail that is sent out!

AJ needs to go back to the funny pages.

Miss Looky Lefty.

She only wears shorts shorts to impress sempai CM PUnk

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
What's really strange to me is that Hulk stole Savage's thunder at every opportunity he had for a decade and Savage went along with it every time. This is despite Savage clearly being the better worker and more over (especially in WCW).

Not that strange. Hogan and Nash are kings of manipulating those in charge. It doesn't matter what Savage wants when Vince and Bischoff are concerned with what Hogan wants. I mean, the same thing happened with Shawn and later on HBK with Vince.

Owen going from top heel in the mid 90s to midcard. Vader being treated like a joke. Owen not getting the push he should have gotten for staying with WWF and having to put over Hunter and be the Blue Blazer(which was more of Russo's doing but whatever)

Hogan is the king of manipulation and HBK was the prince. It's why, despite HBK's great track record of kissing Vince's ass, Hogan showed him how it was done and made it so he'd win their feud.


So not worth it
They let AJ 'shoot' on the other divas. If you are specifically talking about AJ, she's gotten a ton of shots. If you make a list of people who get to say 'real shit' on a mic in all of WWE's history you get, Joey Styles, CM Punk, Bret Hart, AJ Lee, and Paul Heyman.

If you're talking about Kaitlyn, then she got plenty of matches. She barely showed any improvement, and she'll likely get to the point like Natalya where they'll just stop caring about getting better because they know they'll never get a chance. But AJ is probably better seated in her position than any other diva, even Trish, Lita, Chyna, etc.

AJ gets plenty of chances, and AJ is over, sells a shit ton of merchandise and gets cheered by crowds. So yeah, she does, as said, it wasn't specifically about AJ, but about a 10-man Divas tag-match that gets two minutes and does nothing for nobody. So if you want, focus on that instead of a champion losing after one offensive move (which happens to all Divas, not just AJ in this instance). I refuse to believe of all those women, only AJ can get over.

Kaitlyn was pretty hot earlier in the year and her match with AJ at Payback was well regarded by pretty much everyone, as was the build to that match, with especially the contract signing and various spears to AJ that were well executed and fun to watch. As said, it resulted in interest in the match and in both women. So to say she didn't improve is unfair. Kaitlyn has improved alot over the years.

Mind you, we don't need all women to be main event level, but even having just one decent midcard women's feud throughout the year -in this WWE- is never going to happen. (not saying the same feud, but just one women's feud going on at any time).

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I was watching Roger Rabbit before I got into all this Hulk Hogan and divas junk.

I should go back to that. I wish Hulk Hogan was in that movie, brrrrrrother.


When Hogan dies (god forbid )he's going to try to convince god he's the top draw.

Then Bam, Macho man from behind swerves him.


So not worth it
I would lol quite hard if Hogan returned to Earth as the second coming of Christ.

I would probably also stop masturbating in fear he'd see and come legdrop me.


So not worth it
Heaven Wrestling Federation has the best roster, no doubt.

Though, to be fair, with all the drugs and shit, the Devil probably has most of them. Plus Benoit, Hell got Benoit.
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